After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 391 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 391 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (57)

Ling Yue had already talked about this point, so Li Jing had no choice but to agree.

Just as he was about to ask the patient what to do, Ling Yue guessed what he was going to say, "The patient has been arranged, I discussed with the patient, and with their consent, the patient who is in urgent need of surgery is transferred to my teacher." .”

Hearing this, Li Jing was relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Ying immediately looked at Li Jing with an attitude of catching traitors, "Professor Li, what kind of friend is this, he is so affectionate."

Li Jing: "..."

other people:"……"

But at this time, the background sound on the TV suddenly changed to Jin Yan softly calling "Brother", and the person she called was Wenren Qiao.

Jiang Ying's resentful eyes fell on Li Jing.

This father and daughter are simply poisonous.

One came with a scandal, but easily gained everyone's trust and recognition.

A little Nuomuo, who doesn't do anything, doesn't say anything, just needs to stand there, and someone will rush to her without hesitation.

After Jin Yan's cry of "brother", Leng Yuntian broke down and cried, shouting that he also wants to be a brother.

Seeing himself in the camera, Leng Yuntian rubbed his fingers in embarrassment, feeling inexplicably sad.

Leng Ao, who immediately discovered his son's depression, immediately came to his side, hugged him aside and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

As soon as Leng Yuntian turned around and buried his forehead on Leng Ao's shoulder, he suddenly began to sob.

Leng Ao felt more and more strange, "Are you embarrassed to see yourself crying on TV?"

Leng Yuntian shook his head and continued to sob.

Leng Ao didn't ask him any more, just patted his back lightly.

After an unknown amount of time, Leng Yuntian said, "Father."

Leng Ao: "Huh?"

Leng Yuntian said in a muffled voice, "I still want to be an older brother to Sister Jinyan."

Leng Ao: "..."

It turns out that the root knot is here.

Everyone called Xiao Jinyan Jinyan's elder sister, and she said that she was an older brother, what a naive little fool.

"I know I'm young, but I just want to be a big brother to sister Jinyan." Leng Yuntian said firmly.

Leng Ao held up his face and looked at it for a while, seeing the unprecedented seriousness and appraisal in his son's eyes, he asked, "Have you decided yet?"

"Decided what?" Leng Yuntian asked.

Leng Ao: "Be an older brother."

Leng Yuntian nodded, and emphasized again, "Only treat Jinyan as a brother, don't want anyone else, I don't like it!"

Leng Ao: "..."

There is no need to always emphasize "Sister Jinyan", after all, as a father, he knows very well what his son likes.

He was helpless for a moment, and had nothing to do with his son, so he had to coax him, "Old age is not a necessary condition to be a brother, as long as you are brave, courageous, responsible, and able to protect the people you want to protect, you don't need to be called Your brother, you can also be a brother, understand?"

Leng Yuntian shook his head in confusion.

Leng Ao rubbed his little head, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, when you grow up, you will naturally understand."

Leng Yuntian still didn't quite understand, but he remembered one thing, as long as he was brave enough, responsible, and able to protect others, he could be an older brother.

Thinking of this made him happy again.

Silly Baitian regained his innocence, and soon his laughter spread throughout the hall again.

Two hours later, the first video has come to an end.

The TV was turned off, and the children returned to their fathers.

But for the audience and netizens, the night is still very long.

Everyone worked together to clean the sanitation, and then Liu Wen said: "Well, the first episode ended perfectly. Although the ratings did not break the record, it also beat the programs of other channels in the same period, and the number of comments was even more explosive. , This is a good start, it’s getting late, everyone goes back to their homes, washes up and rests, and will continue to tour the ancient capital tomorrow.”

This made everyone a little surprised.

Even Li Jing, who doesn't like watching TV the most, knows that the most common routine is to summarize after completing an event, and always talk about his impressions and understandings.

Jiang Ying: "That's it, don't you need to make a post-viewing speech?"

Liu Wen: "Is there such a program? I don't remember. Didn't our testimonials have already been published while watching the program?"

Jiang Ying: "..."

Have it?

He was so engrossed while watching that he didn't even notice.

As soon as Li Jing heard that there was nothing to do next, he picked up his daughter and wanted to leave after talking to everyone. Wen Renxiao quickly picked up his son and followed after seeing it.

After catching up with Li Jing, Wen Renxiao also hugged Wen Renqiao.

He is a little lower than Li Jing, but Wenren Qiao is taller, just enough to hold hands with Jinyan after being hugged.

In the hall, Jiang Chi silently watched the two families leaving.

Jiang Ying sent the others away, and when he came back and saw his son still standing there, he couldn't help but sigh, "Father tried his best, but we couldn't get a house close to Xiao Jinyan's house, otherwise we would be able to afford it every day. Cengfan, we can talk together and go home."

Jiang Chi remained silent.

"How about this, after the recording of this program, Dad will take you to the temple for a while, shall we worship the Buddha and make a wish?" Jiang Ying said.

Anyway, it is impossible for him to supplement all kinds of knowledge related to the show temporarily, and to reach the level of Professor Li.

In contrast, it is easier to pray to God and worship Buddha.

It only costs your knees, not your brain.

Jiang Ying was talking nonsense.

He has always been like this, saying whatever comes to mind, so he didn't expect any response from his son.

But Jiang Chi let out a "huh".

"Son? What did you say?" Jiang Ying thought he had heard it wrong.

Jiang Chi said, "Go."

Jiang Ying: "..."

Jiang Ying: "..."

Is this still his son who doesn't change his face when he watches ghost movies in the middle of the night?

Why did you suddenly become so idealistic?
On the other side, Chen Kang gently comforted his daughter, telling her not to look at her phone or listen to what others said.

He didn't want his daughter to know the nasty things some netizens said.

But Chen Mo understood immediately.

She also comforted Chen Kang, "Dad, we don't look at our mobile phones. Sister Jinyan said that there are many ignorant people, and there is no point in arguing with them."

Chen Kang: "..."

He froze for a moment, "What did Xiao Jinyan say?"

Chen Mo nodded, "Yeah, sister Jinyan is amazing, she knows a lot of words, when there were scrolling comments on TV at that time, sister Jinyan told us, let us not listen to those words, she said those words People are dumb, they can't think, they're like rag dolls without self-awareness, they're pathetic."

Chen Kang: "..."

Very poor?
Who, keyboard warrior?

If you think about it carefully, it seems to be the case!
I just don’t know what those keyboard warriors will look like when they know that they are pitiful to the five-year-old child who was bullied by him online.

 Continue to the sixth update, everyone vote a lot ()
  good night
(End of this chapter)

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