Chapter 296 My family is the best (44)

The system's scorn and ridicule made Wen Ziran dumb on the spot.

She had a swear word lingering on her lips, but finally bit her teeth and swallowed it, and turned to urge the system, "Have you found a new body? Hurry up and find a body that fits me and send me out of here. I don't even think about it for a second." Stay here, I'm leaving!"

If he didn't leave again, he would either be burned to death by Wen Lan and the people in Wen's Village, and be saved by physics.

Or, be superseded by these three magic sticks.

No matter which ending, it shouldn't be her ending.

She should be like the heroines in the time-traveling dramas, killing all directions, sitting on thousands of favors, and reaching the pinnacle of life!

But the system just said perfunctorily: I'm looking for it, I'm looking for it.

Wen Ziran was about to die of anger, "You can't take it so seriously, I have been transcended by physics, and you have to find a new partner, can you find someone more suitable than me?"



It originally thought that Wen Ziran would be a good partner, but the reality is that Wen Ziran's stupidity refreshed his knowledge time and time again.

Compared to Wen Ziran, who is stupid and arrogant, there is a candidate who has a more scheming mind, a more flexible mind, and a stronger fighting spirit than her.

Wen Ziran didn't know that the system already had the idea of ​​giving up on her, and now she could only urge 010 while begging for the physical supernatural power to come later, later.

On the other side, Yun Ming said bluntly to Wen Lan: "This person has too much resentment, and keeping it is only for harming the world. I think I just burn it."

Kongming: "Amitabha."

other people:"……"

This monk has been there "Amitabha" since he appeared, and he has recited it countless times. So what does he mean?
To burn or not to burn?
Chang Ming glanced at the trembling Wen Ziran, then at Wen Lan, and pointed out: "The cycle of cause and effect, it's not that there is no report, the time has not yet come."

Wen Lan's expression changed slightly, he chewed Chang Ming's words repeatedly in his heart, suddenly his face became gloomy, and he said in a deep voice, "What does the Daoist mean, is that there is still a feud between her and me?"

Chang Ming shook his head, "The heavenly secret must not be revealed."

Wen Lan lowered her face.

It was he who was careless.

Since Wen Ziran can come back from the dead, how can it be said that this is Wen Ziran's first life?

If she had been "Wen Ziran" before, and used rumors such as "brothers and sisters being incompatible" to harm Yang'er and Yanyan, and her plot had succeeded...

If, at that time, he delayed his trip due to other things and did not return home as scheduled, the three of Huiniang, mother and son could only live listening to those dirty rumors all day long. Like, isn't it...

Thinking of this, Wen Lan really wished he could kill Wen Ziran a thousand times or ten thousand times.

Others couldn't understand the conversation between Wen Lan and Chang Ming, but felt that Wen Ziran was too evil, so it was better to deal with her quickly.

Yun Ming said impatiently: "Whatever the cause and effect, if you die, you will lose everything."

After speaking, he asked Kongming again, "Old bald donkey, you have read the scriptures for a long time, tell me, what do you think?"

As soon as Kong Ming uttered the word "A", Yun Ming couldn't bear it and covered his ears, "Just say what you say, don't say it, it's so annoying."

"Yes, Amitabha."


Yun Ming gave up resisting, "Momo Haw, with this kung fu, you can melt into a sitting position."

Kongming didn't mind his rudeness, but said sincerely: "The monks are merciful. After the female benefactor leaves, I will recite sutras for her personally, monk."


Yun Ming laughed out loud.

The corner of Wen Lan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't bear to look directly at Kong Ming. It was hard to imagine that this kind-hearted monk could say such a thing.

However, Kong Ming's expression of "I'm too kind" and "today's good people and good deeds get" is even more outrageous with his own image and identity.

Wen Ziran in the corner was so frightened that his eyes burst into tears.

But soon, her horrified and desperate cries were drowned in one after another of laughter.

Suddenly, a small voice said: "But she didn't harm anyone, so should I kill her?"

The person who said it was very inconspicuous and had no sense of presence. After speaking, he glanced at Wen Lan.

Wen Lan didn't miss the hostility and jealousy in the other party's eyes.

He didn't bother to answer such questions.

Kong Ming started Amitabha again.

Changming said with an inscrutable look: "The cause of the previous life, the result of the present life, people are doing it, and the sky is watching, right and wrong, wrong, and retribution is not good."

The man was taken aback, then lowered his head in panic.

And Wen Lan's eyes became colder.

He wanted to stop it, but since he had a feud, he couldn't blame him for being ruthless.

Knowing that she didn't have much in the world anymore, Wen Ziran yelled in fear, she stopped talking hard, but begged for mercy until her voice became hoarse.

But in the end, her life as Wen Ziran ended hastily and ridiculously.


Jin Yan only found out afterwards that the fire in Wenjia Village lit up the sky that night.

After the practice with monks and priests, all the people present in the village saw another "Wen Ziran" who was dressed completely differently from them in the firelight.

They saw with their own eyes the scene of the strangely dressed Wen Zi suddenly disappearing into the sea of ​​flames.

But is Wen Ziran really dead?
"Thinking about Wen's Village again?"

Si Fengxuan's voice came, interrupting Jin Yan's thoughts, she said: "Tell me, is Wen Ziran really dead?"

"Dead or not, does it matter?" Si Fengxuan said.

Jin Yan: "That's right, dead or not, anyway, she lives in the hearts of everyone in the village, and no one will forget her until she dies."

Si Fengxuan smiled, and comforted him: "The soldiers come to cover the water and earth, the sky will fall and there will still be me and your father, don't worry."

It would be best for Wen Ziran to die, once and for all, clean and tidy.

If she survived by luck and reappeared as another person, still as restless as before, thinking of harming Jinyan, then what awaited her would be another more grand and spectacular deliverance.

He didn't believe it, the person Si Fengxuan wanted to kill, Lord Yan dared not accept!
"Don't worry, I'm just curious." Jin Yan said.

Si Fengxuan said forcefully: "Don't be curious, there's nothing to be curious about, don't waste your time on such an insignificant person, you don't want to go out to play, the weather is good today, suitable for going out."

Jin Yan's interest was also aroused, "Then you have to prepare snacks and tea, otherwise it will be boring."

Si Fengxuan: "It's all ready, just wait for Miss Wen's order."

Jin Yan: "Then let's go. It's a pity that brother is too busy to take time off now. Otherwise, when he goes together, maybe he can write a few more autumn poems."

Si Fengxuan automatically filtered to the latter words.

He wouldn't tell Jinyan that he deliberately picked such a day when Wen Jinyang wasn't there.

Uncle or something is the most annoying thing.

 Ask for a wave of tickets~ Meme

(End of this chapter)

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