After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 421 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline

Chapter 421 Sick Bai Yueguang Refuses to Go Offline (87)

"Congratulations! The fifth issue is finally coming!"

"Good guy, after more than a dozen trailers, the feature film is finally coming."

"Little Jinyan, mother can't bear you!"

"Papa is also reluctant"

"How many steps does it take to steal a cute baby?"

"The same question"

"Stealing children is a crime, don't follow suit!"

"I want to steal, but I can't afford [crying]"

"We can't afford to support each other"

"It's hard to support yourself [crying] [wow] [crash]"

"Xiao Qiao really likes Xiao Jinyan awsl"

"The old aunt is stupid"

"I'm not convinced! My Xiao Chi also likes Xiao Jinyan very much!"

"Everyone likes Xiao Jinyan"

"They're not the same!"

"Everyone knows they're not the same"

"But there is only one little Jinyan, as if he has already felt the sword of be [big cry]"

"Suddenly, I hope that time will freeze here, and the children will not grow up [pray]"

"Qiao Shao was the first to take the lead in objecting. When he looked at the actor and Professor Li, his eyes were full of admiration and longing. Obviously, he also wanted to be as tall, powerful and secure as his fathers!"

"I missed our Xiao Chi again. Our Xiao Chi still insisted on exercising in the recording program. After running, he knew to pick wild flowers from the side of the road to send to his sister. Seeing her sister harvest flowers, her shy ears turned red. It's really too pure Wonderful!"

"As expected of Liu Wen, the atmosphere is really top-notch"

"As soon as the memoirs came out at the beginning of the fifth issue of Madeleine, tears came out of my eyes"

"Director Liu understands us very well. The fifth issue is really more towards the daily life. I love the daily life so much. Even if the five old men just sit there quietly without saying anything, I can watch it all day!"

"Old man? Jiang Ying's 40-meter sword can no longer be contained!"

"Liu Wen's expression really makes me laugh. The cute baby is rebellious and doesn't follow the procedure, and the father even finds another way. This is definitely Waterloo!"

"Little Chen Mo has double standards. The three younger brothers don't deserve names, and little Jinyan will always be favored by her!"

"Silly Bai Tian is really naive, and I still ask the next issue hahahaha. This is not me. I just asked the roommate when the next issue would be woohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Xiao Chi finally took the initiative to express his feelings!"

"Young Master Qiao, I'm crying to death"

"He has never hidden his thoughts, he only wants to grow up with Xiao Jinyan!"

"Xiao Jinyan is so smart, the phrase 'forever happy, grow old together', not only responded to everyone, but also replied to Qiao Shao, the two of them are really, so sweet"

"Li Jing: This trip was worthwhile"

"Others: Me too!"

"Obviously everyone is happy, but I'm crying [sad]"

"It's time to end"

"Worth the trip"


The show has become the past, but the memory will not disappear, and the changes brought about by this trip have never stopped.

Chen Kang adjusted his work plan. He spent a lot of time with his daughter and learned how to cook when he had free time.

With hard work again and again, he can also sit down to a table of delicious meals for his family.

It was only after Leng Yuntian returned home that he realized that "the end" meant that there would be no next episode, and he would never see sister Jinyan again.

Once Silly Baitian's prince got sick, Leng Ao had nothing to do. He couldn't "buy" the entire H City according to Silly Baitian's request, so he could only buy some properties there so that Silly Baitian could have a place to sleep after he left.

Jiang Ying's life trajectory has spread all over the world, and he has no main business. Now, for the sake of his son, he and his wife simply moved their life center to City H.

In this regard, some people on the Internet said that Jiang Ying was kicked out of the family tree by the Jiang family, and that Jiang Ying's father took away his son's inheritance rights.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Zhou, the heir of the Jiang family and Jiang Ying's younger brother, said in an interview: "My little nephew is going to find his little sister. My elder brother is always reluctant to reject his son, but he is willing to let his younger brother be 17 years old." Just take over the business."

This sentence caused many marketing accounts to abort the giant property competition drama that many marketing accounts worked hard to fabricate, and there was an extra section called "Yingzhou CP" in the corner of the Internet.

Since the actor finished filming the reality show, he received many invitations from variety shows, but he declined them all.

He will not make any kind of variety show again.

After Li Jing came back, he handed in his resignation letter to the school.

Both the school teacher and the school thought that the school did not firmly stand on his stand when he was wronged before, and some behaviors of the students also made Li Jing disappointed with the school and the students.

But they didn't know, Li Jing didn't care about it at all.

He asked the school to punish those excessive students because they insulted and cursed his daughter.

After a lot of twists and turns, Li Jing still resigned.

Some people on the Internet ridiculed Li Jing for being too arrogant and not accepting any grievances. His good lectures do not mean that he can succeed in starting a business.

Soon someone took pictures of Li Jing meeting Jiang Yingwenren Qiao.

They invested in Li Jing's business and became shopkeepers.

On the other side of the school, there were also teachers who resigned and joined Li Jing, and some postgraduate and doctoral students who did not graduate also aimed to enter Li Jing's company.

The voice of ridicule gradually died down, replaced by the news that many talents in the industry signed contracts with Li Jing.

Some netizens commented: "Except for Jiang Ying, everyone is working hard for their career."

Jiang Ying refused to accept it, and replied in person: "Discovering a genius, hugging your thighs, achieving it in one step, and worry-free for the rest of your life, isn't this harder than working hard for a career?"

Netizens were left speechless by Jiang Ying's answer.

Then Jiang Ying sent another message: "Those who say I don't work hard, it's because you don't understand Professor Li's temper and how hard it is to hug his thigh!"

Netizen: "..."

Perhaps Professor Li's thigh distress is real.

But Jiang Ying's bad performance is also true.


After the show ended, Jin Yan was arranged by Li Jing to be in the same kindergarten as Wenren Qiao.

Wenren Qiao's happiest moment every day is seeing Jin Yan at the kindergarten gate.

They will hold hands and walk into the school gate together, go to class together, eat together, leave school together, and go home together!

At the beginning, Li Jing didn't welcome Wenren Qiao, a kid who would just eat when the time came.

But after the actor started filming, it would be nice to be able to go home once in ten days and a half months, and Mr. Tan has a lot of things to do every day, often flying around in the sky, and has no time to spend time with his children.

In this way, when the actor and his wife were not at home, Wenrenqiao would pretend to be pitiful and chase Jinyan's little hand to go home with her.

At first, he just drank a small bowl of rice.

Later a small piece of sofa.

After that is a small bed.

In the end, he got a bedroom.

Although Li Jing's house has a lot of space, there are only three bedrooms, one for Jin Yan and his daughter, and one for Zhang Ping and Ling Yue to sleep in when they usually stay.

But now, this bedroom belongs to Joe.

Both Zhang Ping and Ling Yue had something to say about this.

Zhang Ping: "*****"

Ling Yue: "*****"

Qiao (Little) Young (Wang) Li (Eight) Horrible (Dan)!

They were two big men, and their house was stolen by a five-year-old child.

What a shame!
No matter how hard they tried, they still couldn't get the bedroom back from Young Master Qiao.

 Cervical spondylosis, dizziness and nausea, I can't write anymore, I will continue to update tomorrow
  good night

(End of this chapter)

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