After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 30 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 30 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (30)

The eldest princess and the eldest princess entered the palace early in the morning.

Before leaving the mansion, he repeatedly told Jin Yan that if someone took the opportunity to mock and laugh at her today, don't hold back, just call back face to face.

He also reminded a few servant girls that they must not be taken lightly, that places like the palace are full of dirty tricks.

The empress and the crown prince have been confined for many days, and I don't know how much resentment they have in their hearts. Now that they are finally allowed to participate in the banquet, there is no guarantee that they will not do stupid things.

In the afternoon, Gu Jinhe came to pick up Jinyan.

He sat in the carriage with Jin Yan, and told Jin Yan about the recent court affairs on the way.

After listening to a few words, Jin Yan understood.

"Brother asked me to guard against the third prince and the others. I made a note of it. They weren't very close." Jin Yan said.

Gu Jinhe smiled when he heard the words, and deliberately tried, "Really? Then you borrow the cloak for the Seventh Prince, and give him the key to keep fit."

Jin Yan said angrily, "Your Highness the Seventh Prince is different."

"Why is it different? Just because he is good-looking?" Gu Jinhe teased Jinyan.

Jin Yan was confident, "Isn't good-looking enough?"

Gu Jinhe: "..."

If Yan Yan knew the seventh prince first, wouldn't the prince have no chance at all?
The brothers and sisters were chatting when suddenly there was a panic screaming outside.

The carriage stopped suddenly, and due to inertia, Jin Yan slammed backwards.

"elder brother!"

Jin Yan grabbed Gu Jinhe with one hand, and looked for a fulcrum in the car with the other.

In the next second, someone grabbed his shoulders.

"Did you hit it?" Gu Jinhe looked at Jinyan worriedly.

Jin Yan shook his head, but his waist felt a little uncomfortable, the shaking just now was too big.

She hurriedly touched Gu Jinhe's shoulder, "I heard a 'bang' just now, brother, did you hurt?"

Gu Jinhe said it was okay.

I do have some pain in my shoulder, but bearable.

He let go of Jin Yan, raised the curtain, and before he could ask any questions, the guard Gu Ping came over.

Gu Ping worried: "My lord, you and the princess are not injured, right? The subordinates have sent people to the Tai Hospital."

"It's nothing, Yan Yan was shocked." Gu Jinhe said,
Gu Ping looked even more worried, "Why don't you go down the street and find a doctor to have a look?"

Gu Jinhe said no, "It's fine to see the imperial doctor after entering the palace. What happened?"

Gu Ping's expression changed immediately, and he said displeasedly: "My lord, just now a child rushed out suddenly, just after my subordinates rescued the child, a woman rushed over shouting 'Don't hurt the child', that person clearly threw us She became a vicious villain! As soon as she came over, the horses stimulated by the incense powder on her body were frightened, which caused a riot!"

When the words fell, a woman's voice sounded outside.

"Why should I apologize, I just wanted to save this kid's life, did I do something wrong?"

Immediately someone said that the girl did a good job.

The guards of the Gu family turned blue with anger, "You are so unreasonable! This kid's family didn't take good care of him and let him wander in the crowded street. We brothers wanted to hug him aside because we were afraid that he would get hurt. It’s good for you to find a family member for him, you don’t ask indiscriminately, and you come up and slander us to harm this child! Not to mention, it’s the pungent fragrance powder on your body that shocked the horse!”

"That's because you didn't reveal your identities in advance, who knows if you are human traffickers!" the woman retorted.

The people around who knew the sign of the Gu family's carriage all laughed.

The guard smiled angrily, "It's really shameless, the girl slandered us as human traffickers, what about the girl herself? Who knows that you are not a human trafficker?"

 good night

  Ask for a wave of votes, love you
(End of this chapter)

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