After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 365 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Yan Xue left the scene angrily, and the commercial shooting was suspended.

Everyone who originally thought that Yan Xue was just throwing a temper tantrum, but finally cooperated with the filming, was dumbfounded.

Because of Yan Xue's various dissatisfaction and demands, the shooting of this commercial has been interrupted many times.

In the end, Yan Xue, who finally promised to take a good photo, played big cards again and left everyone in place.

In the nanny's car, Yan Xue asked her assistant to make up her pale makeup.

Then, the manager turned on the camera and pointed it at her.

After a few clicks, a few pictures of the haggard beauty of Xizi holding her heart were taken.

Then Yan Xue took the phone, skillfully uploaded the photo to social network, and wrote: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

After she sent it, within a minute, the likes, comments and forwarding showed that it had exceeded 1.

"What does this mean? What happened to my wife? Who bullied her?"

"Why say sorry! You are not wrong! You are the best in our hearts!"

"Husband, don't say I'm sorry. With me, you will never be wrong. Even if you did something wrong, it was someone else's fault first. This world is such a jerk!"

Fans cared about Yan Xue in the comment section, comforted her, and at the same time skillfully attacked the Weibo of magazines and photographers.

"Come out and say something, why did you make my wife angry?"

"Our Sister Xue works so hard and is always the most serious about her work. She is so gentle and forced to say 'I'm sorry' three times in a row, which shows how wronged she has been!"

"How can Xue'er apologize??? I feel so distressed. The baby we hold in our hands is being bullied by them like this..."

Seeing that the fans in the comment area and the square were already falling out, Yan Xue smiled, and then deleted the Weibo with a blank expression.

At this time, the assistant used the account of the studio to @ the magazine, the jeweler, the designer, etc., and then posted the three words "sorry".

The fans saw that the studio had expressed their attitude, and immediately increased their output.

Soon, under these Weibo posts, on the related topic squares, there were all kinds of national curses, curses, and posthumous photos.

On the other side, in the studio, the photographer called the editor-in-chief of the magazine, "I can't take this job, please hire someone else... If you want to file a lawsuit, you can do whatever you want, anyway, I'm going to sue those idiots - beep fan .”

Designer: "Sorry Mr. Liu, they shouldn't have used illegal means to human flesh my family, exposed photos of my wife and daughter, and cursed my daughter so viciously. This has touched my bottom line, and I will never tolerate it!"

The two key figures were angered by Yan Xue and left the scene, so the filming work could not continue any longer.

The rest of the staff looked at each other and looked at you. They were just hard-working workers without the background to do whatever they wanted, and they didn't have the capital to stand up and resist after being wronged.

They waited in the studio until they received a new order before they began to pack their things and leave the scene.

At the same time, both the magazine and the jeweler had already blacklisted Yan Xue.

Even if they can't tear their face apart for the time being, they will never cooperate with Yan Xue again in the future, as long as they host activities, they will never give Yan Xue a chance to show up again.

At this time, Yan Xue had already returned to her apartment.

Without the presence of outsiders, she didn't have to worry about her image, so she just threw her shoes and clothes on the floor and lay down on the sofa.


"Brother Su is busy, what's the matter, sister Xue, I'll tell Brother Su for you."

Hearing Su Ning's female assistant's voice, Yan Xue hung up the phone with a sullen face.

After a while, she made another call, "How about the matter I asked you to investigate? Li Jing... what? He's in the program group like a fish in water? How is this possible..."

Anxiously, Yan Xue said it was impossible several times in a row.

Apart from being handsome, Li Jing has no normal personality, temper or habits, he is simply crazy.

At the beginning, she put in so much effort, it can be said that she entered Li Jing's heart through scheming, and made Li Jing think that she really liked him, and she devoted all her heart and soul to her, using the money he earned from part-time jobs to realize her own entertainment. circle dreams.

But just because Li Jing caught her kissing the actor in private, he didn't talk about his old relationship at all, and wanted to cut off all contact with her.

Indifferent, as if he was not the one who gave money to support her to realize her dream.

If she hadn't said that she was pregnant, Li Jing would never have given her a chance to explain.

At that time, she had been pregnant for three months, but because her period was not on time, and she was too tired from filming, which caused various problems of endocrine disorders, so she never found out that she was pregnant.

After she found out, her first thought was to have an abortion, but she had been malnourished when she was in the orphanage. It was only after entering the circle of experience that she really got enough to eat, and her health gradually improved. She asked the doctor, Knowing that she might not be able to conceive again after an abortion, she dared not act rashly.

She used the trump card of "pregnancy" to get Li Jing's "forgiveness" temporarily, and Li Jing promised to continue to give her money to support her and meet her shopping needs.

But this is also limited.

And Li Jing's only condition is to let his child come to this world safely.

Although Li Jing was born extraordinary, with a very high IQ, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius, but he is also vulgar, knowing that he has a child connected by blood, he can't wait to meet the child.

Even if the child's mother is already hated by him to the extreme.

She promised Li Jing that as long as Li Jing gave her enough money, she would definitely protect the child, but an accident still happened.

After her belly became pregnant, she stopped filming, but moved to Li Jing's place under the pretext of being sick and asked Li Jing to take care of her.

One day when she was seven months pregnant, she accidentally learned that Su Ning would attend an important event, and she couldn't wait to put on makeup and go to the scene wearing the luxury brand that Li Jing bought for her, but she was caught by Su Ning. The fans pushed to the side of the road and nearly crashed into a car under pushing.

If it hadn't been sent to the hospital in time, it is very likely that there would be one dead body and two dead.

That hospital was a private hospital that Li Jing asked his friend to help contact. The confidentiality was excellent, and the patient's information would not be leaked. Besides, she was still a small stand-in at that time, so no one found anything.

But when she gave birth to the child, she was told to pay the medical expenses by herself, and the premature child had disappeared.

Only then did she truly realize how indifferent, heartless, and damned Li Jing was!

"Ms. Yan, look..."

"Keep staring, what I want is something that can completely ruin Li Jing's reputation, not some bullshit that he has a good relationship with people! You follow closely, and the price is easy to talk about." Yan Xue said.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Li Jing's popularity was indeed surprisingly good.

Otherwise, Li Jing would never have known his family friend who ran a private hospital.

Thinking of something, Yan Xue said again: "I'll give you a reminder, it's best to keep an eye on that child. There are not only genetic diseases in this world, but personal habits can also affect a person. How can a rapist's daughter be normal!"

She spoke happily, but she didn't know that there was a contemptuous expression on the face of the person opposite.

This woman is really cruel!

Just want to kill the ex-boyfriend.

To even want to kill his own daughter, it's really poisonous and bad, extremely vicious!
Sixth watch~Ticket ticket~

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