After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 449 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Yu Qingtang didn't know about the conversation between old man He and Yu Sheng. He carried a pile of firewood and went to boil water.

Half an hour later, Yu Sheng came to replace him.

"I'll burn it, bro, just sit and rest." Yu Qingtang said.

Yu Sheng sat down on the old pony horse beside him. He picked up a branch and scratched something on the ground, and asked casually, "When are you going back to school?"

Mu Yu had mentioned this issue to him last night, the exam was about to take place, and it was time for Qingtang to go back to school.

But she knew Yu Qingtang's temper, he wouldn't listen to anyone except Yu Sheng.

Yu Qingtang paused and looked at Yu Sheng with a pair of cold eyes that could not be refused.

"I'm not going back," he said.


Yu Sheng had an expression of "I guessed it so", and said earnestly, "I know you are very smart, but the college entrance examination is different from your usual exams..."

"I don't think there is any difference." Yu Qingtang said.


Yu Sheng was choked again and didn't know what to say.

And Yu Qingtang said: "I took half a month's leave."

half a month?
The corner of Yu Sheng's mouth twitched, "It's only half a month before the exam, do you plan to go back later?"

Yu Qingtang shook his head.

Yu Shengxin said that it seems that there is still room for discussion.

He just heard his good brother say: "I have to go back and get my admission ticket."

Originally, he was thinking of going back the night before the exam, but last year someone had an accident while taking the exam admission ticket for him, and this year he was not allowed to take the exam admission ticket instead, so he had to go back to school again.

Yu Sheng: "..."

and so.

It's he who thinks too much.

Yu Sheng began to persuade again that even if he didn't have to worry about his grades, he should get along well with his classmates and cherish the last time in high school.

After speaking, Yu Qingtang looked at him with strange eyes.

"What's wrong? Yu Sheng asked.

Yu Qingtang: "Brother, you also skipped a grade back then, how deep do you think the relationship between me and my classmates can be?"

After tens of seconds of silence, Yu Sheng said: "The relationship between people does not have to spend a lot of time together..."

Yu Qingtang said lightly: "But I and them are just classmates who have taken classes together, brother, you also know what I look like outside."

Yu Sheng was completely speechless.

Ten years ago, when he saw Qingtang for the first time, every part of his body was covered with wounds, some were new wounds, some new wounds overlapped with old wounds, and some wounds had rotted and inflamed.

Such an injury would be unbearable for an adult.

But Xiao Qingtang, who was only five years old at the time, didn't let it go, and buried his head in the wild looking for wild vegetables and fungi that could feed him. Even if the branches caught the scabbed scar and tore off the scab, he would at most just look at it. Glancing at the wound, he continued digging wild vegetables.

At that time, he and the old man went up to the mountain to gather herbs, and he walked faster, throwing the old man away for a long distance, and then he saw Xiao Qingtang.

When the five-year-old child saw him, his clear and sharp eyes were as vigilant as a beast.

That look full of defense and uneasiness hit the soft spot in his heart.

Although everyone around him tried his best to hide his life experience, he knew that he was adopted by the old man when he was very young.

If it weren't for the old man, he might have froze to death in that cold night.

So when he saw Xiao Qingtang who was like a cub, he inevitably thought of his own life experience, and naturally felt pity and intolerance in his heart.

Although the old man had been persuading and obstructing him when he knew he was going to adopt Xiao Qingtang, the first glance at the first meeting had already decided everything in the future.

The five-year-old Xiao Qingtang was vigilant against everyone and everything, and it took him a lot of effort to talk to him and gain the child's trust.

Ten years have passed, Xiao Qingtang has grown up, and he has let go of his guard against him, the old man, and people he knows well, and gets along like a normal family member.

But he is more vigilant against outsiders than before.

So is indifference.

Yu Sheng knew that he couldn't persuade Yu Qingtang, so he had to take a step back and said patiently: "It's okay if you don't go to school, but you have to make sure you do the amount of questions every day, and you can't delay your study just because you don't go to school. The college entrance examination is a big question. , you have to give an answer that satisfies yourself.”

Yu Qingtang: "I see, thank you bro."


The two brothers didn't have time to tell others about what they had talked about. On the second day, all the neighbors came to visit Jinyan at home. When Yu Qingtang was busy in and out to entertain everyone, old man He couldn't sit still.

After sending away a group of old neighbors and when Yu Qingtang was clearing the dining table, old man He immediately called him outside.

"Stinky boy, do you know what you are doing now?" the old man asked.

Yu Qingtang: "Clear the table, what's the matter?"

The old man stomped his feet angrily, "He said he was as smart as An An, so he forgot his identity so quickly?"

Yu Qingtang: "Orphan."

Old Man He: "..."

The air was silent for a moment, and the old man jumped up angrily and knocked Yu Qingtang on the head, "Nonsense! What kind of orphan, isn't this your home? What is it? You don't regard An An as a relative, do you?"

Yu Qingtang deliberately said: "You asked me if I remembered my identity."

The old man rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Old man, what I'm talking about is do you still remember that you are a student! A student should look like a student, and a student should study in the school. Look at what you are doing now?"

"I asked the school for leave, and I won't go to school anymore," Yu Qingtang said.

The old man was stunned.

What do you mean?
Not going to school anymore?
Yu Qingtang added, "My brother also agrees."

The old man scolded Yu Sheng as soon as he heard it, "Students don't go to class, is that okay? I said earlier that I will be responsible for you when I bring you home. How can a parent let his child do whatever he wants? Yu Sheng, Go find him, it’s fine if you mess around, but he still messes around with you, what a bastard!”

"Don't scold my brother. My brother has already persuaded me. It's me who doesn't want to go to school, and neither does my brother." Yu Qingtang said.

He also taught himself university courses at school, and he can also learn at home, and the home is cleaner.

The most important thing is that while taking care of Yanyan, you can also help your brother with things.

The old man didn't need to think about it to understand what was going on.

The brat doesn't go to school, it must be because Guaibao is injured and needs to take care of Guaibao, and he is afraid that someone from his brother's biological parents will find him, so he wants to stay and help his brother.

He glanced at Yu Qingtang with a complicated expression. The child he used to guard against as a scourge has now begun to pour out his heart and soul for those who saved him.

Emphasizing friendship is a good thing, but how can you not go to school!
The old man knew that he couldn't persuade Yu Qingtang, so he went to find Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng: "..."

Qingtang is obedient, but she doesn't listen to everything.

Neither did he.

Thank you [Aegean Sea on the other side] for your support~

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