After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 401 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 401 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (67)

After doing a big job, Jin Yan lay down on the bed, covered her body with a small velvet quilt, and fell asleep.

"Host, do you really want to sleep? Don't you want to see what's going on online?"

288 asked a question, but did not get an answer, and when he looked again, Jinyan had already fallen asleep.


288 was silent for a while.

She is indeed the biological daughter of the villain.

Crazy has a kind of energy that doesn't care about anyone's life or death.

At this time, the Internet has already exploded.

It can also be said that Jin Yan really broke the sky.

It's just that what she pierced was the sky above Yan Xue, Su Ning, and everyone who had dirty interests with them.

"Fuck! Su Ning and Yan Xue?"

"If I remember correctly, Su Ning seems to have told fans more than once that he will never marry. His girlfriend is only his fans. His love has been given to fans, and he can't give it to another person? Their team has been marketing is not good. Wedding person set..."

"Yan Xue also dissed a married female star in an interview, saying that the other party has no thoughts and no brains, is it completely misleading fans or something?"

"A movie king who will never marry for life? Marry Yan Dahua, a brainless Yan Dahua?"

"Don't be unmarried forever, they have a daughter, their daughter is three years old!!!"

"I said before that Xiao Jinyan is more than five years old, and it doesn't match the girl that Yan Xue took with the paparazzi who broke the news before. I said that the child is not Xiao Jinyan, no one believes it at all!"

"Four years ago, Yan Xue didn't take over the job for a long time. She said that she was studying for further studies. I'm afraid it was the child she was pregnant with at that time?"

"Three years old, age and height, and a suit of luxury all coincide with the photos revealed by the paparazzi."

"That's right, Xiao Jinyan's clothes don't have any big-name luxury items."

"Where's Su Ning? Is he invisible?"

"In order not to affect my career, let my wife's ex-boyfriend be my daughter's father, and wear a cuckold for myself, Su Ning is so generous! Su Ning is so awesome!"

"Pass it on, Su Ning is wearing a cuckold!"

"Pass it on, Su Ning is green!"

"Facing the fans and the camera, the actor Su is omnipotent. Outside the camera, his daughter and wife have been exposed, but he still pretends to be a coward and puts on a cuckold for himself. The actor Su has such a heart and this pattern, he is really not like us. Comprehensible!"

"Anyone apologize to Li Jing and Xiao Jinyan?"

"The hidden marriage captured by the paparazzi was Yan Xue, Su Ning and their daughters. In order not to affect their careers, the two pushed out Li Jing, a bully, to divert everyone's attention, and let the innocent little Jinyan and her father be raped by the Internet together. , was attacked, now the truth is clear, who will apologize to their father and daughter?"

"It's impossible to apologize for a one-dollar bet, but it's very handy to pretend to be dead!"

"Why should I apologize?"

"No apology! Yan Xue shouldn't have apologized!"

"Even if Yan Xue's hidden marriage partner is Su Ning, can you say that she hasn't been raped by Li Jing before?"

"Even if Yan Xue concealed her marriage and childbirth, it won't change the fact that Li Jing is a rapist and Li Jinyan is a villain!"

"Don't bring us actor and rapist together!"

"Our brother Su is only married in secret, and we haven't broken the law. Our fans are nothing. Don't jump around if you have nothing to do with it. No one cares about your attitude."


"Who the hell is in a hurry? As soon as the truth about the hidden marriage came out, fans pretended to be passers-by saying that marriage is a major event in life, and it is human nature to not want to expose the marriage prematurely in order to protect their daughter. Li Jing, you are not kind or magnanimous anymore, you wish for others to die, right?"

"The chat records are all out, but the fans are still pretending to be dead!"

"The plan to push Li Jing out as a scapegoat was proposed by Yan Xue, not Su Ning..."

"Yes, he is a man. His daughter who had been hiding for three years was photographed by the paparazzi. He didn't want to clarify and protect his family. He chose to remain silent and asked Yan Xue, a woman, a wife, a mother, and a popular female star to clarify. The ex-boyfriends of the rapist all pulled out the blame, put on a cuckold for himself, and let his daughter be the daughter of the "rapist", but he chose to sit on the sidelines and watch the innocent father Li Jing in this incident. The girl was bullied by the Internet again and again, and was chased and intercepted by paparazzi and Yan Xue's fans offline, and let the fans attack a five-year-old child. He is also a father, and he deserves to be a father? He also deserves to be a human being!"

"Upstairs is really my mouth!"

"Yan Xue and Su Ning are really better than each other, and worse than each other!"

"It's fine if you don't take responsibility, it's fine if you let others take the place of dead ghosts, but you still indulge fans time and time again, guide public opinion, want to kill father and daughter, and let others die, it's really vicious to the point of horror!"

"Don't forget, Xiao Jinyan is also her daughter, but she chose to let Xiao Jinyan die to protect her little daughter!"

"How can you assume that she must be protecting the little girl?"

"That's right, how can you say that she didn't do it for her status in the entertainment circle, for the big money, for the fans' pursuit, and for the identity of Mrs. Su?"

"Yan Xue is also ashamed to say that Li Jing is a pervert, who is more perverted between the two of them?"

"Let's put the pervert issue aside for now, is there anyone who doesn't know that Su Ning takes drugs?"

"Grass! Taking drugs?"

"Not only did he smoke it himself, he also introduced others to smoke it, and he even bought a villa as a place for taking drugs!"

"Take drugs, sell drugs, allow others to take drugs? Is it time to get out of prison?"

"Brother is kind, but he still rapes!"


"I am not wrong, right?"

"The video he made himself was aimed at fans. He threatened the fans with the video in his hand, so that the fans did not dare to call the police. They could only be imprisoned by him and be his sex nu for a whole year!"

"Speaking of which, I've seen this video!"


"Because he was wearing a mask, and the camera deliberately avoided the man's face, so I didn't pay attention at first, but after watching Su Ning's movie, there was a picture of him naked, and I noticed a scar on the base of his thigh... "

"Don't look it up. That scar turned into a tattoo. He tattooed a snake spraying venom on it. I suggest you don't be curious. It's disgusting and scary!"

"Something's wrong upstairs!"

"Because I slept with Su Ning!"

"If you want to scold, scold, anyway, I'm out of my mind! I'm fucking out of my mind to think that a man in his 30s, a film king who is immersed in the sensuality of the entertainment industry, is an emotional idiot. I believe he is Really pure and pure love me..."

"How many amateur female fans is this? Eight or nine?"

"It's seventeen!"

"Don't forget he's still 'perverted'!"

"No wonder all these amateurs are scolding him..."

(End of this chapter)

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