After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 339 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 339 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (5)

Ling Yue still had work, and knowing that it was not convenient for Li Jing to show up at this time, he ran out to buy breakfast for the father and daughter, and then hurried to work in the hospital.

After breakfast, Jin Yan said: "Dad, let's go to work, I will obediently wait at home for Dad to come back."

Li Jing pampered Jin Yan's hair, "Dad knows, the baby is the best."

Jin Yan smiled sweetly, "I'm not going anywhere, and I won't open the door when anyone comes. If you're hungry, you can find something to eat yourself. Dad, don't worry."

Knowing her daughter is very reassuring, but how can Li Jing feel relieved.

Since Jin Yan was born, he has always been taking care of him every step of the way. Later, he hired a nanny because of work, but the nanny was misbehaving and greedy. He bought bad vegetables and meat for Yan Yan to eat leftovers. He even scalded Yan Yan because of a mistake at work...

After that, the nanny was sent to the police station by him. He no longer trusted his daughter to outsiders, and put his daughter in his sight as much as possible.

Now that something like this happened, he couldn't be by his daughter's side to protect her all the time, it was his incompetence.

Li Jing didn't let Jin Yan see his depression, he repeatedly explained to Jin Yan what to do, and when he had something to do, he called him immediately before leaving the house.

When he arrived at the university where he was teaching, Li Jing was just talking to a teacher who greeted him when an opened box of milk hit his chest, and the thick white milk spilled half of his chest in an instant.

Li Jing looked up with a sullen face, and saw five or six girls gathered together, three of them were covering in front, and the two behind were dragging a girl who looked very crazy. Curse, "Li Jing, you are a rapist, a scum, you are not worthy of being a teacher!"

Before he could speak, Professor Wang asked with a cold face, "Stop, are you students of H University?"

They didn't answer, but dragged the girl desperately to the No. [-] teaching building.

Professor Wang looked solemn, "Which college do you belong to? What major? What's your name?"

He thought he was a fan of the school, but he didn't realize it...

The girl who poured milk shouted, "Teacher, why are you asking this? Are you punishing us? I'm not wrong. He is a rapist. His stay in H University is a violation of the law and morality for all our girls. This kind of person You don't deserve to live!"

A student in the crowd took the opportunity to chime in: "Professor Wang defends a rapist like this, he wouldn't do it himself!"

Professor Wang's face was livid with anger, and he was about to refute sharply, but was stopped by Li Jing.

"Professor Li..."

"Thank you Professor Wang, I will take care of this matter, don't meddle in it, go to class," Li Jing said.

Looking at the disgusted or hateful eyes of the students around, Professor Wang sighed, "Professor Li, we all know what you are like, we believe you are innocent, don't be discouraged."

Knowing that Li Jing didn't want him to be involved, Professor Wang patted Li Jing on the shoulder and left.

As soon as he left, all the students' eyes focused on Li Jing.

Disdain, ridicule, hatred, disgust...

At this moment, the students seemed to have become righteous fighters. If killing people is not against the law, the sword of justice in their hands would pierce Li Jing's heart at any time.

Li Jing raised his eyes slowly, and glanced around casually with his indifferent and cold eyes. The student who was booing just now seemed to be stripped naked, and lowered his head or looked away in a cold war.

No one would admit that they, who were full of justice and passion, were afraid of Li Jing's calm eyes.

How could they be afraid of a rapist!


The success of everyone's reaction made Li Jing show a slightly mocking and disdainful look.

He didn't want to watch the monkey show of these clowns.

When Li Jing raised his foot, the righteous men who had just shouted at him to drive him out of the campus subconsciously took a step back, making way for four or five people to pass through.

Li Jing just walked past them expressionlessly, and went straight to the No. [-] teaching building.

This is a big class for him, several classes are taught together, and the auditorium is full of people. As soon as he arrived at the door of the classroom, the noisy discussion inside stopped instantly.

It turned out that there was a new revelation on the Internet after one o'clock in the morning.

Several people claiming to be his students have accused him on the Internet of using important things such as papers and postgraduate entrance examination places to force students to submit and violate them.

After Li Jing listened, he walked into the classroom with a normal expression. For a moment, the eyes of all the students in the classroom followed his figure from the door to the podium.

The expressions on the faces of the students below are also very rich. Apart from the ones he encountered when he entered the school, there are still many students whose eyes are full of pain and regret.

It seems to be saying, we like your class so much, why are you a scumbag?

Li Jing was not affected at all, he opened the courseware, wrote down the key words of this lesson on the blackboard, and then turned around to look at everyone.

During the few seconds when he stared at everyone, many people could not bear the pressure and lowered their heads.

Li Jing's gaze gradually gathered from the entire classroom, and fell on the strange students in front of him. The moment he looked over, the students in the first few rows also looked around.

Li Jing smiled, and said slowly: "Today's attendance rate is good, even the first and second rows are full of people. If I remember correctly, the last time the attendance rate was so high was in the last class before the final exam. .”


What's going on, Professor Li is still in the mood to laugh at himself?

Looking at the bewildered crowd, Li Jing said again: "Sure enough, is it human nature to gossip?"


Sure enough, Professor Li started to be serious and funny again.

Many people with low laugh points have already laughed.

Some people took advantage of the chaos and shouted.

"Professor Li, I believe in you, you are definitely not the kind of person the paparazzi said!"

"That's right, Professor Li, since you didn't let everyone in our dormitory fly by at [-], we are all willing to believe you, but it would be better if you could bring the little princess along, and we will be even more happy." I believe you~"

There was another burst of laughter that was about to lift the roof off.

Someone else shouted: "Our school is also a bit stupid now-beep, my brain has been eaten away, and I don't have any consciousness of independent thinking. If you encounter such a fool-beep, Professor Li, don't take it seriously , if you are serious, you will lose, and they are not worthy of your self-cultivation!"

There were also some rebuttals during the period, but without exception, they were all drowned in the laughter one after another.

Li Jing listened to them patiently before reminding the students just now, "It is very important to have the ability to think independently. But it is also very important not to swear and use less blocking words."


Everyone froze for a moment and then started laughing again.

After they finished laughing and the teacher returned to tranquility, Li Jing said, "Start now, class."

He is very knowledgeable, and he can say everything at his fingertips, and some difficult content will become easy and easy to understand through his narration.

Quite a few students who usually like to skip classes, got out of bed today out of curiosity and ate breakfast to attend the long-lost early eighth class. After listening for a while, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

Suddenly I can understand what the teacher is talking about. Is this science?
Many students look at me and look at you. Aren't we all bottom-of-the-line scumbags? Why are we suddenly enlightened?

Is it possible that Professor Li's lectures have the effect of turning waste into treasure?
(End of this chapter)

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