After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 437 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

"Host, it's time for you to wake up."

288's voice awakened Jin Yan from his chaotic consciousness.

After regaining consciousness, inexplicable pain spread from all limbs, and the severe dull pain made Jinyan yell out.

It was still the voice of a child.

It turned out to be a child again.

Jin Yan didn't feel bad about becoming a child herself.

But when she tried to open her eyes, the sharp pain in her eyes made her unbearable.

After realizing something, Jin Yan didn't open his eyes forcefully, but covered his eyes with his hands, blocking part of the light coming in from the window.

Jin Yan: "Xiaoba, what's wrong with my eyes?"

288: "Can the host see things?"

Jin Yan shook his head.

Then she saw a new plot.

A story that combines "changing sons", "true and fake masters of a rich family", "the sadomasochistic love between the first boss and Xiao Baihua" and "genius baby".

In this story, Jin Yan's existence is not obvious, but it is very important, because she is the precious daughter of the real young master Yu Sheng.

It was her death that led to Yu Sheng's blackening. In order to avenge his daughter, he kept taking revenge on the hero Bai Songmo.

But Bai Songmo is the son of luck, with the aura of the protagonist, the consciousness of this world exists around the protagonist, and anyone who might harm the protagonist will eventually suffer backlash.

Yu Sheng's last revenge plan is to die with Bai Songmo, but until the end of the plot, Bai Songmo is still alive, still high and famous.

Instead, it was Yu Sheng's relatives and friends who had an accident.

It's just that Yu Sheng's result was not mentioned in the plot.

When Jinyan was thinking, 288 said: "The plot doesn't say that you will go blind, don't be afraid."


The discomfort in the eyes made Jin Yan resist the urge to roll his eyes.

She said speechlessly: "Of course the plot will not record my blindness, because according to the plot, my first seven days have already passed by this time."



The host doesn't have to curse himself like that.

But since it came into contact with the host, although the host's body is very weak in each world, it has never encountered a situation like "blindness" that would obviously limit people's actions.

288 was about to comfort Jinyan, but before he could speak, the door of the ward opened.

There was a young couple standing at the door. They were whispering about the treatment, but when they entered the door, they found something, and both of them had surprise expressions on their faces.

"Baby is awake?"

They left for only 5 minutes, and the baby's hands were still under the quilt before they left, but now they are covering their eyes.

It is impossible for outsiders to come in this ward, and the doctors and nurses would not be so careless. It must be that her daughter finally woke up!

The woman was overjoyed, but she didn't dare to touch Jin Yan lightly. Instead, she looked at the man beside her with joy and bewilderment, "Ah Sheng, take a quick look, how is the baby?"

"Don't worry, the baby will be fine..."

Before he finished speaking, Jinyan's sobs sounded in Yu Sheng's ears, "It hurts."

She didn't want to make her parents worry by shouting about the pain, but the wife was in pain, and all the bones in her body seemed to be crushed.

However, it was the word "pain" that made the eyes of the couple in front of the hospital bed red.

Mu Yu said, "Mom is here, baby, don't be afraid", but she didn't know where to put her hands. She was afraid that she would hurt her daughter if she was not careful, and that her daughter would hurt even more.

But Yu Sheng quickly hid the glint of water in his eyes and the turbulent killing intent. He came to Jinyan's bedside, and first gently held Jinyan's hand, "It's Dad, be good, baby, don't be afraid, hold your hand." put it down."

Jin Yan obediently moved his hand away.

Although he had already guessed, when he saw that his daughter did not open his eyes to look at him, Yu Sheng still felt so distressed beyond words.

"Baby, does it hurt when Dad holds it like this?" Yu Sheng asked.

He was checking Jinyan's pulse.

Jin Yan shook his head.

After Yu Sheng took the pulse, he wanted to check various indicators of his body, so he handed Jin Yan's hand to Mu Yu.

Let her know that Mom and Dad are always by her side, and she will not be afraid.

Mu Yu endured the heartache, and carefully held Jin Yan's fingers while gently comforting her, "Don't be afraid, baby, let Dad check you, it's okay, Mom and Dad are by your side."

Yu Sheng observed Jin Yan's state and found that she had been trying to close her eyes tightly, so she pulled up all the curtains, and the ward was quickly plunged into darkness.

He guided Jinyan, "Baby, can you open your eyes?"

Jin Yan nodded.

The light in the room is not so strong, there are only some reminder lights from the instruments beside the bed.

Jin Yan tried it, then quickly closed her eyes, "Father, I feel bad."

Yu Sheng felt sour in his heart.

He endured the pain in his heart, and gently touched Jinyan's forehead, "It's okay, it's just some sequelae, take good care of it and cultivate it. It won't be long before the baby will be able to see normally."

And Mu Yu, who was on the side, only realized now that she opened her mouth, but the words she wanted to say were blocked in her heart, making her almost out of breath.

"Let mom stay with you first, and dad will arrange it. Let's do a detailed inspection first, okay?" Yu Sheng said.

Jin Yan nodded and said, "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Yu Sheng and Mu Yu almost shed tears again.

After Yu Sheng went out, Mu Yu immediately sat by the bed and gently stroked Jin Yan's cheek. She could hold back her tears, but she couldn't hold back her tears.

blah blah blah.

Tears fell down her cheeks and onto her clothes.

When Jin Yan heard it, she reached out to touch it, "Mom, don't cry, I don't really hurt that much, I just want you to hug me."

Realizing that Jin Yan was going to wipe her tears just now, Mu Yu's heart seemed to be grabbed by a hand full of spikes, and she was in pain so much that she was about to die.

She suppressed her emotions, but she almost collapsed a few times.

In order not to worry her daughter, she could only bite her lips desperately. In the end, her lips were bleeding, and her heart calmed down a little.

Mu Yu leaned down, hugged Jinyan carefully, and kissed her forehead tenderly, "Mom didn't cry, but mother is happy, happy that my baby finally woke up."

Just after finishing speaking, footsteps came from the door.

Yu Sheng came to her quickly and wiped away the tears on his wife's face with his thumb, "What's wrong?"

Mu Yu couldn't help but want to cry again.

Yu Sheng comforted her, "Sister, don't cry, our daughter didn't cry, how strong is your daughter? Do you want her to laugh at you?"

"Just talking! My daughter doesn't laugh at me, she only loves me." Mu Yu said.

The atmosphere has been heightened here, and Jin Yan said, "I only feel sorry for my mother."

Both Mu Yu and Yu Sheng were deeply moved.

Only 288's expression showed some confusion.

Why does the host's words sound a bit weird?It's like I've heard it somewhere.

Thank you [Aegean Sea on the other side] for your reward!
I originally wanted to write about the end of the world, but I didn’t finish the outline, so I had to change to this one. The writing was slow at the beginning, and there were few updates. Please forgive me [Bow]

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