Chapter 292 My family is the best (40)

Wenjia Village.

Since Wen Lan left, the members of Wen's family have never gone out. Even going to the latrine is like a ghost chasing after them. They are so scared that they dare not stop.

There is no one else, because Wen Ziran's locked cage is still in the courtyard.

Although Dafang tried his best to disassociate the relationship, saying that Wen Ziran was a lonely ghost who didn't know where he came from, had nothing to do with their Dafang, and should be handed over to the village for disposal, but who in the village would dare to take this hot potato?
Therefore, everyone unanimously agreed to let Wen Ziran stay in the Wen family.

This scared the people in Dafang to death.

At this time, Wen Tan proposed to go to the county to prepare for the hospital examination. When he heard that he was leaving home, the eyes of everyone in the big house changed.

Mother Wen said cautiously: "Tan'er, I remember that the exam is more than one month away, and I should catch up with it a few days later. Why don't you study at home, and someone can take care of you."

Wen Tan said with a troubled face: "Mother, it's not that I don't want to stay at home, it's really that the exams can't be delayed, the second child bought a mansion in the county in such a hurry, so that Jin Yang can have a quiet and comfortable place to study, convenient He went to see his husband and friends for advice, but his son stayed at home and didn’t even go out, so how can he improve?”

Then he complained: "The second child is too unfeeling. The whole family is related by blood, and the bones are still connected. He said that he would divide the clan, and he would not associate with anyone if he said that he would cut off contact. He is dissatisfied with his son. That's all, he doesn't even care about your elders, he doesn't care about his biological parents when he lives in the county, he is too cruel."

After the words fell, Wen Zimo hesitated to speak, and Xiao Yang rolled her eyes and covered her son's ears with her hands.

Mother Wen scolded Wen Lan when she was touched.

But no matter how hard she scolded, only she knew how she felt in her heart.

The noise from the big room spread to the courtyard, Wen Erya heard it and taught it to Wen Hai and Wang, and Wen Hai cursed on the spot in disgust.

Bah, soft bones!
Such a big incident happened in the family, and it was his daughter who was bewitched by it. The whole family didn't know what to do, but he wanted to be beautiful, and wanted to hide away, why?
Mrs. Wang also scolded Wen Tan a few words, and then complained, "But your second brother is really cruel, and our third room has nothing to do to him. It's fine if he hates the eldest room, but even we also blamed him. , I think it is because they are developed that they are afraid that we will take advantage of them, so they will not associate with us."

Wen Hai remained silent.

In the courtyard, Wen Ziran was bargaining with the system again.

"System, when will you find a body that suits me? Later, when Wen Lan returns from the county, what if they burn me to death?" Wen Ziran said anxiously.

She is tired of this body, this identity.

Thinking of something, Wen Ziran said again: "You told me that there is another counterattack script, then you can find a big family in the capital, preferably with a background in a prince's mansion or something, even if it is a princess, I can do it, although I can't compare it." My previous life, but I can reluctantly accept it, anyway, I don’t want to be a peasant girl anymore.”

System 010: "..."

I'm afraid you're not thinking about ass!
Furthermore, with your IQ, if you really became a prince, you might not be able to survive even one episode.

"System, did you hear that? If I don't change my identity, how can I meet the prince?"

Mentioning the prince, Wen Ziran was furious again, "You keep saying 'love at first sight' can make the prince fall in love with me at first sight, why didn't the prince notice when something happened to me? Can you notice it?"


So this idiot doesn't know the difference between "props" and "truth"?

Looking at Wen Ziran, who was still chattering and daydreaming in the deep mud, 010 felt deeply tired and regretful.

What bad luck.

How is it unlucky to be bound to such a thing.

On the other side, after Wen Jinyang went out, only Jin Yan and Si Fengxuan were left at home.

Unable to bear Jinyan being bored in the high-walled courtyard, Si Fengxuan suggested, "Do you want to play outside?"

Jin Yan: "Where are you going?"

Si Fengxuan: "You can go wherever you want, eat, drink and have fun, wherever you want."

Jin Yan hesitated, "Daddy told me not to go out..."

"That's because he's worried about you, what can happen if I'm here?" Si Fengxuan stared into Jinyan's eyes as he spoke.

After looking at each other, Jin Yan made a final decision, "Then let's go!"

Seeing her excited look, Si Fengxuan also showed a smile on his face, and then took a delicately embroidered veil from his bosom, "Put this on, no one will recognize you, and your parents won't be able to recognize you." I know you're out."

Looking at the thin veil, Jin Yan hehe.

That's it?

There is a ghost if you don't recognize it.

No, where did Si Fengxuan get this thing?

She looked at Si Fengxuan suspiciously, "My lord, why do you have this thing?"

Si Fengxuan pretended to be hesitant, and Jin Yan's face turned slightly cold, "Someone used it before, right? Then I don't want it."

Just as she was about to throw the veil over, Si Fengxuan grabbed her wrist, "I just teased you on purpose, why would this king give you something that someone else used, and how could this king take something that was used by someone else?" thing?"

Jin Yan was so angry that he didn't want to talk to him.

On the side, Yun Jian explained: "Miss Wen, the lord specially ordered the embroidered lady to make this veil. The lord said that you must be bored in the yard, so he asked the embroidered lady to make a lot, so that you can go out as you like."

Si Fengxuan looked at Jin Yan flatteringly, "Now you should believe that this king didn't lie to you, right?"

"You master and servant are of the same mind, where can I find a loophole." Jin Yan said deliberately.

Si Fengxuan glared at Yun Jian, "You just opened your mouth? I want you to talk too much!"

Yun Jian: "..."

How could this be his fault?

Jin Yan glared at Si Fengxuan, "Don't show your power indiscriminately, you don't know good people."

Yun Jian nodded frantically.

Ms. Wen is still sensible!

Si Fengxuan glanced over, and then he lowered his head and pretended to be dumb.

Si Fengxuan softly coaxed Jin Yan to go out, "It's still early at noon, let's go out quickly, don't waste time."

They wandered around all morning, visiting most of the shops, and Jin Yan bought presents for his parents and elder brother with his body.

On the way back, Jinyan leaned against the carriage to doze off, and Si Fengxuan kept staring at her.

Finally, Jin Yan couldn't bear it anymore, "My lord, it's because I didn't buy you a gift, why are you so covetous?"

Si Fengxuan: "As for."

This can't fix Jin Yan.

She couldn't help laughing, "You didn't mention a word when I bought it before, and now you feel wronged?"

Si Fengxuan said quietly: "You didn't take the initiative to say that you would give this king a gift, why did this king remind you, do you think this king is shameless?"

The corner of Jin Yan's mouth twitched, "Then do you think you have face now?"

Si Fengxuan: "..."

He didn't get back his face, and was ridiculed mercilessly.

 Jin Yan: He seems to be out of his mind~
  Si Fengxuan: What brain, I am a love brain!
(End of this chapter)

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