After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 389 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 389 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (55)

What Jiang Ying said was subtle, but everyone guessed the meaning behind his words.

And Leng Ao, the person involved, was already on pins and needles.

Leng Yuntian wanted to explain the origin of the big bed to the children, Leng Ao quickly interrupted him and said: "This room is not a bedroom, it is a place for him to practice martial arts and rock climbing. To prevent him from falling and hurting, I used this big cushion Cover the ground, and now what everyone sees is actually a protective pad."

"I see, I thought Leng would always be a domineering president who traveled from a novel world, and would wake up like a heroine from a bed of a few hundred square meters, and would have to ride a bicycle to go to the toilet!" Jiang Ying said.

Leng Ao: "..."

other people:"……"

Even if you know it well, why did you say it?
Leng Ao had never experienced such a death.

Even Jiang Ying thinks this way, so one can imagine how the thoughts of netizens on the Internet who are often open-minded will diverge when they see this scene.

At that time, I am afraid that some people will think that he is a woman disguised as a man, and that there is a little princess of Mary Su living in his heart...

His personality was shattered.

His prestige collapsed.

His image of aloof, arrogant, decisive and domineering president is gone forever!
At this moment, Leng Ao not only wanted to kill Jiang Ying, sew Jiang Ying's mouth up with the thickest needles, but also wanted to bury himself.

Dig a deep pit, bury it in, and never come out again.

Jiang Ying gloated, "Mr. Leng, the Internet is very lively, don't you want to take a look?"

Leng Ao panicked inwardly, without any fluctuation on the surface, "I don't want to watch."

Jiang Ying laughed out loud.

But soon he stopped laughing.

The camera cut, and the TV began to show the scene of him being disgusted by his son.

Jiang Chi wanted to brush his teeth, and he squeezed toothpaste for someone, but accidentally touched the toothpaste on his finger after squeezing.

The father and son looked at each other for a moment, and then Jiang Ying explained reflexively that he had just washed his hands, and before he could finish his sentence, Jiang Chi threw the toothbrush into the trash can.

When Jiang Ying wanted to help him get a new toothbrush, he was rejected directly.

Seeing this, Leng Ao also taunted, "Jiang Ying, what did your fingers touch that made the children so disgusted?"

Jiang Ying: "..."

His fingers are clean!

It's purely a brat's cleanliness is too serious!

Soon, Jiang Chi brushed his teeth and washed his face. Jiang Ying said to help him apply some face cream, but accidentally touched Jiang Chi's lips.

The follow-up can be imagined, Jiang Chi brushed his teeth and washed his face again.

Now even Chen Kang was a little confused.

When recording the program, Jiang Chi also encountered dirty things, but he didn't seem to feel as uncomfortable as in the camera.

Jiang Ying shook his head, "Mr. Chen, you are thinking too simply. You couldn't see it when recording the show because he was enduring it. For example, I grabbed his hand when I was crossing the pontoon bridge, and I went back to the place where I lived after the show was over. , he washed his hands a dozen times."

After a pause, he glanced at Li Jing and Wen Renxiao again, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Professor Li and the actor to see if Professor Li and Xiao Qiao are like this."

Li Jing: "I'm fine, I'll try my best to adapt to the environment."

Wen Renxiao smiled wryly, "Qiao Qiao and Xiao Chi are on par."

Chen Kang joked: "That's really a coincidence, our program has gathered all kinds of settings commonly used in TV dramas."

There is a cold and talented professor, there is a cold and taciturn domineering boss, there is a cold and noble actor, there is a romantic and elegant dude, and he is not good at words.

Some are taciturn, some are eloquent, some are intellectual, some are reckless, and some are rudimentary.

There are little princesses, princes, knights, silly white sweets, and little ladies.

There are three clean freaks.

Leng Ao: "..."

Seeing the change in Leng Ao's face, Jiang Ying burst out laughing, "Mr. Leng, Mr. Chen didn't mention your name."

Leng Ao: "..."

Did you not mention it?
I almost named it!
At the place of Chen Kang and his daughter, little Chen Mo was sensible and quiet. When the camera captured her, she was brushing her teeth, and there was a very gentle female voice beside her reminding her to have breakfast after washing. That was Chen Kang's wife.

What followed was always Chen Kang's wife telling him how to take care of his daughter. Chen Kang listened and took notes carefully like a primary school student. Finally, he issued a military order, and he will definitely take good care of his daughter.

In their family, there are not many laughing points that can make people laugh out loud, but the daily trivial life full of nagging and caring is what most people yearn for.

And Xiao Chen Mo's sensible, well-behaved, and understanding quickly made many audiences fall in love with her.

The last actor and son introduced.

Walking out of the big screen, the actor who is more life-oriented, made the fans in the barrage and comments scream again and again as soon as he appeared.

Before the guest list was revealed, they had no idea that their actor had actually accepted a variety show. You must know that before this, he had never accepted a variety show, and he rarely even accepted an endorsement.

And this program gave them a chance to learn more about the actor.

Behind the spotlight, the movie star was full of laziness and relaxation, like a pampered cat, which feasted the eyes of fans.

However, the appearance of Wenren Qiao instantly attracted the attention of the actor.

His appearance perfectly inherited the best features of his parents, especially his pair of eyes, clean and clear, revealing a natural indifference and alienation, which is even more eye-catching than his parents.

The actor has a son, which is known to fans, but even fans have never seen Wenren Qiao.

They all knew very well that the actor and his wife protected their son very well, rarely showed up in public, and never let the media take pictures.

Seeing Wenren Qiao this time, many fans called him "Little Qiao" in unison.

The film king has long been famous.

But Xiao Qiao is still young, and she can still feel the joy of nurturing.

"These fans are too happy too early. When they look back, they should cry." Jiang Ying joked.

Cultivation is very happy.

But Qiao Shao had only one person in his heart and eyes.

A little Jinyan that everyone liked very much.

Everyone understood what Jiang Ying meant, so they all smiled. When Chen Kang said that, more than one fan might be crying.

The film king has his own enthusiasm, so Xiao Qiao naturally attracted attention from the very beginning.

Jiang Ying is not a public figure, but there are many viewers who like their father and son. Many people on the barrage said that they are the same as Jiang Chi, and they simply love Jiang Chi's attributes.

And the Jiang Chi they like, wherever they look, is also Xiao Jinyan.

Less than 10 minutes into the broadcast, the total appearance time of Professor Li and his daughter is only 1 minute. Super talk and fan groups about their father and daughter have been established, and the number of fans is growing at an alarming rate.

And this is just the beginning.

 The sixth update is complete, please vote and support ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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