Chapter 326 My family is the best (74)

The despised emperor was very angry.

What do you mean he doesn't understand?
He is a majestic son of heaven, if he likes someone, should he be as cautious as Xuan'er?

That was too useless.

If he is really a person who sticks to the love of his sons and daughters, then he is not the one sitting on the dragon chair now.

"Now, go back to your palace, you are not allowed to go anywhere without my order!" said the emperor.

Si Fengxuan: "I don't."

Son of Heaven: "..."

He looked at his younger brother who was playing a rogue, and persuaded him with nice words: "I am only your younger brother, how can you let me be willing to send you to the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke?"

Si Fengxuan said calmly: "Brother Huang, a lieutenant in the army, is also someone else's brother, brother, son, and husband."

The emperor was silent.

After a while, he said again: "Leaving aside your own physical condition, taking ten thousand steps back, even if I agree, there is absolutely no way the queen mother will let you go to the battlefield."

Si Fengxuan curled his lips into a smile, "It's fine if the emperor agrees, I'll talk about the empress myself."

Seeing the smile on his face, the emperor softened his heart and slowed down his tone, "You trust me."

The corner of Si Fengxuan's lips twitched slightly, and when he raised his eyes with a smile, his eyes were full of trust and arrogance, "You are my brother, if I don't believe you, who do you believe?"

It's been a long time since I heard the name "brother". The emperor's heart moved slightly, and a look of emotion appeared on his face.

Si Fengxuan said again: "Brother Huang, that servant of the Ministry of War is an eyesore to me."

The emperor's expression was slightly cold, "Don't worry, I won't leave him to trouble you."

Letting those useless wastes go to the battlefield is just an angry word of his. Sending those things to Mobei will only delay the war and delay the lives of the people.

If he stays in the court, he will inevitably trip up Xuan'er everywhere.

Those few people can't stay.

Si Fengxuan smiled with satisfaction, "Brother Huang is wise! He really is my good brother!"

"Stinky boy..."

"Brother Huang, I will take my leave first, and I will come to you after I convince my mother."

When the voice fell, Si Fengxuan could no longer be seen in the Xuanzheng Hall.

The emperor sighed heavily.

"Your Majesty, do you really agree to let the prince go to Mobei?" the eunuch asked.

The emperor looked helpless, "How can I stop what he decides? Now I only hope that the Queen Mother can persuade him."

The chief eunuch seemed hesitant to speak.

Son of Heaven: "Speak as soon as you have something to say, what does it look like to hesitate."

The eunuch coughed, "This old slave feels that the Empress Dowager may not be able to stop her."

It's not that I can't stop it, but I can't bear to stop it.

Even they all know why King Ning has studied the art of war since he was a child, let alone the Queen Mother and His Majesty.

Your Majesty is reluctant to stop him, so how can the Empress Dowager be so cruel?

After hearing this, the emperor had a heavy expression on his face.

"Come here, let several generals and several officials from the household department come to see me, and then send the people from the Imperial Hospital to come."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

When Si Fengxuan was trying to persuade the queen mother, Jin Yan was busy making men's clothes for her.

Yunxiu and the others were busy, seeing Jinyan packing up some wound medicine, they comforted her, "Miss, Your Majesty loves the prince the most, and may not let him go to Mobei."

"He will definitely go." Jin Yan said.

Yunxiu sighed softly, then lowered her head and quickly sewed her clothes.

After a while, a servant girl came in with two food boxes, "Miss, these are snacks sent by King Ning."

"Did King Ning say something?" Jin Yan asked.

Maid: "The guard Yun said, and the prince said, please rest assured, miss, he will come to see you after he finishes his work."

After the maid left, Jin Yan opened the food box and saw the familiar snacks.

That's only available in the queen's palace.

I have already met the Queen Mother, and there is a high probability that the expedition will be decided.

In the evening, after dinner, the servants announced that King Ning had arrived.

Seeing Si Fengxuan staring straight at Jin Yan, Mei Huiniang hurriedly said: "Yang'er, you said that your mother should change any of your clothes that don't fit, let's go and have a look now."

Wen Jinyang: "..."

This reason is too simple.

But he still cooperated with Mei Huiniang.

The mother and son hadn't taken two steps, and Mei Huiniang said again: "Brother Lan, didn't you say last time that I only make clothes for my children and don't care about you? It happens that there are fabrics I bought earlier at home, so you can take a look together. "

Wen Lan: "..."

It's fine if you send your son away, but do you want to send him away too?

But the wife had already spoken, and he had to listen.

Soon, only Jin Yan and Si Fengxuan were left in the room.

"When are you leaving?" Jin Yan asked.

Si Fengxuan was startled, he thought that Jin Yan would at least ask "Are you really going?" Unexpectedly, she knew him so well.

Looking at Jinyan's cold and stern face, his heart ached, and finally he couldn't restrain himself from stepping forward, and pulled Jinyan into his arms.

"Aren't you worried, huh?" Si Fengxuan said.

Jin Yan leaned on him, and said slowly: "No one wants a war, but the war has already happened, and we can only meet the enemy, take revenge, and beat them so that they dare not invade our territory again, you..."

The warmth from her forehead interrupted Jin Yan's thoughts, she raised her head slightly, and looked at Si Fengxuan's tightly pursed thin lips.

Si Fengxuan didn't speak, but bowed his head and kissed Jinyan again.

This time it landed on the cheek.

Jin Yan raised his hand to touch it, but he grabbed his finger again, and Si Fengxuan's low voice was deliberately suppressed by his ear, "It's my fault that made you worry so much, and I'll make amends to you after my king triumphs." good?"

Before Jin Yan could speak, he said again: "When the time comes, I hope the princess will be magnanimous and forgive me."

Jin Yan broke free, wrapped his arms around his waist under Si Fengxuan's astonished gaze, and slowly tightened them. Si Fengxuan's expression changed from astonishment to surprise, from joy to pity.


"What if I don't forgive?" Jin Yan asked.

Si Fengxuan looked down at him, "Then it's up to you, you can punish whatever you want, I will accept it all, I just ask the concubine to show her respect and don't let me sleep in the study."

Jin Yan chuckled, "Dream your spring and autumn dream, who is your concubine, daydream."

Si Fengxuan was also affected by her smile, he chuckled dotingly, "This king has already made an agreement with the emperor, and when he returns this time, he will come to propose marriage, and by then, you will naturally be this king's concubine. "

Jin Yan: "Then we'll talk about it when the time comes."

After a moment of silence, Jin Yan asked again, "When are you leaving?"

Si Fengxuan paused, and slowly tightened his arms, as if he wanted to embed Jin Yan into his flesh and blood.

After a long time, he said: "Tomorrow morning, I will lead a group of people to set off first, and the army will follow."

The war is urgent, and the people in the frontier can't wait too long.

If it wasn't for preparing food and supplies, he would have led his own soldiers to set off overnight tonight.

Jin Yan didn't speak, but subconsciously hugged Si Fengxuan tightly with both hands, greedily making this moment an eternity.

(End of this chapter)

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