After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 371 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Zhang Ping was cooking, and Li Jing told him that it was enough for three people.

"Brother Ling isn't coming?" Zhang Ping asked.

Li Jing: "The hospital is temporarily busy, but you can prepare some supper for him, he may come over at night."

Zhang Ping: "Okay."

Li Jing thought that Ling Yue was simply held back by the operation, until he saw a blog post forwarded by a colleague in the hospital about Ling Yue's hospital interns reporting obscenity to the doctor, and after reading the description, he realized that something happened to Ling Yue.

He immediately called Ling Yue, but no one answered.

After a while, when Li Jing took the car keys to open the door, the phone rang again.

Ling Yue's voice was playful, "Brother Li, what are you calling for?"

Li Jing: "Are you alright? Your suspension is related to me, right?"

Ling Yue didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. He smiled nonchalantly, "It's true that good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away. You know how long it's been. Don't take everything on yourself. What can I do with you?" Relationship, I just encountered a psychosis."

Li Jing: "Then what does the hospital want to do now?"

Ling Yue: "I haven't reached a conclusion yet, it's not that easy."

If an intern is going to make a fuss, he will be given an obscene hat. Regardless of whether he has done that kind of thing or not, in some people's minds, he has already committed a heinous crime and deserves death.

But it doesn't matter what the intern said, after all, for the hospital, saving lives and healing the wounded is the most important thing.

The operation time of the patients has been set, especially for the critically ill patients, who can't wait for a moment. He has suspended his job. What about the patients and their families who only look for him?
Delaying the disease, missing the best time for surgery, and letting the patient wait to die, what is the difference between this and murder?
"What can I do, you open your mouth." Li Jing said.

Ling Yue chuckled, "Don't make it so serious, the matter is not that serious at all. My situation is quite different from what you encountered before. If you are suspended, you will stop. If another teacher can continue to teach them, I will stop now. What about the patients? Especially those who are about to undergo surgery, they will never accept a temporary replacement of the surgeon doctor, and the hospital will not make fun of the patient's life and the hospital's reputation."

Li Jing: "As long as you know it in your heart."

Ling Yue: "Don't worry, even if I can't handle it, there are also my parents, they will not allow their son to be slandered and slandered."

He has a backstage!

Jin Yan slept all afternoon, and Li Jing told her to eat before she woke up, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes.

Seeing this, Li Jing had no choice but to let her continue to sleep.

"Brother Li, don't you want to wake Yanyan up?" Zhang Ping said.

Li Jing said forget it, "Traveling around for the past few days, she is indeed too tired, let her sleep for a while, and eat at night."

After dinner, Li Jing went to wash the dishes, but Zhang Ping preempted him, "Brother Li, you are the one who said that you treat me like a younger brother, as a younger brother to help you do some chores in the head office?"

When he was a child, even after his parents divorced, he went to the orphanage by himself, but both his parents were still alive, and the orphanage didn't want him, so he just wandered on the streets.

At that time, he was rebellious and self-willed. He wanted to attract the attention of his parents through various radical methods, and longed for a little love from them.


Instead, he angered the gangster for some reason and was almost beaten to death. It was Brother Li who saved him.

From then on, he decided that he no longer wanted any parents, he just wanted an older brother.

In his heart, Brother Li is his real brother.

After Zhang Ping said that, Li Jing had no choice but to let him go.

He went out to the living room and just picked up a book when the phone rang.

"Professor Li, guess who I am?"

Hearing the slightly frivolous voice on the other side of the phone, Li Jing was somewhat speechless, "Jiang Ying."

Jiang Ying clicked his tongue, "Not bad, Professor Li, you still remember my voice."

At the same time, a gentle female voice sounded over there, "Husband, is this ambiguous way of communication popular among you big men now?"

Jiang Ying was amused and laughed, "Professor Li, did you hear that, don't you also think that speaking like this is ambiguous?"

Li Jing: "..."

Can't talk about ambiguity.

But very cold.

"Okay, no kidding, I just got some good news here, do you want to hear it?" Jiang Ying said.

Next to him, his wife complained, "Here again", and Li Jing also felt speechless, "Say what you want."

Jiang Ying sighed, "It's really boring, are you not curious at all?"

Respectful and silent.

Jiang Ying had no choice but to say: "Forget it, let me tell you, Yan Xue has also been cuckolded, are you surprised or not?"

Li Jing: "..."

What does this have to do with him?
"You must be wondering what this has to do with you, right? How can it be okay? Su Ning, whom she had planned so hard to meet, has a new love in just a few years. Do you think she will be crazy?" Jiang Ying explain.

As for Yan Xue's matter, just ask an insider to find out.

After finishing speaking, before Li Jing could respond, Jiang Ying couldn't stand it anymore, "Isn't this news amazing?"

Li Jing: "I know that."

The timing was not ripe before, so it didn't explode.

Jiang Ying: "..."

Depend on!
He couldn't swallow this breath, and said: "There is one thing you definitely don't know, when Yan Xue made her debut as a substitute..."

"I also know about this, and the evidence I possess has already been sent to the victim." Li Jing said.

It's just that the actress named Han Fei didn't seem to have come out of the shadow of being betrayed by the Internet storm, so she didn't reveal it.

However, compared to Han Fei, who has been discredited and betrayed by others, netizens are probably more willing to believe Yan Xue's words.

The corner of Jiang Ying's mouth twitched, "Listen, you know Yan Xue's every move?"

Li Jing: "That's not true, I don't have the ability to see through the sky."

Jiang Ying hehe, "I thought you, Professor Li, are omnipotent and omniscient."

His wife continued to complain about how he looked like a boudoir.

Jiang Ying snorted, "I kindly helped him inquire about things and gave him advice, but he told me that all of this is under his control. Don't you think I'm doing too much?"

His wife said yes.

Jiang Ying begged his wife for comfort.

Li Jing couldn't stop listening, so he hung up the phone directly.

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Ying sent him a few videos, and the hosts of the videos were Su Ning, the actor who created a single character, and Yan Xue, who was beautiful, tough and gentle.

There is a video of Su Ninghe kissing the newcomer Xiaohua's slender waist with her face buried in Xiaohua's white chest.

There are also videos of Yan Xue slapping her ex-assistant PUA and throwing coffee on the face of a new actor who is working with Su Ning to humiliate her.

Jiang Ying: "I've given you the video, let's see how you do it."

How to do it?
Li Jing turned on the computer, registered a new account, and uploaded several videos to the Internet.

There are hot traffic focuses.

I hope Yan Xue will like this gift.

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