After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 376 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 376 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (42)

"Sister Jinyan, wake up."

He would hear Wenren Qiao's voice early in the morning, which Jin Yan never expected.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the little boy lying beside the window with a face full of excitement and joy.

"elder brother……"

Wenren Qiao saw that Jin Yan's face was flushed from sleep, so he touched her forehead lightly like an adult, and then put his hand on his own forehead for comparison.

"It's okay, sister, do you want to get up? I'll pull you." Wenren Qiao said.

After speaking, he thought of something, and took out another sapphire from his pocket, "This is for you, do you like it? Does it look good?"

Jin Yan sighed helplessly.

If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know how expensive firewood is.

No matter how much assets the Tan family and the film king have, they can't stand the prodigal like the young master, right?
Before Jin Yan could reply, he said again: "Don't you like it? Do you not like this color? I have others."

Soon he took out another two rubies, and said to himself: "It's okay, sister Jinyan, there are still red ones here, and I have many kinds of stones, and I will bring them to you in the future. If you like it, don't."

Jin Yan: "..."

How did the actor and the Tan family raise this young master?

Sometimes he is so clever and cunning that people doubt his age, and sometimes he is so innocent that people doubt his IQ.

"Still don't like it?"

Wenren Qiao frowned in annoyance, he had specially selected this.

But my sister doesn't like it.

That's not good.

Seeing that his little eyebrows were wrinkled into caterpillars, Jin Yan hurriedly said, "Brother, it looks good."

But because he said it too quickly, it sounded like "brother looks good".

Wenren Qiao's slightly frowned brows relaxed in an instant, and a smile overflowed in his eyes, "My younger sister is pretty, and my younger sister is the prettiest."

In the eyes of my sister, he must be the most beautiful!
Jin Yan: "..."

Realizing that Wenren Qiao would be mistaken, she didn't expose it, but just smiled.

Wenren Qiao was even more proud, "Sister, these are not good-looking, you play with them first, when we come back this time, let's go home, and you choose the good-looking ones yourself."

Jin Yan: "..."

What a young master who doesn't know much about the world.

She coaxed him softly, "We are children, we are easy to lose when we hold it, let the adults hold the stone."

Joe the Man said yes.

He turned around and ran out, handing all the gems in his pocket to Li Jing, "Uncle Li, my sister gave it to you."

"Are you sure, the baby said that?" Wen Renxiao asked.

Wenren Qiao nodded, "That's what the baby said."

Wen Renxiao: "..."

what baby!
That's his baby.

Wen Renxiao on the opposite side hurriedly smoothed things over, "Qiao Qiao, did my sister tell you to hand it over to the adults?"

Professor Li put the diamonds and blood amber that Qiao Qiao brought earlier in a box and wanted to return them all.

But that was a gift from his son, and it was for his children. How could he, a father, dare to accept it.

Wen Renxiao didn't want it anyway, and advised Li Jing to keep the things first.

Man Joe nodded.

"Give it to Dad, Dad will keep it for you first." Wen Renxiao said.

Wenren Qiao shook his head, "No, this is my sister's property, so Uncle Li can only keep it for my sister, not Dad."

Wen Renxiao's face darkened.

Dad can't?

Father-in-law is fine?
Brat, he didn't even turn his horoscope, and his elbow was already up to the sky.

If this grows up, it's okay!

Wen Renxiao was furious, and shot Wen Renqiao a look, "Then give it to Uncle Li."

Wenren Qiao didn't notice his father's mood at all, or didn't care when he found out, he just held the gem in front of Li Jing, "Uncle Li, keep it safe for my sister."

Neither is it for Li Jingna, nor is it not for not taking it.

Wen Renxiao kept giving him winks, grab it quickly, otherwise this kid's persistence can haunt you for a day.

Li Jing had no choice but to accept it.

"Thank you, Uncle Li."

After saying this, Wenren Qiao ran to the bedroom again in a blink of an eye.

Jin Yan had already dressed, so he gave Jin Yan slippers, and when Jin Yan washed up, he squeezed toothpaste and took a towel for Jin Yan.

The two fathers were chatting in the living room, but they couldn't hear the child's movement. They ran over to have a look, and both of them were shocked.

Wenren Qiao was actually tying Jin Yan's hair.

Li Jing looked at his daughter worriedly, for fear that Wen Renqiao would not comb his hair and it would hurt his daughter's scalp.

Wen Renxiao only clicked his tongue in surprise.

Growing up so big, it was the first time he saw Qiao Qiao combing someone else's hair.

All the unreasonable things happened after meeting Xiao Jinyan.

He had a hunch that there would be many more such things in the future.

"Qiao Qiao, will you, won't you let Uncle Li come and stop pulling out my sister's hair?" Wen Renxiao said.

Wenren Qiao said coldly: "No way."

Wen Renxiao: "..."

He looked at Li Jing apologetically.

What can Li Jing do, one side of the braid is tied up, he can't snatch the comb from a child, can he?

When the two fathers walked out, Ling Yue, who got up in the morning to turn on the water, also woke up.

He walked to the door of the bathroom, looked at the two children inside, and then at the two adults outside, and couldn't help but say something that had been in his heart for a long time.

"Brother Li, there are times when you can't get in the way!" Ling Yue mocked mercilessly.

He was not allowed to comb Xiao Jinyan's hair before.

The results of it?
Wen Renxiao was a little confused, so Ling Yue explained to him, "For Brother Li, combing his daughter's hair is one of his pleasures. After all, when the child grows up and has a style he likes, he doesn't want Dad to comb his hair anymore. , now Brother Li's fun has been robbed."

Although it sounds miserable and funny, Wen Renxiao knows that he must not laugh.

Otherwise, Professor Li will be annoyed, and he will never be able to come to the door again. The son will hate him, and his wife will blame him. What awaits him is endless lonely nights on the sofa and endless durians.

When the children were packed, Zhang Ping's breakfast was ready, and the program team also came.

Knowing that the film king and his son are here, but seeing with their own eyes that the two families are harmonious as a family in private, the director team is also very surprised.

After breakfast, the group set off again, this time changing their destination to the ancient capital City A.

After getting off the plane, they met Jiang Ying and his son and Leng Ao and his son waiting there at the airport.

"Sister Jinyan!"

Leng Yuntian happily grabbed Jinyan's hand and shared his life in the past few days while talking about his miss.

Wenren Qiao stared at him dissatisfied, but he didn't care.

Jiang Ying watched the open and secret fight between the two children, and patted Jiang Chi's little shoulder amusedly, "I didn't want to play with your children, everyone is here now, go quickly."

Jiang Chi stood still.

Jin Yan called him, "Jiang Chi, come and play with us."

Jiang Chi's expression changed, and he left quickly.

Jiang Ying couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Such a double standard at such a young age.

Wen Renxiao next to him comforted him: "Jiang Ying, be normal."

They are all fathers, who hasn't been double-labeled yet!


Li Jing is an exception!

(End of this chapter)

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