Chapter 324 My family is the best (72)

When Jin Yan and his party went out, Wen Hai was scolding Yang Shi.

It was only after Wen Hai came that he heard about what Wen Tan had done, and when he heard that he was almost killed by the Nine Clans who thought he was Wen Tan, Wen Hai was so angry that his blood boiled.

Thinking that he almost lost his head, he couldn't even care about his dream of letting Wen Erya marry a high-ranking official so that the whole family could ascend to the heavens and become prosperous. Yang, who was in a coma in the hospital, started cursing.

Members of the Wen clan kept walking towards the county in groups at the gate, and when they passed by the Wen family and saw what was going on inside, they stopped and asked Wen Hai if he wanted to go to the county to appeal for grievances.

Those crimes of decapitation were all committed by Wen Tan. Wen Tan's death is not a pity, but they can't be buried with Wen Tan. This matter must be made clear.

"Yanyan is still smart. Now that Wentan has become the target of public criticism, everyone will prove how shameless and damned he is, so no one will believe his accusations against Master Hou and Jin Yang." Si Fengxuan said.

Jin Yan: "This is the role of public opinion. Wen Ziran made Wentan go to Beijing to cause trouble. He just wanted to use public opinion to put pressure on his brother so that he could not get fame, and then sent the Wen family to hell to achieve her goal of revenge. I had no choice but to use Hit her back in the same way."

Si Fengxuan praised Jin Yan again.

Regarding Si Fengxuan's behavior of boasting about his daughter when he seized the opportunity, Wen Lan couldn't say anything.

But Si Fengxuan was right, Yan Yan's trick really worked.

When the news of what happened in Ning County spread to the capital, those who couldn't get on the stage but kept slandering Yang'er didn't dare to speak out.

As soon as Jin Yan and Mei Huiniang got into the carriage, Wen Hai chased them out.

"Second, Second Brother..."

"Wen Hai, I didn't pursue Wen Erya's crimes because I didn't want to get my hands dirty, not because I didn't know anything about what she did."

The voices of the two brothers sounded at the same time. When Wen Hai was thinking of words, when he heard Wen Lan's words, his face turned pale.

"Second brother, what are you talking about, what dirty hands..."

Seeing that Wen Hai still wanted to hide it, Wen Lan's lips curled up into a sneer, "Wen Zi deserved to die for what happened back then, but Wen Erya is by no means innocent, the culprit is dead, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten For other accomplices, let her take care of herself."

After all, Wen Lan got on the horse and left Wenjia Village without looking back.

I don't know how long after the convoy left, a thin figure came outside Wen's house.

Seeing that the door of the second room was locked again, she showed strong dissatisfaction on her face, but she endured it again, walked to the man who was squatting under the tree at the door, and asked happily, "Father, how are they?" Promise to take me to the capital..."


Wen Hai's slap slapped Wen Erya's anticipation and joy away, leaving only a hideous look of hatred.

She covered her face, staring at Wen Hai unwillingly and bitterly.

Seeing her expression, Wen Hai couldn't help but raise his hand to hit again, but Wen Erya avoided it this time.

"Why did you hit me, why did you hit me?" Wen Erya roared.

Wen Hai was also full of hostility, "Why? Why? I'm your father, so I can't beat you? If you, a little bastard, didn't do something wrong, how could I have ended up in this situation!"

The second brother remembers his grudges, but he is not the one who will kill them all.

When Dafang bullied Mei and Jinyang brothers and sisters, he didn't help Erfang, and he did things that made things worse, but those things didn't cause any real harm.

The second elder brother may feel angry about these things, but he definitely won't stop interacting with him because of this.

He was still wondering.

He only found out today that the second brother knew everything.

The reason why the second brother is so decisive is also because he knows that Erya has done the same thing as Wen Ziran, and that he didn't punish Erya, so he hates him!
Thinking of this, Wen Hai wished he could kill Wen Erya.

"You don't have the ability yourself, what does it have to do with me? If you have the ability, like Er..."

Wen Erya screamed before she could finish her rebuttal.

Wen Hai rushed over like crazy, grabbed her by the hair and started fighting. Wen Erya kept screaming and provoked other people in the village after a while.

Wen Hai let go of Wen Erya only after everyone's persuasion and interception, but at this time Wen Erya was covered in injuries, and she couldn't see her original face.

Everyone is still trying to persuade Wen Hai to be more lenient. Erya has reached the age of marriage. If she is beaten like that and ruined her face, how can she get married?

Someone who watched the whole process revealed that it wasn't that Wen Hai was ruthless, the problem was precisely that Wen Hai wasn't ruthless enough.

If Wen Hai was ruthless and smart enough, and when he saw Wen Ziran's end, he should have asked Wen Lan to plead guilty and punish Wen Erya face to face, then Wen Hai's current situation would definitely not be what it is today.

After everyone heard the reason, they immediately felt no sympathy for Wen Erya.

"I see her, Baobuqi is another Wen Ziran!"


Things in Beijing were still waiting to be dealt with, and after returning to Ning County for two days, Jin Yan and his party set off for the capital.

While Wen Lan was resting in the carriage, Si Fengxuan also got into Jinyan's carriage.

"Time flies so fast, there should be no obstacles this time."

Jin Yan had just finished speaking when he heard the sound of galloping horseshoes coming from behind.

"Get out of the way ahead!"

"Eight hundred miles urgently!"

Jin Yan's expression changed, and he subconsciously looked at the man opposite him.

Si Fengxuan's expression also moved slightly, but his eyes kept looking at Jin Yan, seeing her frowning, he said distressedly: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Jin Yan whispered, "I know."

She had expected such a day when she gave Si Feng the medicine, but she didn't expect this day to come so early.

Si Fengxuan patted Jin Yan's head, said "Don't worry, wait for me" and got off the carriage.


The sound of horseshoes sounded, then gradually disappeared, and finally dissipated, leaving only a cloud of flying dust.

Jinyan leaned on the carriage and thought about things, but he didn't even notice that Wen Jinyang got into the carriage.

"Why are your hands so cold?"

Wen Jinyang touched Jinyan's hand, squeezed the other hand, and finally closed her hand and let her palm cover it.

"Brother, I'm not cold." Jin Yan said.

Wen Jinyang "hmm" for a moment, he looked worriedly at Jin Yan's bloodless face, and said distressedly: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

King Ning is ill, even if there is a war, the emperor will not send King Ning to fight against the enemy.

Jin Yan shook his head, "He will go, that is his ideal."

The medicine given by 288 only solved Si Fengxuan's old illness, but it couldn't stop the open and hidden arrows.

Swords have no eyes on the battlefield, Si Fengxuan is a human being but not a god, if he goes there, it is impossible to be unscathed.

Wen Jinyang didn't know why Jinyan was so sure that Si Fengxuan would go to the battlefield, but seeing her frown tightly, his heart ached.

He touched Jin Yan's icy cheek, and comforted him in a gentle voice: "The Son of Heaven will not send King Ning to go out easily. If King Ning really wants to go into battle to kill the enemy, then brother will be his military adviser, his personal bodyguard, and promise to send him out." Bring it back to you safe and sound."

(End of this chapter)

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