After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 39 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 39 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (39)

After Jin Yan finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the hall, and hair falling could be heard.

Everyone looked at Jin Yan in shock, and couldn't believe that Jin Yan dared to sue Dong Gong on such an important occasion.

But when they realized that they were looking at the "Prince", a joke about the "Royal", they quickly lowered their heads and covered their faces.

Everyone in the royal family looked like they had knocked over the color plate.

Some people looked gloomy, some gloated, and some watched the fire from the other side.

And the eyes of Gu Yong, his father and son, the eldest princess and others could kill people long ago.

Gu Yong glanced at Gu Jinhe's body several times.

Gu Jinhe smiled helplessly.

He wanted to report everything to his father in every detail, but it's not that he hasn't found the opportunity yet!
In the end, my sister poked a hole in the sky so easily.

Finally, the queen came to her senses and shouted that it was impossible.

The eldest princess stared at death, and the queen's heart shuddered.

She quickly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, Queen Mother, this concubine is rude, but this concubine can't just watch Princess Changning slander the crown prince like this!"

Jin Yan curled her lips, and immediately said: "The empress really thinks highly of me. I don't think I can compare to the girl I saw today. She is eloquent and eloquent. She can make black things into white things. Just a few words Let the people present stand together with her to crusade against us, saying that we murdered the lives of children, and that we are human traffickers, that is the best!"

The queen secretly said something bad.

What Gu Jinyan said is so convincing, it can't be true, right?
To deny or to deny.

But after she said a few words, she was scolded by Emperor Jianping, "Come here, the queen is tired, take her back to rest."

The queen mother also said that there is no need to pay her respects.

The queen's eyes widened immediately. Is this going to keep her closed to reflect?

But the two mountains gave orders at the same time, and she had no room to resist.

Before going out, he listened to the order of Emperor Jianping to send the personal guards to go outside the palace to pick up the prince back to the palace.

How decent is it for a dignified prince of a country to leave the palace for a woman without regard to his own safety and to associate with unknown people!
So far, although the palace banquet continued, everyone knew that there would be no peace in the future.


The palace banquet was over, and the queen mother wanted to keep Jinyan to accompany her in the palace, the eldest princess smiled and said that the prince would not be happy to see Jinyan when he came back.

The queen mother thought about it, but regretted letting it go.

After seeing off the eldest princess, the queen mother immediately approached Emperor Jianping.


"The emperor has worked hard!" The queen mother sighed.

Emperor Jianping smiled wryly, "It's because I didn't teach the prince well, and let the queen mother worry about it."

The Empress Dowager's expression suddenly turned bad.

Her eyes fell on Emperor Jianping, and she said slowly: "It's fine if the crown prince doesn't like Jinyan, the Gu family and the eldest princess don't agree with this marriage, but we can't let him do everything, choose one." What, a merchant woman who hangs out with so many men is his wife, the face of the royal family can't stand him being so wanton and trampled on!"

"Queen mother calm down, when the prince comes back, I will take good care of him." Emperor Jianping said.

Originally, the purpose of this palace banquet was to announce the news that Jin Yan and the prince had broken off their engagement. The eldest princess and the others could rest their anger to some extent, and maybe they would save the prince some trouble.

In the end, he was so angry that he forgot to talk about his business. I am afraid that the prince will have a hard time in the future!
outside the palace.

On the carriage, Gu Yong and Princess Chang talked about Emperor Jianping's plan.

Jin Yan thought it was ridiculous.

She said: "It's not for the prince to cause trouble, but for ourselves! Otherwise, when the prince is in power, in order to erase this dark history, he will definitely raise his butcher knife and kill us!"

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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