After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 367 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 367 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (33)

When Yan Xue just made a noise, Liu Wen had already got the news and ordered the team to prepare for it.

He has a wide network of contacts and is often on the front line of eating melons.

Sure enough, after dark, Yan Xue's fans and navy soldiers were dispatched like Yin soldiers.

The program team hasn't opened the official blog yet, so they created their own topic and cursed wildly there, exhausting all the vicious terms they have learned in their lives.

At the same time, they resorted to their trump card, reporting to the higher authorities and suspending the show. They did not accept Li Jing's appearance on the show.

If Li Jing, the rapist, can be on the show and show his face, then wouldn't those people who met in the prison for theatrical performances because of drug smuggling, drug abuse, rape and murder before them all return to the top seats?
Furthermore, let Li Jing appear in public, this is another rape of Yan Xue, a rape of the law, and a rape of all women!

Seeing someone say a few sensible words, they will rush towards them like maggots. Netizens who speak with human flesh, curse the daughters of netizens who will definitely encounter perverts like Li Jing when they grow up, and experience everything that Yan Xue and those students have suffered suffering.

Even though Liu Wen was already prepared to deal with everything, when he saw many comments like this, he still felt physically uncomfortable.

This taste is too strong.

No wonder when he planned to invite Li Jing to participate, several friends advised him to be cautious.

With their status and status, let alone Yan Xue, even if there are ten or one hundred Yan Xue, it will be fine. The problem is precisely because the little devil is difficult to deal with.

These little devils, they can't easily do anything to you, they can't hurt you in the slightest, but they can make you so sick that you can't eat, and even vomit out the sour water a few days ago in your dreams.

Liu Wen was discussing a solution with the team, and the assistant said that Professor Li was looking for him.

Looking at the curses and photos of death on the computer screen, and even many photos of Xiao Jinyan P in the mourning hall, Liu Wen's expression was gloomy.

"Collect all these evidences, let's fight a beautiful counterattack, let these brats know the price of doing wrong things!"

Previously, he just thought that Li Jing had hot topics, but he could give Li Jing a platform to show himself, and their cooperation was a win-win situation.

But after getting along and getting to know each other in just two days, they all knew that Li Jing was not the kind of person Yan Xue accused him of.

Unless Li Jing concealed and disguised to the extreme, he not only deceived him who has seen countless people, but also deceived Wen Renxiao, Leng Ao, Jiang Ying and Chen Kang, who are the most daring men of heaven.

Furthermore, even if Li Jing was ignored, Xiao Jinyan was so cute and kind, who would have the heart to let those lunatics snipe and kill such a little girl?
Not only Liu Wen thinks so, but other members of the team do too.

Before the matter was found out, scolding Li Jing could still be justified. Cursing a little girl in such a vicious way was too much.

After Liu Wen finished speaking, he walked out. While other people were staring at the computer to preserve the evidence, some people were also popular but picked up their mobile phones and started arguing with some netizens.

The program team set up a tent in an unused yard, Li Jing didn't get too close to the tent, but waited at the door.

Seeing that Li Jing's expression was not good, Liu Wen asked concerned: "Professor Li, you are here, where is little Jinyan?"

Such an innocent and lovely child, if she saw so many disgusting curses from strangers, if she understood, how sad would she be?

Li Jing: "She is playing games with the children, I am looking for you..."

"I know, I will let everyone pay attention to the news on the Internet, and there will be any evidence you want." Liu Wen said.

Li Jing was slightly surprised, "But this is because of me..."

Liu Wen: "It started because of you, but I knew you were in trouble when I invited you to join, so I still chose to cooperate with you, so this matter is also my responsibility; moreover, we have a contract now, according to According to the agreement, the program crew is responsible for the personal safety of you and Xiao Jinyan during filming, and the personal attacks and slander on the Internet are naturally included."

After a pause, Liu Wen adjusted his stance, made a fake smoking motion, raised his head to look at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and said casually: "Just such a small move wants to bring me down, they look down on me too much, Liu Wen!" Wen! No one can get away with it after provoking me!"

It is rare for Li Jing to laugh at outsiders.

But looking at Liu Wen's posture and his ruthless tone, he still couldn't help laughing, "Anyway, thank you Director Liu."

After he finished speaking, he found that Liu Wen was looking at him in a daze.

Li Jing: "..."

He called Director Liu again, and Liu Wen came back to his senses, but his eyes were still fixed on Li Jing, "Professor Li, has anyone ever told you that you are really charming when you smile?"

Just now with Li Jing's smile, his heartbeat almost stopped.

"No." Li Jing said.

Liu Wen: "That's because they have no taste..."

"However, some people say that I can kill people when I laugh." Li Jing added.

Ling Yue said.

Many people have said it about my classmates in college, friends I met through part-time jobs, and colleagues at school.


Liu Wen couldn't help swearing, and said, "Who made you, a big man, so attractive?"

This topic is getting worse and worse.

Just as Li Jing wanted to interrupt him, Liu Wen said, "Professor Li, have you met many people who claim to be managers?"


Li Jing was silent.

Liu Wen burst out laughing, "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, it's really your face..."

Meeting Li Jing's sullen look, Liu Wen immediately made an expression of apology.

He said: "I won't say that you are attractive. In short, in our circle, even if you are a vase with nothing but good looks, you must be loved by thousands of people, always surrounded and looked up to." You don’t know how many men and women you have to surround yourself with… Don’t think too much, I’m talking about everyone’s appreciation of beauty, whoever you are, wants to be friends with good-looking people, right?”

For a girl, it is enough to fall in love with someone like Li Jing.

Li Jing: "..."

The more you talk, the more irrelevant you are.

Li Jing: "Director Liu..."

Liu Wen: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, your face and your smile are really suitable for the big screen. I dare to guarantee that it was just that moment. It's a pity that I didn't take a picture, otherwise I will send it to On the Internet, the number of people who scold you can be reduced by [-]%.”

It's a pity that Li Jing obviously has no intention of entering the film and television industry.

"Only [-]%?" Li Jing frowned.

The corner of Liu Wen's mouth twitched, and he also joked, "Ninety percent is too little? The remaining ten percent is because you have been bewitched by you and are not sober, can't you?"

Li Jing smiled lightly, "That's about the same."

Liu Wen: "..."

It's okay to be good-looking, but still so narcissistic!
But they have that capital.

But he, who is used to seeing beauties, has fallen again.

 Li Jing: This script is not quite right

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(End of this chapter)

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