After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 342 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 342 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (8)

Ling Yue put Jinyan on the sofa, seeing that Jinyan's hands were stained with watercolors, he thought of the painting that Li Jing saved last night.

"Has Yan Yan painted again?" Ling Yue asked.

Jin Yan nodded.

Ling Yue: "Can I have a look?"

Jin Yan ran into the room and took out the painting. What she painted was the sky, the colors were rich and bold, bright and clear, just like the pure and clear Jin Yan.

"Hey, what are the two black dots below?" Ling Yue asked.

Jin Yan: "My father and I."

The words "Why are you so stupid, you can't even understand this" were clearly written in her eyes.

The corners of Ling Yue's mouth twitched slightly, "There are only two black dots, so small, no one can tell that they are two people, right? How can people..."

Jin Yan said to him: "The story happened at noon, the sun was very warm that day, the sun was directly shining, and the shadows were all on the soles of the feet, and there was a big tree here."

Ling Yue: "..."

Big tree?

Where is there a big tree, why didn't he find it?

Fearing that Jin Yan would think him an idiot again, Ling Yue looked at it very carefully this time. He looked at the whole painting again and again, and all the analyzes in his mind were already entangled into a mess, and he didn't see where the big tree was.

Finally, he had no choice but to ask Jin Yan, "Tell brother, where is the big tree?"

Jin Yan: "..."

She glanced at Ling Yue, although her expression was innocent and innocent, but those eyes that seemed to be able to speak just wrote a few words very straightforwardly.

Are you stupid?
Ling Yue: "..."

Is there really a big tree?

He suspected that he looked at it twice again, not to mention the big tree, he didn't even find the shadow of a big tree.

When he looked at Jin Yan again, Jin Yan sighed softly, with an expression of "how can there be such a stupid adult in the world".

Ling Yue was on the verge of closing himself off.

Thinking of him as a top student in a dignified medical school, he was once rich in education and talented, but he would lose to a little girl.

At this time, Jin Yan said: "Uncle Ling Yue, look, the big tree is here."

Ling Yue looked over, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Where is it? Is this black spot? This is not you and your father..."

"That's right, the big tree is the father, and the father is the big tree." Jin Yan said.

Ling Yue opened his mouth slightly, subconsciously wanting to complain, but Jin Yan's words hit his heart, shaking his heart with mixed feelings.

It turned out that Jin Yan meant this.

The sun has big trees.

But in Jinyan's heart, the only big tree that can shelter her from the wind and rain is her father.

Dad and Dashu have long been integrated into one.

Looking at Xiao Jinyan in front of him, the five-flavor bottle that Ling Yue knocked over finally left only a sour taste.

He has lemons.

He was jealous.

He was so envious that the walls were about to separate.

What a fairy girl.

How many generations of merit did Brother Li accumulate to have such a good daughter!
Such a smart, beautiful, well-behaved and filial daughter, who is also full of talents in language, art and many other aspects, why can't he be given one?

Jin Yan didn't bother to think about Ling Yue's mood.

She put the painting away properly and showed it to her father when he came back.

Back in the living room, I heard Ling Yue say, "Baby Yan Yan, can you also draw an uncle?"

Jin Yan nodded.

Ling Yue immediately cheered up, "Not only do I want to draw Uncle, but I also want to draw you. When the time comes, I'll take it home and show it to my grandparents. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay." Jin Yan said.

Ling Yue finally regained some balance in his heart.

It didn't take long for the restaurant to deliver food.

Ling Yue went to the door to pick up the meal, and imitated his respectful manner, taking care of Jin Yan's food meticulously and meticulously.

Those children in the relatives’ house, after eating a meal, a group of people chased after their buttocks to feed them. The rice grains were scattered everywhere, and the children’s faces were dirty like something. They didn’t eat a bite of the rice. Non-stop, eating a meal is like making a scene in heaven.

But Jinyan was different.

Whenever he feeds Jin Yan something, Jin Yan won't cry like those brats.

She will look at you with bright eyes, gulp down the food and say "Thank you Uncle Ling" in a soft and sweet voice.

At this time, Ling Yue's heart will feel an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

He only knew that Brother Li was very happy being a father, but he didn't quite understand the specific happiness.

Today, he truly experienced the joy of Brother Li!

After taking care of Jinyan and having lunch, Ling Yue played games with Jinyan for a while, and when Jinyan was sleepy and it was time for a nap, he coaxed Jinyan to sleep again.

Looking at Jin Yan who closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep as soon as he got to bed, Ling Yue felt a little uncomfortable. At this moment, he very much hoped that Jin Yan could be more mischievous, so that he could coax Jin Yan more.

But the reality didn't give him a chance to show off at all.

Not long after Jin Yan fell asleep, when Ling Yue covered her with the quilt and went out, there was a sound at the door.

He also immediately looked over there with full vigilance.

Seeing that it was Li Jing, Ling Yue put down his guard.

"Brother Li, have you eaten yet?" Ling Yue asked.

Li Jing nodded, "Thanks to you today."

Ling Yue glanced at him, "What is this? Jin Yan is also my little niece, shouldn't I take care of my little niece?"

Li Jing: "Anyway, thank you."

Ling Yue snorted, "I can't wait for you to be so busy every day, then I can take Xiao Jinyan home logically, but if that happens, the little girl should be sad."

Li Jing put down the vegetables and fruits he bought from the supermarket, put his dirty coat into the washing machine, washed his hands before going to the bedroom to look at his daughter.

After he came out, Ling Yue asked, "What's the matter with your clothes, are there any fans in the school?"

"It's a student." Li Jing said.

Ling Yue was so angry that he wanted to swear again, "It's really sick. Parents send them to school to let them learn knowledge, not to make them blind."

As he spoke, he complained about the relatives in the department, and cursed a few more words in anger.

"By the way, are those students fans of Yan Xue?" Ling Yue asked.

Li Jing shook his head, "They thought I used my position to do something wrong to the students."

Ling Yue understood everything when he heard it.

In major colleges and universities, the relationship between teachers and students, such as the rumors, more or less happens.

But he would never believe what Li Jing did to the students.

Not to mention that Brother Li put all his thoughts on taking care of his daughter, and he couldn't give a single bit of it to unimportant people.

Even if he really wanted to find a woman, it wouldn't be the turn of those students in the school. There are many people who like Brother Li!
Ling Yue: "I'm afraid this is another ghost created by Yan Xue. Now only if you are completely ruined and the charges of slandering and slandering you are confirmed, can she continue to hype and make money as a perfect victim. Wife, never let her go!"

Li Jing didn't speak, but the coldness in his eyes already explained everything.

 Send everyone a little Jinyan ()
(End of this chapter)

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