Chapter 280 My family is the best (28)

"Murder, help!"

A miserable and terrifying cry came from the big room, startling Jin Yan who was collecting clothes in the yard.

Thinking that her father was still there, she immediately dropped her clothes and ran out.

Mei Huiniang and Wen Jinyang also heard the voice, and seeing that Jinyan was not there, they immediately followed.

In the large courtyard.

Wen Lan held a wooden stick in his hand. Facing him was Yang Shi who was trembling with fright but still protecting Wen Ziran. Behind Yang Shi was Wen Ziran whose forehead was bleeding profusely and his face was pale.

Wen's father, Wen's mother, Wen Tan and others were not far behind Wen Lan. It seemed that they wanted to stop Wen Lan, but they were afraid of being beaten.

The Sanfang family were all watching the fun, even though they were all frightened by Wen Lan's "ruthless".

When Jin Yan entered, Wen Lan just threw away Yang Shi who was in the way, and then hit Wen Ziran's legs with a stick.

A click.

The wooden stick as thick as Jin Yan's arm broke in two, and the sound of bones breaking came from Wen Ziran's leg.

Mrs. Yang let out a shrill cry from the side, Wen's father and Wen's mother cried and cursed the wicked beast, Wen Tan said "rude and rude", but no one dared to take a step forward.

Even Wen Ziran might be beaten to death.

Only Wen Zimo took a few steps forward regardless of the objection of Xiao Yang in the room, and persuaded: "Second Uncle, Ziran made a mistake, you hit me too..."

Wen Lan glanced back at Wen Zimo, and said with a sneer, "If you don't stand up, I'd forget that you covered her up."


Wen Zimo wanted to explain, but Wen Lan was not interested in listening to his nonsense.

His attention returned to Wen Ziran.

When he was confronted face to face, he dared to say something like "how can you guarantee that their siblings are innocent?", one can imagine how many rumors Wen Ziran has arranged behind his back.

Thinking of a pair of sons and daughters being associated with those filthy things in the eyes of outsiders, Wen Lan wanted to kill someone.

And he did.

After several kicks, Wen Ziran couldn't even make a sound to ask for help.

Just as he picked up another stick, Wen Zimo's excited voice sounded in his ear. "Jin Yan, please persuade Second Uncle to stop beating him, otherwise he will die."

But he didn't notice at all that since he entered the door, the expression on Jin Yan's face has not changed, nor has there been a trace of sympathy or fear in his eyes.

"Why should I persuade?" Jin Yan said.

Wen Zimo was stunned for a moment, and he muttered, "Second Uncle is beating someone, it's wrong to beat someone..."

Jin Yan said confidently: "It's wrong to hit someone, but Dad must have his reasons for beating someone, he must have a clear conscience, I still want to know, what outrageous thing did Wen Ziran do to kill my dad? Angry."

Wen Lan is really kind enough.

Otherwise, he would have taken revenge on Wen's father, Wen's mother and Dafang 800 years earlier.

Wen Zimo: "..."

Cousin Jinyan trusts the second uncle so much, are you sure that what the second uncle does is right?

"Beating is right. Your father is going to beat him to death, and you still speak for him. Like a father, like a son..."

Before Father Wen could finish cursing, Wen Lan shot a knife in the eye, and Father Wen shut his mouth again in fright.

When Jinyan stepped forward, Mei Huiniang and Wen Jinyang also came.

As soon as he saw Wen Jinyang, Wen Tan felt that he had something to show for himself, and started a series of moral and ethical bombing and kidnapping, hoping that Wen Jinyang could stand with them to fight against Wen Lan.

Otherwise, if Wen Lan killed someone, none of them would be able to rush to the examination room.

Wen Jinyang said expressionlessly after hearing this: "Even if my father killed someone, she should have killed him. Right and wrong, the court will naturally decide. What am I afraid of?"

Wen Tan was stunned speechless.

Yang and Wen's mother reprimanded Mei Huiniang again from the mother's standpoint. They are also mothers. How could Mei Huiniang watch Wen Ziran be beaten cruelly?
Mei Huiniang's face was cold, and she said firmly: "Brother Lan will take action against his niece, it must be because she has done something wrong to my two children, then she deserves to die!"

To make him so angry, there must be something behind it.

Everyone in the yard was shocked by the family's indifference.

At this time, Wen Erya suddenly said: "Second aunt, it's the eldest sister, she said that cousin Jin Yang and Jin..."

Before finishing speaking, Wen Lan and his son looked at her at the same time.

Wen Erya was so frightened that she couldn't move, and Wen Hai, who had a strong desire to survive, covered Wen Erya's mouth.

He used great strength, and forgot to let go because he was too nervous. It wasn't until Wen Lan and his son looked away that he fell down with weak hands and feet.

Falling together was Wen Erya who was almost smothered to death.

But no one noticed.

Wen Lan gave Mei Huiniang a look, "Take Yanyan back."

Mei Huiniang: "Yes."

What the daughter cannot hear and see, unless it is a particularly bloody and cruel scene, is something dirty and dirty.

She gave Wen Ziran a look of hatred, and then she wanted to pull Jinyan to leave.

Jin Yan followed her obediently, and stopped when she thought of something, "Father, if someone can't control that rumor-mongering mouth, then smash her mouth into pieces."

Wen Lan's expression softened a little, and he didn't change his face in the face of anything. This is his daughter.

"Father knows." Wen Lan said.

Jin Yan: "If it still doesn't work, then pull out her tongue and make her speechless."

Wen Lan: "Okay, Dad will remember."

After Mei Huiniang and Jin Yan left, Wen Lan went up and stepped on Wen Ziran's mouth after hearing the sound of them returning to the house and closing the door.

Yang screamed and passed out.

Xiao Yang tightly hugged her son Wen Hu in her arms, preventing him from seeing or hearing the movement outside.

Wen's father and Wen's mother were so frightened that they were about to spit out bile, and Wen Zimo supported Wen Tan who was dizzy, dazed, pale and weak.

The three-bedroom family was already too scared to make a sound.

However, Wen Lan was not affected in the slightest.

While crushing Wen Ziran's mouth back and forth with the sole of his shoe, he told Wen Jinyang, "Yang'er, go find a fire stick, it's best to heat it up."

Wen Jinyang walked towards the kitchen expressionlessly, Wen Zimo rushed up to stop him, but was thrown to the wall by Wen Jinyang lightly, and then to the ground.

He found a fire stick from the kitchen, lit it with a torch and burned it for a while before handing the stick with sparks to Wen Lan.

Wen Ziran under his feet had already become a dying dog.

But as the fire stick slowly approached her cheek, the fear of death still made her squirm like a maggot.

She doesn't want to die.

She hasn't become a real Daughter of Destiny yet.

There is no mark left in history.

She hasn't got the neurotoxin yet, she hasn't killed the family of four, and she hasn't watched Wen Jinyan and her family die silently and in fear with her own eyes.

She can't die!

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(End of this chapter)

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