After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 347 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 347 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (13)


In the VIP lounge, Wen Renxiao's assistant looked at the time, and said to the person working on the computer beside him, "Guide Lu, what's going on, let Brother Xiao and the young master wait for others? It's almost time to board the plane. "

Director Xiaolu smiled apologetically, "I'm really sorry, Brother He. Originally, the two groups of us were arranged to set off together, but the other group had an accident on the road, and they will be here soon."

"What kind of accident can't make us brother Xiao and others, what kind of wrists are so crazy..."

"Old Ho!"

As soon as Wen Renxiao made a sound, the manager He Qiang immediately shut up.

Seeing this, the director Xiaolu also explained: "I'm sorry brother Xiao, I'm really sorry for keeping you and the child waiting for so long, it's just that there was a car accident on the way from another group..."

"Are you alright?" Wen Renxiao asked.

Xiaolu shook his head, "I'm fine, but the car was destroyed. It took some time to deal with the car accident and the subsequent replacement of the car. I'm on my way now. I'm really sorry."

Wen Renxiao glanced at the sleeping son in his arms, shook his head and said, "It's lucky that people are fine, and nothing else is important. Since the original arrangement was for the two groups to be together, it's okay to wait a little longer. You don't have to." Urge them and tell them to be safe."

Xiaolu thanked repeatedly, "Thank you brother Xiao for your understanding, I will contact them right away."

When Xiaolu passed by and sat down on the other side, He Qiang said, "Sorry Brother Xiao, I was impulsive."

Wen Renxiao looked cold, "You are not impulsive, you are dissatisfied that I participated in this program in order to repay Director Liu for his kindness to me."

Lao He is a top manager in the circle, so how could he not know how to deal with the worldly, just to vent the little dissatisfaction in his heart.

He Qiang's face changed, and he immediately explained, "You misunderstood, I didn't think so..."

"Old He, we have worked together for ten years, and I know you as well as you know me." Wen Renxiao said.

He Qiang was silent for a moment, and then said: "I have some opinions. Who in the circle doesn't know that Director Zhang wants to cooperate with you in a movie? The filming is about to start, and Director Liu made you give up on the movie with a phone call. If you miss this opportunity for the first time, you may not come across such a good script next time."

But he also knew that Brother Xiao was an upright and kind person who would reciprocate kindness.

Director Liu gave him a hand when he was dying, and gave him a chance to reach the top, and only then did he become the film king later.

Owing to such a big favor, this time Director Liu opened his mouth to support his son's career, and with Brother Xiao's temperament, he would probably support him no matter what.

He just couldn't hold back for a while because he was upset, and the other group was indeed late for too long.

"Then how do you know that this new experience is not an opportunity for me?" Wen Renxiao said.

The corner of He Qiang's mouth twitched, "Opportunity? In the last show, those newcomers who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth may buy black hot searches again, saying that you have been reduced to a variety show star, so what are you talking about on the big screen!"

Wen Renxiao didn't take it seriously, "Then let's see."

He Qiang: "..."

Forget it.

Brother Xiao's intuition didn't seem to be missed.

Things have come to this point, and there is no better way than trusting him.

Wen Renxiao winked again, He Qiang was taken aback, then got up and went to the side of the path, "Just now I got emotional and my attitude was too much, please forgive me."

Xiaolu glanced at He Qiang in surprise, and hurriedly said that it was all right.

As we all know, He Qiang is one of the best agents in the circle who cannot be provoked. This time there is a problem with the procedure, and it is reasonable for He Qiang to be emotional.

But he would apologize!

Just the fact that He Qiang apologized to him can make him brag for a lifetime.

At eleven o'clock, Li Jing and his party finally arrived at the waiting room.

"I'm sorry Brother Xiao, I'm sorry Brother Lu, we are late."

As soon as Xiao Le arrived at the scene, she kept bowing and apologizing. She heard that Manager He's temper was not very good. She was about to explain the reason, but she heard Xiao Lu say: "As long as you are all safe, nothing else is important, take a break and get ready to board the plane." gone."

"Oh, yes, rest."

Xiao Le was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked at Jin Yan, "Professor Li, how is Xiao Jin Yan, are you still dizzy?"

Li Jing said it was fine, then nodded to Wen Renxiao and sat down, patting Jin Yan's back to coax her.

Xiao Le and the others were full of self-blame, no one expected that there would be a car accident on the road.

The driver used to drive a tank. I don't know how good his skills are. He drove well at first, but a car flew down from the viaduct strangely.

If it wasn't for the timely braking, I'm afraid they all have to explain where they are.

The co-pilot's assistant suffered some minor injuries and has been sent to the hospital by 120 for treatment.

Fortunately, Jin Yan was sleepy at that time and was hugged by Professor Li, otherwise I don't know what will happen.

Li Jing sat down for a long time, Xiao Lu and others came back to his senses.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with amazement written in their eyes.

This Professor Li is taller than the actor, and his appearance and figure are not inferior to the actor. If he enters the entertainment industry, a large number of so-called top players in the entertainment industry will lose their jobs!

It's just a pity that this man is now full of scandals. Before the truth is revealed, no one will support him.

He Qiang, who finally knew the identity of the "big guy", felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Professor Li?
The rapist who burned, killed and looted in the mouth of Yan Xue, the queen of hype?

This is too far from the image of those fans and paparazzi on the Internet, it is almost a galaxy away!

At the same time, He Qiang felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

This Professor Li's reputation is not very good, but most of the netizens follow their five senses. It is not impossible for this professor to shine in the show and gain a lot of fans.


He secretly gave Wen Renxiao a wink, didn't you always say that Neiyu had no rivals for you, didn't this just happen now?

He Qiang winked for a long time, but Wen Renxiao didn't notice his eyes at all.

Following Wen Renxiao's line of sight, He Qiang was also shocked.

The cold young master of their family is actually staring at Professor Li's daughter?

He is sleeping in his father's arms, and half of his snow-white face is exposed. What's so good about it?

"Brother Xiao..."

He Qiang wanted to remind Wen Renxiao that it would be impolite to stare like this after all, a gentleman like the young master had never done this before.

Wen Renxiao shook his head, signaling him not to make noise.

He Qiang could only step back and watch.

For as long as Li Jing sat with his daughter in his arms, Wen Renqiao stared at Xiao Jinyan for a long time.

It wasn't until the road guide reminded that it was time to board the plane that Wen Renxiao helplessly pulled his silly son over and hugged him in his arms.

But he could see clearly that even if his son was in his arms, his heart had already flown to Professor Li's daughter.

stinky boy.

It turns out that your so-called aloofness and reticence are also different.

 The little male protagonist is online, and the double standard is on

  Continue to 6 more ~ ​​ask for votes, ask for support!More votes!More motivation!There are also many updates! ! ! ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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