After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 395 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 395 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (61)

Fans sprayed indiscriminately online, Yan Xue went mad and went crazy.

The assistant looked at the trend of public opinion on the major social networks for a while, and looked at Yan Xue who was emotional as if she had taken drugs for a while. After being tired, he once again outlined the escape plan that had been planned so many times in his mind.

Ever since Yan Xue became popular as a stand-in, she has been Yan Xue's assistant.

In the beginning, Yan Xue could easily betray her ex-boyfriend, Li Jing, who was so kind to her. She only wanted to be famous in filming, and she thought that she was with an ambitious boss. Sooner or later, the assistant will reach the pinnacle of her life like Yan Xue.

In the end, Yan Xue really hooked up with the rich second generation Su Ning, and had a child with Su Ning, and got a certificate with Su Ning by virtue of the child.

With the backing of Su Ning, Yan Xue's acting career has entered a higher level, and she has gradually climbed to the front line.

However, Yan Xue turned into a love brain at this time, and began to keep people monitoring Su Ning's every move. As long as the opposite sex appeared by Su Ning's side, she would worry about gains and losses and become emotional.

But it's no secret that Su Ning spends his time in the circle.

Yan Xue also knew it well, but naively or stupidly thought that Su Ning would guard her body like a jade for her after receiving the certificate, and from then on she only loved her in her heart.

Even after seeing Su Ning kissing and hugging with his assistant and other actresses several times, Yan Xue convinced herself time and time again that it was just a misunderstanding, those women were pestering Su Ning and kept making excuses for Su Ning.

From then on, the identity of Su Ning, Su Jia, and Mrs. Su was in her mind.

Hearing that Yan Xue did not give up and called Su Ning again, the assistant hiding behind the chair kept rolling her eyes.

Su Ning's assistant dared to answer Yan Xue's calls for Su Ning again and again, naturally because he had Su Ning's permission, or even if Su Ning didn't let her do that, he wouldn't do anything to the assistant if he found out later, so Assistants are so confident.

And there is only one reason behind this incident, Su Ning doesn't like Yan Xue that much, and doesn't care about Yan Xue's feelings.

Such a simple truth, but Yan Xue couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to believe it, and let that assistant stimulate her nerves again and again.

But Yan Xue's madness directly affects filming and business work, and affects making money.

If Yan Xue is confused, what will happen to her as an assistant?
The assistant sighed heavily, and heard Yan Xue yelling again, "What are they doing @police? It's my freedom to report to the police or not. It's up to those poor netizens who have nothing to do all day. This net even thinks of itself as Sherlock Holmes!"

She had a relationship with Li Jing, but it wasn't that Li Jing raped her, but that she drugged Li Jing, and wanted to use this to control Li Jing, so that Li Jing could take whatever she wanted from her, and be a loyal follower under her feet. lick the dog.

If she reported to the police, the police would definitely ask her to record a statement. In front of those experienced policemen, she could not guarantee that there would be no loopholes in her statement every time.

On the contrary, Li Jing's IQ is sky-high, and his psychological quality is also unimaginably strong for ordinary people. He is clear-headed and meticulous, and he will definitely not make any mistakes.

The young and inexperienced Li Jing is still so powerful, but after a few years, from the show, Li Jing is calmer, colder and more elusive than before.

She just wanted to use Li Jing to divert the attention of the media, solve the impact of the "hidden marriage and childbirth" revelations, and sell a wave of independent and strong women's personalities, but she didn't want to send herself to prison.


It has nothing to do with netizens.

But on the one hand, you want to use the melon-eating mentality of netizens to maintain your popularity, and use public opinion means to suppress Li Jing, and you don't want the public opinion to backfire on you, isn't it too naive?

"Xiao Wang, immediately ask the studio to send a lawyer's letter to warn those netizens who don't know the so-called, and tell them not to meddle in their own business, otherwise they will wait to go to court!" Yan Xue said.


Started going crazy again.

In this world, no matter how stupid a netizen is, he knows that a lawyer's letter is a piece of useless blank paper!

The assistant rolled his eyes inwardly, expressing courteously that he would definitely get things done.

It's just that this damn day, when will it be the end?

Yan Xue's studio sent several lawyer's letters in a row, directly amusing the majority of netizens.

Everyone taunted and scolded melons while eating melons, and soon the topic of #律师信# became the number one hot searched topic.

"Family, who knows, I told Yan Xue to call the police and let the law give her justice. She said that I was Li Jing's accomplice, so she sent me a lawyer's letter~ ps: Remember what I received in my life The first lawyer's letter [Niucha]"

"When I saw the first six words, I got a stress reaction, vomit [狗头]"

"It's true that I'm in the same boat, and I was also hanged by Yan Xue's studio because I attacked Yan Xue personally, but I just said something like a dog jumping over the wall, and I didn't mention Yan Xue by name... bad luck!"

"The stone hits the dog and barks~~~"

"Originally, I stood for Yan Xue, and I have always supported Yan Xue and scolded Li Jing before, but Yan Xue's studio and fans have made me doubt my previous judgment. Who is the real one? The victim? The one who was raped by the Internet for three months seems to have always respected his father and daughter!"

"The three views follow the five senses, right? Just because Li Jing is handsome, isn't he a bad guy?"

"It is said that some things can be inherited. I don't think that Li Jing's daughter is a good thing. She is like a vixen at a young age. She has a deep mind and seduces all men and boys around her. It's disgusting. !"

"@mental hospital, did your patients escape?"

"What kind of species is this, so vicious?"

"Grass! Shocked me for 1 years!!!"

"+1 for seeing such a purebred big fool here——"

"How unsatisfactory is your life, that you have so much malice towards a five-year-old girl?"

"Yan Xue fans, you can see it by clicking on the homepage. I didn't pay attention to these things, but you are so malicious to a little girl, I can't bear it. I am also a mother, so I am also a little curious. Seeing my fans Cursing and slandering her own daughter like this, what is Yan Xue thinking?"

"Don't be a saint if you don't suffer from others!"

"May these people be raped [-] times!"

"Don't touch our sister Xue, that child is not what sister Xue wants to have. Sister Xue didn't kill her, didn't let the doctor smash her from the womb into a pool of flesh and blood, and gave her a look at the world This opportunity is already enough to show kindness, Sister Xue is already so kind, what do you want her to do? Do you want her to treat such a little evil as a treasure?"

 Sixth, the last day of April, please support with a wave of votes ^-^
  There will be more~
(End of this chapter)

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