Chapter 333 My family is the best (81)

The Son of Heaven keeps his promises, and he never breaks his promise to his precious brother.

When it came time to reward meritorious deeds, Jin Yan was promoted exceptionally as a military adviser, "Young Master Jin", and became the only official in the court who had not passed the scientific examination.

And the first person is Wen Lan.

"Master Jin" has become "Master Jin", but in the eyes of the lieutenant generals, "he" is just their military adviser.

At the same time, Jin Yan was also made the Princess of the princess, and the title was Yong'an.

Although many people in the court were unwilling to see the Wen family being rewarded, they did not have the right to comment on what the emperor decided.

Not to mention being a princess, even if Feng Jinyan is a princess, they can't stop her.

Not long after that, the emperor sent someone to invite Wen Lan to the palace to discuss the marriage of the two "children". At this time, he was no longer a decisive emperor in a high position, but a man who worried that his stupid brother would be rejected. Just brother.

I really have a heart that can't finish it.

Up to now, Wen Lan has already recognized Si Fengxuan, but there are some things that made him very fast, and he also pointed it out.

Wen Lan: "Your Majesty, it's better to get engaged earlier, otherwise King Ning will always turn over the wall of my house late at night, and it's not good for people to see it."

Son of Heaven: "..."

The emperor scolded his younger brother for being worthless in his heart, but he had an expression on his face that you left the door open for important things and he would climb over the courtyard wall.

Wen Lan saw it, and said again: "Since King Ning returned to the court in victory, the door of the minister's house has never been locked."

Son of Heaven: "..."

Leaving the gate open and overturning the courtyard wall?
This is so embarrassing!

Xuan'er, Xuan'er, why can't you give brother Huang some face?

The emperor pretended to scold Si Fengxuan a few words, and then brought the topic back to the right track. The Ministry of Rites had already selected several good days, so he asked Wen Lan to decide which one to choose together.

Wen Lan glanced at it, chose a day in February next year, and said he thought it was the best day.

As for whether it is good or not, or how good it is, let him think about it carefully.

Son of Heaven: "..."

He seriously suspected that the reason why Wen Lan chose it was because that day was the farthest away.

But it is not difficult to understand.

How many fathers are willing to marry their precious daughters early!
After finally sending Wen Lan away, the emperor immediately ordered: "Send a message to King Ning and ask him to be more disciplined. Don't overturn the courtyard wall of the Marquis's mansion. If Marquis Wen is offended, the date of engagement will be postponed indefinitely. Can't help him!"

The messenger arrived at the palace and told Si Fengxuan the words of the emperor verbatim.

Si Fengxuan: "..."

Brother Huang is unreliable!

It was clearly agreed to be engaged this year, how could it be February next year?

There are so many auspicious days this year, which one is not as auspicious as the one in February next year, Marquis Wen is deliberately against him.

After sending away the eunuch who sent the letter, Si Fengxuan immediately asked someone to prepare generous gifts and went to the Hou's mansion to plead guilty, and promised that he would never climb over the wall again.

Even if they climb over the wall, they will wait until the dead of night, and won't let Wen Lan catch him again.

From then on, the Empress Dowager often sent people to take Jinyan into the palace to play, and she stayed in the palace for a short period of two or three days, and a maximum of seven or eight days.

When Jinyan was in the palace, Si Fengxuan didn't go anywhere and just stood guard in the palace. The queen mother didn't know how happy she was.

One day, looking at Si Fengxuan who was speaking softly to Jin Yan in the imperial garden, the Queen Mother joked with a smile: "I really want to keep this girl by Aijia's side forever."

In this way, Xuan'er will also stay in the palace.

The confidant next to him said: "Then Marquis Wen and his son may be going to the palace to look for someone you want, but I don't know if His Majesty can stop them."

The queen mother shook her head immediately.

Marquis Wen and Zhuangyuan Lang are not easy-going lamps, if they are angered, Xuan'er's marriage may be in the foreseeable future.

For her little grandson, it's better to leave some room.


From Jin Yan's frequent visits to the palace to his engagement, it has only been more than five months.

But for Si Fengxuan, every day is like a year.

But the good thing is that after making an engagement, with a title, he can come and go in and out of the Hou's mansion as he likes, and take Jinyan out to play without any scruples.

After seeing Si Fengxuan's doting on Jin Yan, those who used to regard King Ning as a scourge also had different thoughts.

It is most normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

King Ning is also a man, how can he spend his whole life with only one woman?

You don't have to wait until Jinyan gets old and looks bad, I'm afraid that after a few years, when the freshness wears off, King Ning will change his mind.

In this case, it would be better to send his children to the palace earlier.

If the Son of Heaven really intends for King Ning to inherit the Datong, then he would follow King Ning's concubine when he was still in the "hidden mansion", and the treatment after entering the palace would naturally not be much worse.

All of a sudden, those who had impeached King Ning countless times regarded King Ning as a sweet potato, tried every means to get close to King Ning, and created opportunities for King Ning to meet his daughter's family by chance.

It's just that after all the tricks were exhausted and all the fools were gone, instead of being able to board the boat of King Ning's mansion, King Ning and Marquis Wen jointly gave him a big gift package for raiding the house.

When the others saw it, they were all dumbfounded.

We just wanted to marry Ning Wang's mansion, and before we actually put it into practice, we were jointly presented by Ning Wang and Wen Hou with a big gift package for house raiding.

If this is really practiced, or if anything is done to hurt Princess Yong'an, will Jiuzu Xiaoxiaole be waiting for them?

This is crazy!
They really want to have supreme power and status, and want to use King Ning's power to shine on their family, but they don't want to take such a big risk.

In fact, no one can afford such a large risk.

Just like that, a group of people with ulterior motives retreated on their own, and Si Fengxuan's ears became clear again.

While Wen Lan was relieved, she also realized once again that power is a good thing.

Regardless of whether Si Fengxuan will change his mind in the future, as long as he always holds a strong fist and possesses power that is difficult for ordinary people to shake, then other people have to consider his attitude when they covet the position of Princess Ning's Palace.

If the other party insists on seeking death, he also has the ability to control the overall situation, let those people be buried with their stupidity, and let Si Fengxuan experience the price of betrayal.

Si Fengxuan: "..."

Heaven and earth conscience!

Even if he betrayed his brother, he would not betray Yanyan.

Son of Heaven: "..."

Time flies like a white horse, two years passed by, and Jin Yan was 19 years old in a blink of an eye.

Although Si Fengxuan always said that the days of waiting for marriage were too difficult, and it seemed like years, but when that day really came, he missed every bit of the two years.

In the past two years, he and Jin Yan were not husband and wife, but they were better than husband and wife.

It wasn't until the wedding day and after the bridal chamber that he realized how naive he was a few days ago.

No wonder Brother Huang always looked at him with unbelievable eyes, suspecting that he was not good enough in some way, and even arranged for the imperial doctor to take care of his body.

Co-authoring him is a big fool.

More than 700 beautiful days and nights were missed in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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