After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 360 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

The games set by the program group are all related to intelligence, which is not difficult for dads with high IQ.

But at the same time, the rules require that each part is completed by the father and the child, and if the child does not know how to do it, the father has three chances to prompt, and cannot say any word related to the answer, just like guessing a riddle.

From the knowledge of Chinese characters to the application of mathematics, to thinking problems and common sense of life, Li Jing and Jin Yan have a tacit understanding, almost without any obstacles, they passed five levels and defeated six generals to win.

Then came to the final single-plank bridge and pontoon bridge.

To complete the challenge, one must first walk across the single-plank bridge over the river, and then run across the 100-meter-long pontoon bridge above the pond at a fast enough speed to reach the opposite bank.

Li Jing looked at the log that could only accommodate one foot, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

"Father, I believe in you, we can get there." Jin Yan said.

Li Jing chuckled, "Are you afraid?"

It doesn't matter if he falls into the water, but not the baby.

At this time, the water is already cold, and it is not allowed to catch a cold.

Jin Yan shook his head, "I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of anything when Dad is around. Dad will protect me."

If it weren't for her father, she would never agree to go into the water by herself, and she would have thought of doing it by herself.

Li Jing was moved and pleased by his daughter's trust.

He took out Jin Yan's small coat from his backpack and wrapped her around her, and said softly, "Okay, hold Dad tight for a while, and watch Dad not look at the water when you are afraid, and tell Dad right away if you feel uncomfortable, you know?"

After the father and daughter discussed it, Li Jing set off again without stopping.

After crossing the single-plank bridge with ease, the father and daughter turned over another mound and came to the pond.

The width of the pontoon above the pond is only one meter, and the pontoon will shake back and forth due to the change of load-bearing after people walk on it.

If a person's center of gravity is unstable and the sense of balance is not good, it is very likely that the car will overturn and fall into the water.

This time, Li Jing walked more carefully than before, but his speed did not slow down.

In this regard, too slow is prone to problems.

They were halfway there when Wen Renxiao and Wenren Qiao also arrived.

"Son, should I hug you or..."

Before Wen Renxiao finished speaking, Wen Renqiao rushed over like a rocket.

In the blink of an eye, people have reached the other side of the river.

Wen Renxiao sighed, and immediately followed after him.

Wenren Qiao ran fast, and soon caught up with Jin Yan and the others.

But before and after the floating bridge, he stopped.

Wen Renxiao caught up panting, and said slowly, "Why don't you keep running? I don't know if you're tired waiting for Dad? If Dad is holding you, the bridge is too narrow..."

He reached out to hug his son, but he avoided him.

Wen Renxiao was puzzled, "You can run if you want, but why are you standing?"

Wenren Qiao didn't speak, just looked at the father and daughter on the floating bridge.

He didn't run up to the pontoon bridge until Li Jing hugged Jin Yan and landed safely.

Wen Renxiao suddenly realized.

Qiao Qiao was afraid that the weight of the pontoon would change after he stepped on it, which would affect Li Jing and Xiao Jinyan, and because he was afraid that Xiao Jinyan would fall into the water, he resisted running?

Good boy, you have a lot of thoughts.

He didn't have time to complain about his son. Seeing his son running over, he quickly chased after him.

Behind him are Jiang Ying and his son.

"Xiao Chi, please slow down, wait a moment, or you will fall into the water soon..."

Before Jiang Ying finished speaking, Jiang Chi had already boarded the floating bridge.

He looked at his son who was walking swiftly on the swaying pontoon bridge, and silently sympathized with Wen Renxiao in his heart.


Not long after, Wen Renxiao's voice came from over there.

But at this time, Wen Renxiao was about to cross the pontoon bridge, but he didn't step on his feet firmly when he got ashore, and half of his body slipped into the pond.

Hearing that Qiao was talking to Jin Yan, when he heard the sound of water, he immediately went to the bank to have a look. Seeing that it was his father, he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Brother Xiao, I'll pull you up." Li Jing stretched out his hand.

Wen Renxiao smiled awkwardly, and thanked again and again, "Thank you, Professor Li."

After climbing ashore, looking at himself in a mess, he immediately looked at his son, "Qiao Qiao, this time Dad didn't break his promise. Dad did everything he promised you."

Wenren Qiao hesitated for a moment, "Let's just force it."

Wen Renxiao: "..."

This stinky boy!


Soon, Jiang Ying and his son also came over.

The two of them were clean, and it could be seen that they walked very easily on this journey.

"I saw raspberries in the grass beside the woods just now. Does anyone want to eat them? I'll pick some?" Jiang Ying said.

Jin Yan: "Uncle Jiang, you have to be careful when stabbing."

Jiang Ying's heart was warmed. He gently stroked Jinyan's braid, "Thank you little Jinyan for reminding me, uncle will pay attention."

Wen Renxiao: "Could it be sprayed with pesticides?"

Li Jing said: "Probably not, here is too close to the pond, there are no crops growing nearby, and there are wild vegetables and fungi in the woods, if pesticides are sprayed, the pond will not be able to grow, and the things in the woods, I can’t eat it either. But to be on the safe side, it’s better to confirm again.”

Jiang Ying nodded, and was about to ask the staff when he saw a big vine next to Liu Wen, and he was leisurely eating the raspberries on it, so Jiang Ying felt that there was no need to ask any more.

When Jiang Ying left, Jiang Chi also followed.

"Father, I want to go too." Jin Yan said.

Li Jing: "There may be small bugs inside, and there are thorns..."

Unable to stop his daughter's coquettish eyes, Li Jing had no choice but to say: "Then dad will accompany you, and we will pick it together, okay?"

Jin Yan nodded happily.

As soon as they left, Wen Renqiao left without saying a word, but Wen Renxiao had no choice but to drag his trousers and shoes, which weighed dozens of catties after being soaked, to escort him.

Ten minutes later, when the raspberry picking team returned to the shore, the dark-faced President Leng climbed up from the pontoon with his silly, white and sweet son.

Leng Ao's whole body was drenched, his head was still staring at a patch of water plants, and his white shirt was covered with dirt, which almost merged with his face.

Looking at Leng Yuntian again, although his whole body was wet and his fingers were covered with mud, he was still happy.

On the shore, Jiang Ying started laughing as soon as he saw their father and son, and coaxed Leng Yuntian to ask them what happened.

Then Leng Yuntian happily shared with everyone that he fell five times, fell off the pontoon bridge three times and almost drowned, and Leng Ao rescued him three times.

Jiang Ying smirked and sighed, "Mr. Leng is really eager to love his son, and none of us can compare."

Leng Yuntian was still echoing.

Leng Ao's face was dark, he didn't even want to say a word.

His fame for the rest of his life was ruined by this kid.

He didn't give birth to a son, he clearly gave birth to a creditor!

After another 5 minutes, Chen Kang and Chen Mo went ashore.

The father and daughter had obviously fallen into the water too, but they looked much better than Leng Ao and his son.

In contrast, Chen Kang who was comforted by his daughter all the way: "..."

He knew that he was not the worst!

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