Chapter 314 My family is the best (62)

Jin Yan wanted to hand over 288 to find out, but was pulled back to reality by Si Fengxuan.

His face was full of envy and jealousy towards Wen Lan, and he even thought bitterly, if only he were Jin Yan's father!

"Why are you looking at me like that? You don't want to be my father, do you?" Jin Yan said.

Si Fengxuan: "..."

He tentatively asked, "Is it so obvious?"

The corner of Jin Yan's mouth twitched, so angry that he wanted to beat him up.

Too much to beat.

She seriously suspected that Si Fengxuan was really out of his mind.

Jin Yan shook his head in disgust, "It's useless to be obvious, stop daydreaming, my dad is my dad, the best dad in the world, no one can replace him, no one can become him!"

Si Fengxuan was even more jealous now.

And let alone him, even 288, who already knew how much Jin Yan adored his father, couldn't help feeling emotional after hearing this.

As expected, there is a reason why the big villain dotes on his precious daughter so much.

With such a daughter who always shows off how good her father is to others, and who always protects her father, who wouldn't want to turn into a crazy girl?

It's no wonder that the villain was able to destroy the world after the host had an accident.

Suddenly, 288 violently shook his head.


How can it understand the behavior of the villain?

At this time, Si Fengxuan thought of another brilliant idea.

Seeing the smug smile on his depressed face just now, Jin Yan frowned and said, "What are you thinking about?"

The corners of Si Fengxuan's lips raised slightly, and he confidently shared with Jin Yan the good idea he had just thought of, "It's a pity that I can't be a father to Yan Yan, but this king will also have his own daughter. When she is born, this king must Bring the best things in the world to her, and I will also be the best father in the world."

At that time, there will naturally be a daughter who looks as jade and snowy as Yan Yan, and will tell others that he is the best father in the world, and that no one can replace him, and no one can become him!
After Si Fengxuan finished speaking, Jin Yan was stunned.

She thought Si Fengxuan was simply mentally ill.

Unexpectedly, the power of daydreaming increased instead of decreased.

Return my daughter!

They have been together for so long, and they have not even seen the shadow of the child.

Of course, it is also possible that there will never be children.

If the existence of this system was really created for her by her father, then her father should not trust his daughter to anyone.

But Jin Yan didn't discourage Si Fengxuan's confidence, instead he encouraged him, "Then learn more like my father, I can't be sure, when will he really recognize you."

Si Fengxuan didn't know the deep meaning of Jin Yan's words.

He is still taking care of himself silly.

The two had dinner in the restaurant, and Si Fengxuan took Jinyan to other properties under his name to play for a while.

It's just for fun, but it's actually no different from handing in a small treasury.

After inspecting for a whole day, it was getting late, and when Si Fengxuan sent Jin Yan home, rude and rude scolding came from the opposite side.

"My lord, it's the Yun family's carriage." Yun Jian said.

Thinking of the figure he saw during the day, Jin Yan's eyes moved, "Is Wen Ziran also in the carriage?"

Yun Jian listened carefully, "Yes."

Si Fengxuan looked at Jin Yan, "What do you want to do?"

Jin Yan glared at him, and said angrily, "Do you need me to do anything else? With Wen Ziran around, they will deliver it themselves."

In the Yun family's carriage, Wen Ziran was chatting with the brothers and sisters of the Yun family, only to hear that a servant here said that there was a carriage blocked in the middle of the road.

Just as Mr. Wen wanted to ask someone to check who was on the other side, Wen Ziran said, "I can't imagine that there are people in the capital who don't take Chengenhou's mansion seriously."

The brothers and sisters of the Yun family were not happy when they heard it. In this imperial city, except for the Son of Heaven and King Ning, who would dare to underestimate their Cheng Enhou Mansion?
You know, their eldest aunt is the empress, their cousin is the crown prince, and their father is the uncle of the dynasty!
But they didn't know that King Ning was sitting in the opposite carriage.

The guards of the Yun family cursed, "Good dogs don't get in the way", before they were kicked ten meters away by the guards of the palace.

The others didn't have time to react, so they were also beaten to the ground.

The guards of the Yun family were frightened and dumbfounded.

They are not the guards who have never seen the world in the Princess's Mansion. They have been in the capital all the time, so they naturally know what kind of people have such well-trained and skilled guards.

But Young Master Yun and Miss Yun in the carriage don't know what happened outside.

After waiting for a while, Wen Ziran opened the curtain curiously when the carriage was still not seen.

Seeing this, she was frightened silly.

Seeing that Wen Ziran's face changed with fright, Miss Yun was still winking with Mr. Yun, and complained silently to her brother, what kind of county lord, who has never seen anything in the world, she was frightened out of her wits.

Mr. Yun sensed something was wrong.

Except for a loud yell, they didn't hear any more sound, so what was Wen Ziran afraid of?
He hurriedly opened the curtain of the car, but saw that the coachman had already knelt on the ground at some point, and his guards were all kneeling on the ground tremblingly.

Young Master Yun looked up, and suddenly his whole body became cold.

"Ning, Ning..."

"Mr. Yun, you are so brave, you dare to send your servants to assassinate our prince in the street!" Yun Jian shouted loudly.

Yunzhu added fuel and vinegar, "The prince read a book of Lord Yun in the court hall the day before yesterday, just because Lord Yun allowed his tribe to occupy the people's good land, plunder the women of a good family, and give us usury to oppress the people. Today he ordered the slaves to assassinate our prince. I think he is just angry because the lord exposed the hypocrisy of Lord Yun and blocked their Yun family's way of making money, so he ordered his servants to assassinate the lord to avenge his revenge!"

"The Yun family is deceiving people too much!"

"King Ning is a good man, and King Ning upholds justice for the poor!"

"The Yun family should be damned. The family from my mother's family just couldn't get rid of it for a while and borrowed money from them. As a result, they sold their sons and daughters for a lot of money, and the family was ruined!"

The common people were filled with righteous indignation and accused the Yun family of their crimes.

For a moment, the whole street was full of scolding of Yun's family.

Mr. Yun: "..."

Miss Yun: "..."

Wen Ziran: "..."

After the three-faced bewilderment, it was the despair of the three-faced.

But at this time Wen Ziran asked again, "My aunt is the queen, and my cousin is the prince. Why are you so afraid of King Ning?"

The brothers and sisters of the Yun family wished they could tear her apart.

"Shut up!" Master Yun scolded.

Ms. Yun also gave Wen Ziran a hard look, "It's all your fault, if you didn't use aggressive tactics, would we be able to give orders without looking at the outside situation?"

Wen Ziran: " can I blame me, I didn't mean it, and I don't know what will happen..."

Before she finished speaking, the brothers and sisters of the Yun family had already climbed out of the carriage to plead guilty.

They knew in their hearts that in this imperial city, apart from rebellion, there was nothing bigger than "assassinating King Ning".

After all, the assassination and poisoning of King Ning was a scar that would never heal in the hearts of the prince and queen mother. Whoever touches this scar will die.

(End of this chapter)

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