After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 383 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Li Jing cooked eight dishes by himself, except for the three not-so-spicy ones for his daughter, the others were hard dishes that met the taste of the public.

When he was stir-frying the dishes, Xiao Le asked him, "Professor Li, you didn't pass the chef certificate, did you?"

Li Jing was very busy, but he still turned his head, "I want to take care of my baby."

The meaning is obvious.

Xiao Le was stunned on the spot.

She originally just wanted to add some interaction, so that the audience could better understand Li Jing and know him as a person.

But I didn't expect that the question I asked casually would be answered like this.

"Have you learned so much, is it hard?" Xiao Le asked again.

Li Jing didn't speak, but just looked outside the kitchen.

There is a small garden outside the kitchen, and there are some hydrangeas in it, which are blue and green, very beautiful.

Jinyan, who is wearing a corolla on her head, is squatting under the hydrangea, holding some grass in her little hand, she doesn't know what she is making, her pink and green clothes are almost integrated with the garden, like a little fairy among flowers .

When looking at his daughter, Li Jing subconsciously turned down the fire.

He looked at his daughter dotingly, but didn't make a sound, but Jin Yan in the garden raised his head as if he had sensed something, and looked at Li Jing with big ignorant and clear eyes.

She had a sweet smile, afraid that Li Jing would be too noisy from the range hood, so she waved her hand and shouted "Dad".

Li Jingchong nodded her head, then put away her eyes and continued cooking.

And Jin Yan also lowered his head and continued playing.

After watching this scene, Xiao Le and the others were speechless.

Li Jing had to work and take care of his daughter at the same time, and raised her so well, needless to say, he must have put in unimaginable hard work for ordinary people.

But I don't feel that he is very hard.

As far as he is concerned, as long as his daughter calls daddy, gives him a hug full of dependence, and a sweet smile, he will become omnipotent and invulnerable.


In the tree house, Wen Renxiao fried a vegetable, but it started to get a bit mushy. He added some water, and the fried vegetable turned into a vegetable soup.

Wen Renqiao couldn't stand it, and said, "Forget it, it's okay to eat green vegetables raw."


The person who is a father is almost annoyed to death by this sentence.

"Qiao Qiao, trust Dad, Dad will definitely be able to cook edible dishes." Wen Renxiao said.

Soon he searched another method from the Internet, and started to study the above steps seriously.

At this time, Wen Renxiao directly took the stew pot, and according to the steps he wrote down, he fried the tofu in the oil for a while, and after frying until both sides were browned, he added water, and then waited for the water to boil to add other ingredients. side dishes.

When Wen Renxiao heard the movement, he turned his head and saw his son playing with fire, and his expression changed with fright, "My little ancestor, Dad is studying hard, don't touch the fire."

"Are you okay?" Wenren Qiao said contemptuously.

Wen Renxiao: "..."

If you can't do it, you have to do it!

You can't let your son cook!
Thinking of this, he is no longer obsessed with stir-frying vegetables.

Thinking of the box of shrimp his son had taken before, he had a new idea.

Soon, he learned the tutorials from the search and started to pick the shrimp thread for the shrimp. He always broke it before, but after trying a few times in a row, he became proficient and handy.

Wen Renxiao also felt a long-lost sense of accomplishment after completing these simple cleaning tasks.

"Qiao Qiao, look, what is this?" Wen Renxiao proudly pointed at the shrimp.

Wenren Qiao glanced at it, and then returned his attention to the soup pot.

Wen Renxiao talked to himself about how he learned these things, and then started the journey of frying prawns in a pan with oil.

When he arrived at Jiang Ying's place, he asked Jiang Chi to read the process to him, and he learned how to make a soup exactly according to the method taught by the process.

Although he hasn't tasted it yet, he feels very good about himself.

The most devastated was Leng Ao.

Cleaning the house is already exhausting for him, and the task of cooking is even worse for him who is already in adversity.

Leng Ao doesn't know how to use the traditional big pot and old stove. The firewood either cannot be ignited, or the fire is too high when too much firewood is added, causing the oil to ignite as soon as the oil is poured into the pot, instantly filling the room with oily smoke.

Leng Yuntian was so choked that he ran to the yard long ago, while Leng Ao poured water on the stove to extinguish the fire, he searched for pot lids to put out the fire.

When there was no movement in the pot and the oily smoke in the room dissipated a little, his whole body had turned into black charcoal, and he basically couldn't see his original appearance.

But worse is yet to come.

The house he had worked so hard to clean was covered with clean sheets that hadn't been around for a long time, and on the clean floor and tabletops, there were some burnt ashes everywhere, which would smudge away and turn into lumps with the slightest touch of his hands.

What should be dirty should not be dirty, everything is dirty.

Leng Ao took many deep breaths in a row to not be fainted by his own anger.

He wanted to give up his pick and quit.

But there was a carefree little fool waiting for his meal in the yard.

Leng Ao let out a long sigh, stood up again with his heavy shoulders braced, cleaned the house again, split those large pieces of firewood again, poured out the blackened oil and water in the pot, cleaned it and started again.

Fortunately, this time the fire still gave him face, and the embarrassing situation before did not reappear.

Leng Ao had just fried some shredded potatoes and was about to boil the water, when the happy voice of his stupid son came from the yard.

"Dad, Dad! Sister Jinyan is calling us to eat! We don't have to starve to death!"

Leng Ao: "..."

Really noisy!

With him here, can the unfilial son starve to death?

Soon he heard Jin Yan's voice again, "Uncle Leng, Dad has cooked dinner, let's go eat quickly."

Leng Ao listened to the soft voice, and the depression in his heart dissipated.

He was really out of his mind.

Why didn't you work hard to have a daughter?
Leng Ao saw that Jin Yan was still wearing a flower crown when he went out, so a gentle look appeared on his face, "Thank you little Jin Yan."

Jin Yan shook his head, "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Leng Ao's heart was agitated, even Xiao Jinyan could see his embarrassment, and was concerned about whether he was injured, but the brat didn't even look at him.

This son was raised for nothing.

"Uncle is fine. After walking so far, do your feet hurt? Do you want uncle to carry you there?" Leng Ao said.

Jin Yan said: "I don't feel pain, I will walk with my brother and brother."

She came out with Wendy Joe.

It's a little far away from the greenhouse here, and if she's alone, her father won't let her go out.

Leng Ao: "Then let them lead you, and you go slowly."

"Uncle, let's go to Dad first, we still have to go to Xiao Chi." Jin Yan said.

Hearing that Jiang Ying hadn't gone to Li Jing's side yet, Leng Ao promised Jin Yan that he would go there. After watching the three children go out, he hurriedly fetched water to wash his face.

If he just passed by in such a disheveled manner, Jiang Ying would see how Baobuqi would laugh.

It's just that he didn't know that Jiang Ying was much worse than him at this time.

The Miserable Duo: As long as you are worse than me, I feel much more comfortable

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