Chapter 321 My family is the best (69)

"My lord, it has been verified that the person Miss Wen saw was Wen Tan."

When Si Fengxuan got the news, Wen Lan had already stood in front of Wen Tan, whose alias was "Wen Qian".

Compared with a year ago, Wen Tan looks ten years older, and there are two more obvious scars on his face. The only thing that remains the same is his pretentious temperament.

The moment Wen Lan appeared, Wen Tan froze for a moment, and then pretended to be a stranger and asked Wen Lan why he broke into his guest room.

But he thought he was covering it up well, but his eyes couldn't help looking at Wen Lan, and he would naturally show jealousy and unwillingness.

Wen Lan looked at him coldly for a moment, then stepped forward and said, "Brother, long time no see."

"You've got the wrong person, I don't understand what you're talking about." Wen Tan hurriedly looked away.

Wen Lan walked over boldly and sat down at the main seat, and Shi Dashan who came with him immediately went up like a dog and poured him a cup of tea.

Shi Dashan: "Master Hou, please have some tea."

Wen Lan gave a "hmm", then slowly picked up the teacup and sniffed it, then put the tea back on the table.

The sound of the smashing teacup when it fell startled Wen Tan, and also woke him up from the shock brought by the word "Hou Ye".

Lord Hou?

Obviously he is smarter and more talented than Wen Lan, obviously he has studied hard for many years, and obviously he is the one who should be able to flourish...

But now, this mud-legged Wen Lan has become Lord Marquis, but he can only risk beheading and live as a stranger.

How unfair fate is!
Wen Tan's unwillingness to struggle was seen by Wen Lan, he sneered, and suddenly asked: "Brother has read a lot of books, I wonder if you still remember what I said to the regulations?"


"Brother, do you know what will happen to the crime of deceiving the emperor?" Wen Lan asked.

Wen Tan's face changed, and he became more and more uneasy, "What do you want to do?"

He was a person who had committed a crime, but he was somehow rescued, and he still lived as someone else. This is more than a crime of deceiving the emperor.

If we really want to investigate further, I'm afraid that the whole family and even the whole family will be convicted because of him.

Wen Lan is his younger brother, even if he is separated, it will be inextricably linked. Once he is convicted, Wen Lan will not be much better.

"It depends on what you want to do, brother." Wen Lan said.

Wen Tan: "..."

Wen Lan: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. I personally thought that the grievances between us had been settled in Ning County, but elder brother obviously didn't think so. As the saying goes, how can we repay kindness with kindness? Since elder brother doesn't want to let us go, then I had no choice but to kill them all!"

After the words fell, Wen Tan backed away in fright.

Because he was too anxious, he staggered a few steps and almost fell down.

After standing still in embarrassment, Wen Tan frowned and said, "I don't know you, and I don't have a younger brother..."

"You'd better be." Wen Lan said coldly.

Wen Tan stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, someone knocked on the door. The man dressed as a royal guard saluted and said, "This subordinate pays homage to Lord Hou. Can the matter of asking Lord Hou be settled properly? The prince ordered that if he is a villain, he will be handed over to the capital. Zhaofu asked the government to investigate and deal with it, so that Lord Hou would not have to worry about these trivial matters."

After a pause, the guard said again: "My lord also ordered that he got the best Yuqian Longjing recently. If Lord Hou is free, he can go to the palace for a while."

"Understood, thank you prince for me." Wen Lan said.

When the guards retreated, Wen Tan's expression was already ugly.

He wanted to report to the officials for Wen Lan, and invited him to drink tea. Does it mean that King Ning also knew what happened to the Wen family?

From this point of view, the title of Marquis Wen Lan, as the mysterious man said, was begged by King Ning from the emperor.

Now that Wen Lan has King Ning as his big backer, can he really shake the Wen family?
Can the mysterious man who rescued him shake King Ning, who is loved and trusted by the emperor and queen mother?

For a moment, Wen Tan couldn't help but wonder if he made another wrong choice.

The mysterious man said that as long as he goes to Beijing to file a complaint, expose Wen Lan's beating and killing of his niece before the palace test, and then tell the world about Wen Jinyang's attitude at that time, then Wen Jinyang's character will be criticized, and Wen Jinyang's life will be over.

But when he agreed to go to Beijing, the current situation was not what it is now.

At that time, Wen Lan was not the Lord Hou who was valued by King Ning, and Wen Jinyang did not have five yuan in high school, but now...

"It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words, but I still want to say something. Before you do anything, brother, at least think about the parents, wives and children who have been implicated by you, and think about how many nine clans you can kill."

After speaking, Wen Lan took the people and left.

The moment the door closed, Wen Tan, who was pale, collapsed on the ground as if he had collapsed.

"Boss, will he listen?"

As Shi Dashan said, he made a movement of wiping his neck, "If you don't do anything, it's always a disaster to keep it. Boss, why don't I let him..."

Wen Lan shook her head.

With Wen Tan's own abilities, he couldn't even leave the Land of Exile.

This time he was able to enter Beijing as Wen Qian, obviously someone had arranged everything for him behind the scenes.

And this person is most likely Wen Ziran who has a grudge against them.

If Wen Ziran wanted revenge, she must have already thought of a plan. Whether Wen Tan was there or not, she would continue to carry out her revenge plan.

Wentan can die, but not immediately.

"Then boss, shall we still go to the palace?" Shi Dashan asked.

Wen Lan shook her head, "Go to the bookstore first."

Shi Dashan chuckled, "I forgot, our eldest lady's album has a new edition, it's time to take a look."

As soon as they arrived at the bookstore, the guards of the palace appeared again.

"Master Hou, the news just came from the palace that the county lord of Hui'an is no longer the county lord."

After speaking, seeing that Wen Lan didn't give orders, the guard disappeared soon.

Looking at the place where the guards left, Shi Dashan was full of envy, "It will be great when I can be as elusive as the masters of the palace."

Wen Lan was thinking about what the guard said.

Wen Ziran's identity, which she had acquired so hard, was gone all of a sudden. Wouldn't she be pissed to death?
Just as Wen Lan thought, Wen Ziran was really going to die of anger.

So when the eunuch finished reading the imperial decree, she not only forgot to accept the decree to thank her, but also grabbed the eunuch who delivered the decree and asked why.

She is the granddaughter of the eldest princess, so it's fine if she is not named princess, why should she take back her position as county princess?
During the tearing, she scratched the face of an eunuch, and was taken revenge by the other eunuch.

Not long after, the eunuch who delivered the decree visited the eldest princess' mansion again and read out a new imperial decree.

The eldest princess was not well educated, and she connived at her granddaughter's collusion with foreign ministers, which directly removed the title of eldest princess and made her a princess.

"Your Highness, thank you!"

After the imperial decree was read, the eldest princess fainted out of breath.

Wen Ziran was afraid that the eunuch would embarrass her by making trouble for her face to face, but he passed the order and the eunuch left after finishing his business.

As everyone knows, the disaster waiting for her has really begun at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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