After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 37 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 37 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (37)

When Wei Qingya was helpless and at a loss, the others had already figured out the current situation.

"Ping Xihou, a concubine, took the initiative to provoke Princess Changning. I can't help admiring her courage!"

"Who would dare not admire Ping Xihou's ability to favor his concubine and destroy his wife? No wonder his daughter is like this..."

"Who doesn't know whose face those two words hit, this is a good show."

"Do you dare to watch the good show of the eldest princess? Or do I dare to watch it?"


As for Wei Qingrong, no matter how Wei Qingya winks, she doesn't seem to notice the movement here, and she doesn't give any reaction.

She doesn't care about me anymore?
This thought shocked Wei Qingya's heart.

Why did Wei Qingrong ignore her?
Obviously, one sentence can calm Gu Jinyan's anger and let her go, right?

"Where is Miss Wei looking? Could it be that you, a model of education in the Pingxihou Mansion, have to learn how to salute from others?" Jin Yan said.

I don't know who didn't hold back the laughter, and soon the laughter in the hall started one after another.

Wei Qingya's face flushed red, extremely embarrassed.

Her father is not in the palace today, and there is no one to make decisions for her. On the contrary, it is Gu Jinyan, so many of her backers are imperial celebrities.

After struggling for a while, Wei Qingya closed her eyes and was about to give up, but the eunuch shouted: "Your Majesty is here!"

The people in the main hall knelt down in unison.

Only two people were still standing there.

Jin Yan bowed in the direction of Emperor Jianping, anyway, His Majesty allowed her not to kneel to anyone.

And Wei Qingya was dumbfounded.

She is still one step too late!
"Bold! Who are you, to see His Majesty not kneeling!"

When the eunuch reprimanded her, Wei Qingya's heart skipped a beat, her legs softened and she knelt down uncontrollably.

From the side, she was shaking like a sieve.

At this time, Wei Qingrong, who was told that his concubine sister was disrespectful to His Majesty, stood up and knelt down respectfully to plead guilty.

Wei Qingrong: "I would like to report to Your Majesty, it is the Marquis Mansion's upbringing failure, but my sister is young, please allow me to take it on my sister's behalf!"

Hearing this, Wei Qingya's heart hanging in the air finally regained a little feeling of being on the ground.

But the next moment, her face turned pale again.

I just heard Jin Yan say: "Your Majesty, I can't blame Miss Wei for this matter. No one in Beijing knows that the Second Miss of the Wei family is spoiled like this by Wei Hou Ye and that concubine's room. !"

Emperor Jianping seemed to have just seen Jin Yan, and said intentionally: "It makes sense, but, you girl, why are you standing there? Why don't you come forward quickly."

Jin Yan pursed his lower lips lightly, and immediately complained, "Your Majesty, just now I scolded the Second Miss of the Wei family, Master Wei won't hit me if he knows about it?"

The corner of Emperor Jianping's mouth twitched.

As for Ping Xihou, who can't even take care of the inner house, dare to tear up the baby bump of the Gu family?
This is probably the funniest joke he has heard this year!

Gu Yong and his son who were present immediately stood up.

Gu Jinhe knelt down and pleaded guilty.

Gu Yong pretended to scold Jin Yan, "Ping Xihou is an elder after all, so don't be rude."

"Hey, the prime minister is serious, since when did this girl disrespect courtesy?" Emperor Jianping said.

After achieving his goal, Gu Yong fell silent.

Only then did Emperor Jianping ask, "Then why did you scold her?"

Jin Yan suddenly looked unhappy, and she said childishly: "Your Majesty, otherwise, you can take back the reward you gave me, so that no one will be unhappy. When I come to the palace, I feel weird. What I know is that they are dissatisfied with me and look down on me. If I didn't know, I thought they were dissatisfied with His Majesty's choice!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of a girl fainting came from behind.

 My body temperature has finally returned to normal and stable, but my throat still hurts and I keep coughing

  But there should be more updates in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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