After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 454 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

"He Xun, get out!"

As soon as the two brothers walked to the outer courtyard, they heard such a sentence.

Yu Sheng's face darkened slightly, and Yu Qingtang's face was equally grim.

He explained: "This is the person who came to see the old man the day before yesterday. He said that the old man was dead and his mother was admitted to the hospital. Now he is asking the old man to pay for his next hospitalization expenses, surgery, nutrition, and lost wages. "

Yu Sheng: "..."

Is it so outrageous?

He obviously could go directly to the ground to extort money, but he still has to move out a "mother" who doesn't know if he exists. It's really painstaking.

Seeing Yu Sheng's speechlessness, Yu Qingtang said, "Brother, I have already called the police, and the police will be here soon."

When the two went out, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was about to walk to the gate of He's house, and opposite him was a thin man with a mobile phone video recorder.

Yu Qingtang immediately blocked the camera to prevent the man from taking pictures of Yu Sheng.

"what are you doing?"

The man stared at Yu Qingtang viciously, but Yu Qingtang didn't say anything, just grabbed the man's wrist with one hand, and snatched his cell phone with the other. While deleting things related to the old man and Yu Sheng from the photo album, he warned him coldly, "Private places, no photography allowed without permission."

"Who made the regulations? This road is not yours, so what's wrong with me?" The man raised his head and stared at Yu Qingtang.

Yu Qingtang raised her head, her cold gaze fell on the man.

He slowly squeezed his hands hard, and the pain from his wrist distorted the man's facial features, but Yu Qingtang calmly warned him, "I said, don't take pictures."

The man was taken aback by the murderous look in his eyes. Before he could react, Yu Qingtang had already let go of his hand.

"Give you."

Yu Qingtang handed the phone to the man, but the moment the man reached out to pick it up, the muscles in his wrist suddenly twitched.

In the end, the man could only watch helplessly as his mobile phone fell to the stone slab at his feet.

The sharp-billed monkey cheek was a little stunned seeing this scene.

He looked at Yu Qingtang, then at Yu Sheng, feeling a little unsure about whether he should lie down or not.

Yu Sheng looked at the other party casually, "Didn't you scold me hard just now, why didn't you stop scolding? Keep scolding."

He casually sat on the threshold, and quietly waited for the other party to play.

The moment Yu Sheng sat down, Yu Qingtang frowned a little unbearably, the threshold was covered with dust...

"Sorry Qingtang, I forgot just now, so just pretend you didn't see it." Yu Sheng said.

For the younger brother who is seriously obsessed with cleanliness, what he did just now was really unacceptable.

Sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks: "..."

What does it mean?
Didn't you pay attention to him?
Seeing the dumbfounded look of the sharp-billed monkey, Yu Sheng reminded him again, "Go on, after all, you have come here, how can you achieve the purpose of extortion if you don't put on a show?"

There were laughing voices from the neighbors watching.

The sharp-billed monkey's cheeks were even more confused.

Come all come!

Shouldn't this fucking be his line?

Forget it, don't care, it's coming anyway, you have to try to make it work.

So in the next second, he looked up to the sky and howled, "My mother, you died so badly, these black-hearted Chinese medicine practitioners, they are all wolf-hearted, without conscience, and just watched you die..."

Not to mention Yu Sheng, the neighbors couldn't stand it anymore.

"Isn't your mother receiving treatment in the hospital? Aren't you trying to extort hospitalization fees, surgery fees, and nutrition fees? Why did she die again?"

"Yeah, which hospital still operates on the dead and pays the nutrition fee, is it used to buy radishes or paper money?"

"Maybe it's Mengpo soup." Yu Qingtang said.

The neighbor was a little puzzled, Yu Qingtang said: "Drinking Mengpo soup can forget the memory of his life, and he will not remember how stupid he was before."



"I mean monkey gills, what exactly did your mother spend on nutrition?"


Under the expressions of everyone watching the monkey show, the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks couldn't help but start to doubt life. How come the tricks that have always been invincible in the past are not effective here?
If it weren't for the two men's aura that frightened him, he wouldn't have lost his memory and said the wrong lines.

Just as the man was about to explain, the sound of a police car came from the alley.

The man's face changed drastically, and he immediately looked at Yu Sheng and Yu Qingtang, "Have you called the police?"

He still didn't do anything, why call the police?

Yu Sheng felt a little regretful, "I asked you to perform earlier, but if you didn't listen, now that the police are here, you have no room to perform."

Yu Qingtang said: "Brother, you are wrong. You can also perform in the detention center, and most of the audience are his colleagues. They will definitely applaud his poor acting skills."

Sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks: "..."

I don't know who laughed uncontrollably, and when the police came over, everyone laughed together.

Seeing this harmonious atmosphere, they even doubted their purpose of coming.

"Xiao Liu, it's these two people who are sneaky when they enter the town, and even take pictures with their mobile phones. I don't know if they are spies from abroad!"

"They also extorted and asked Old Man He to pay him 15 million RMB, otherwise they would sue Old Man He!"

"Yes, 250 million, he can also get it out, I think he is only [-]!"

"Old man He has seen our neighbors who have been sick for a lifetime. When did he receive the consultation fee? How can there be so much money to blackmail him? I think they used the name of blackmail to steal old man He's prescription. I think They are spies!"

The neighbors in the neighborhood spoke to each other, and did not give Yu Sheng and Yu Qingtang a chance to speak at all.

It wasn't until the two were sent to the police car that Yu Sheng interrupted and thanked the big guy.

"They are all old neighbors. Thank you so much. We have let the children at home watch over us for the past two days. If there is anything suspicious, call the police immediately. We will never give them a chance to do bad things!"

"But there are people who are thieves for a thousand days, and there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. Yu Sheng, this matter has to be solved from the root, otherwise, if you come to such a person who is annoying for one or two days a day, old man He will have no one these days." It's clean."

"That's right, my son called me to remind me that there are some Internet celebrities or something, they are all forming a group to come to our town to check in, and some people who claim to be heirs of traditional Chinese medicine families want to verify the old man's medical skills. He asked me to remind everyone Don't be fooled, why don't you take old man He to live in the city for a while, and come back after the limelight passes?"

"You don't have to worry about it at home. We old guys have nothing to do. It's okay to keep an eye on the whistle. You can rest assured."

Everyone was sincere, and Yu Sheng was naturally grateful.

But whether to leave or not depends on what the old man thinks.

How much the old man misses this place, even he can't empathize with it.

He couldn't let the old man move away from the land he had rooted all his life for a bunch of rabble.

It shouldn't be like this.

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