Chapter 317 My family is the best (65)

After leaving the palace, Yun Jian and Yun Zhu went straight to Wen's house, and the rewards and pastries they brought from the palace also stayed in Wen's house.

"My lord, I'm afraid this is inappropriate." Wen Lan said.

Si Feng Xuanhun said indifferently: "There is nothing wrong with this king's stuff, whoever this king wants to give it to is his."

Jin Yan: "That's all. These meals are specially prepared by the Empress Dowager for you. I'm afraid it won't make sense if you don't keep any of them."

Si Fengxuan had no choice but to say helplessly: "Just take a box over there, keep the rest, and eat slowly."

After speaking, he left directly.

Jinyan ate some snacks when she returned home. Mei Huiniang looked at her daughter and said worriedly, "Brother Lan, this..."

"It's okay, put it away first." Wen Lan said.

Mei Huiniang had no choice but to follow suit.

On the second day, Si Fengxuan came again.

Jin Yan said that she wanted to go to the outer city to see if there were any novelties. There were businessmen from all over the world gathered there, many of whom were from overseas and the Western Regions. The things she wanted probably existed there.

Si Fengxuan talked about what treasures could be found in that kind of place, but he obediently took Jinyan to the market.

After wandering around half of the market, Jin Yan finally found the potatoes and corn brought by the Hu merchants. The funny thing is that the Hu merchants themselves don’t know how much these two things are produced. They just heard a passing caravan talk about it. Two things are treasures and can fetch a good price.

But the asking price is not as high as their gold, silver, jade and precious stones.

When Jin Yan told Hu Shang that he wanted everything, the other party's eyes seemed to see some fool.

Si Fengxuan didn't care what the use of these things was, if Jin Yan wanted to buy them, he ordered Yun Jian to take the money, but Yun Xiu paid the money first.

Seeing Jin Yan's happy expression, Si Fengxuan was also happy, "Are these two things important?"

Jin Yan raised his eyes and looked at him, "It can make the people of the whole world no longer hungry, do you think it is important?"

Si Fengxuan's eyes also slightly widened.

"Let's go, let's take a look, maybe there are other gains." Jin Yan said.

She subconsciously grabbed Si Fengxuan's hand.

Si Fengxuan froze for a moment, then took Jin Yan's hand in his backhand.

"Well, what else are you looking for? Tell them about the shape and let them search separately." Si Fengxuan said.

Jin Yan thought for a while, "Too many."

Si Fengxuan said: "Don't worry, think slowly, if you can't find it here, the king will send people out to search the whole world, and you can always find what you want."

After shopping for a long time, they found sunflower seeds and peanuts again.

When Jinyan got it, she wanted to put the melon seeds in her mouth, but Si Fengxuan hurriedly stopped her, a little distressed and amused, "Why do you put everything in your mouth?"

"This is edible." Jin Yan said.

Si Fengxuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I know that if you can't eat it, you wouldn't bother looking for it."

Jin Yan: "..."

Si Fengxuan grabbed her hand, took all the melon seeds in her hand, and let Yun Jian put them in again.

He wiped Jinyan's hands, and said as he walked, "There will be new Hu merchants here every day, and this king will tell them what they need in the future. If there is something new, let them report it on their own initiative, and then send someone to keep an eye on it." , you don’t need to come and look for it yourself.”



When she returned to Wen's house, Jinyan had someone dig a large cellar. She kept a small part for everyone to taste, and stored the rest in the cellar, and took it out to plant when the weather was warmer.

In order to prepare the potato feast, all the cooks from the palace came to Wen's house.

After instructing everyone what to do, Jin Yan found an iron pot and set it up in the yard.

"What are we going to do now?" Si Fengxuan asked.

Jinyan took half a bowl of corn that had been washed and dried.

Si Fengxuan picked up one and put it to his mouth, bit it but didn't move, "This hard thing, besides grinding it into flour, how else can I eat it?"

Jin Yan: "Popcorn."

"Popcorn? Popped?" Si Fengxuan asked.

Jin Yan: "Yes."

Seeing that Jinyan was going to fry it himself, Si Fengxuan squatted down to light the fire, and Yun Jian and the others were frightened.

"My lord, I'd better leave it to my subordinates to light the fire." Yun Jian said.

Si Fengxuan: "No, you all stand down."

Yun Jian: "But, you..."

"Get out!"

A sullen expression appeared on Si Fengxuan's face, Yun Jian and others didn't dare to persuade them anymore, so they had to step aside and look at Si Fengxuan, "Women sing and husbands follow".

As the temperature of the iron pot rose, the golden corn slowly bloomed like flower buds, and everyone's eyes were drawn to it.

"Wow, it really exploded!"

"No wonder it's called popcorn. The white part really looks like rice."

"I don't know what this smells like..."

"Miss said, you can put sugar, it's sweet and delicious."

After a while, Jin Yan finally stopped.

Si Fengxuan immediately took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off her forehead, looking at her slightly flushed cheeks, he said distressedly: "I knew it would be a waste of time, I would have let the cook cook it."

"Fortunately, I feel a sense of accomplishment doing it myself, but it's also my first time making it, so I don't know if it's delicious or not," Jin Yan said.

Even in the last days, even in the early 80s, she never really worried about her livelihood.

Not to mention making popcorn, she has never even sold popcorn.

Si Fengxuan was not surprised by this, the Jinyan in his dream was also pampered and did not need to do these things by himself.

He said "how can it be bad", and picked up a popcorn and ate it.

Si Fengxuan: "Sweet and fragrant..."

"Sweetie, I haven't added sugar yet." Jin Yan said.


Jin Yan processed it one last time before showing the popcorn to everyone to taste. Undoubtedly, it received unanimous praise.

"Don't rush to praise me, wait until the potato feast is over, then slowly praise, now you can think of compliments." Jin Yan said.

Everyone: "..."

How can that earth lump be so delicious?
Then, everyone was "really fragrant".

After the meal, Jin Yan took out the fried sunflower seeds again, this time no one was worried that they were inedible or poisonous.

"Miss Wen, if there is anything else you can eat, write it down, and the subordinates will look for it tomorrow." Yunzhu said.

Others also expressed their opinions one after another. If they had known that the lump of soil could make so many delicious things, they would have searched for seeds all over the world.

Naturally, Jin Yan would not tell them that he was lucky enough to find these crops because he had already negotiated terms with the system.

She didn't discourage everyone's enthusiasm, but encouraged them, and when they came across novel things that they hadn't seen before, she would show them to her.

Before leaving, Si Fengxuan secretly took Jinyan's hand and asked in a low voice, "Yanyan, how many surprises do you have that the king doesn't know about?"

Jin Yan casually took out another cement formula.

 I feel better soon, but I keep coughing, my throat is very itchy, I keep coughing, I can’t sleep at night due to coughing, I feel more tired now than after the infection, tired and sleepy, I can’t do anything

(End of this chapter)

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