After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 460 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Xie Jing knelt down suddenly, and the sound of his knees hitting the stone slab broke the tranquility of the courtyard.

Yu Sheng never expected that he would kneel down.

And old man He never expected his grandson to show up here early in the morning.

As for why it was his grandson and not his daughter, old man He knew in his heart that if it was his daughter, the family would not have been so peaceful last night.

The daughter will not live in his home either.

After a brief silence, old man He and Yu Sheng moved at the same time.

Yu Sheng bent down to reach out to help Xie Jing, while old man He habitually added some wood to the bottom of the medicine stove.

This is something he has done all his life, and it has already become an indispensable part of his life just like eating and sleeping.

But at this moment his hand holding the firewood was trembling.

After the old man turned around, Xie Jing said: "I met you for the first time, I thought I should use the Chinese etiquette to meet the elders, but you seem a little surprised, I hope you are not frightened by my presumptuousness."

Old Man He: "..."

Yu Sheng: "..."

After the shock, the old man still had some doubts. This is his grandson?
Yu Sheng replied with a "you ask me" expression.

He thought that Xie Jing knelt down suddenly to apologize to the old man for He Xiao, but he didn't expect Xie Jing to say hello to the old man.

This way of meeting is really unique!
However, there is a tradition of "kneeling to the sky and kneeling to parents", Xie Jing's behavior is reasonable for him who grew up in a foreign country with a different cultural environment.

Dazed for a moment, the old man said: "An'an, help this child up quickly, how can he kneel down on me..."

Before finishing speaking, Xie Jing kowtowed again.

The old man and Yu Sheng looked at each other again.

This little foreigner who grew up abroad seems to know quite a lot, and the gestures and gestures of saluting are impeccable, obviously he came prepared.

The old man didn't know what to do. He looked to Yu Sheng for help, but Yu Sheng suddenly remembered something and said, "Master, please catch up with Xie Jing. I remember that the baby hasn't woken up yet. I'm going to see the baby."

Yu Sheng slipped away quickly, leaving room for old man He and Xie Jing, the grandparents.

Both Xie Jing and old man He needed such an opportunity to talk face to face without being disturbed by outsiders or hindered by external forces.

And he went to Xie Jing's assistant and asked about Xie Jing's living habits and preferences.

Although Xie Jing said that he can adapt to any environment, there is a world between "adaptation" and "enjoyment".

Since He Xiao sent the child back to the country and to the old man's side, he should not just let Xie Jing be forced to "adapt" to everything, but give him a sense of belonging so that he can enjoy life as if he were in his own home.

Allen began to continue the previous tone, saying that Xie Jing had received elite education, devil-style training, and even more brutal survival experiences since he was a child, and he had already experienced the ordinary environment.

After seeing that Yu Sheng was not being polite, but really hoped that Xie Jing would have a good time here, he told Yu Sheng some of Xie Jing's personality and living habits.

Like candor.

This point is not difficult to see as long as you get along with Xie Jing, Xie Jing likes to play straight balls very much.

Such as cleanliness.

Although Alan used a long speech to explain that Xie Jing was just a little bit of a clean freak, Yu Sheng didn't believe it at all.

When he received Xie Jing last night, he asked Xie Jing to get into the car, but the other party stared at the car door for three seconds before lifting his foot.

When he wanted to sit down later, he hesitated for a long time again.

In the car, Xie Jing kept sitting upright all the way. On the surface, the unfamiliar environment made him feel uneasy, but when he looked closely, he could find that he was trying his best to avoid more contact with everything in the car. .

After chatting with Alan for a while, Xie Jing also told him and Charles about the laws and regulations to be followed here.

Even if you are a foreigner with a "superior" face, some things are absolutely forbidden here, and you can't touch them.

Charles understood Yu Sheng's words immediately.

He said, "Drugs?"

Yu Sheng glanced at him and said blankly, "Not only."

Charles shrugged, "Thank you, Mr. Yu, for your kindness. I prefer banknotes to those damn things."

There is nothing in this world that drives him more crazy than a beautiful knife.

Yu Sheng: "This is the best."

He asked Allen to list Xie Jing and the things they needed, and he would help put those things in order, and then left.

After Yu Sheng left, Charles' straight waist suddenly bent down, and he said to Alan, "Can you believe it, a doctor, in him I found the murderous aura that was only seen in the instructor when I was training."

He demonstrated Yu Sheng's expression just now, "I'm sorry, I can't show the aura unique to him, but this person is very strong."

Allen: "You're right."

On the other side, after Yu Sheng left, he went to prepare breakfast.

There are three more people, and three more Western-style breakfasts need to be prepared, which will inevitably make us busy.

After breakfast was ready, when Yu Sheng went to the old man's side, the old man was drinking tea while looking at the medicine.

And the person who made the tea was Xie Jing.

Yu Sheng raised his eyebrows, his eyes shifted from Xie Jing's very professional gestures and demeanor when making tea to the old man's face, seeing the smile lines on the old man's face, the corners of his lips twitched.

"An'an, look at this kid. Although he grew up abroad, he knows a lot about our country's traditional culture." Old man He said.

Yu Sheng: "I can tell, it's very professional."

Xie Jing said modestly: "I have only learned a little bit, but I am very interested and will continue to learn in the future."

Old man He was happy to hear that.

Yu Sheng said that the breakfast was ready, and the old man immediately said: "Then you take Xie Jing to the restaurant first, the medicine will be ready soon, I'll go there after I fry it, is my baby awake?"

Yu Sheng said that he hadn't gone there yet.

The old man: "Then you go and wake up the baby first, drink the medicine before going to sleep."

After leaving, Xie Jing asked, "Mr. Yu, what happened to your daughter's eyes?"

Yu Sheng said that there was a car accident before, and asked Xie Jing to be more casual, so he didn't need to use any honorifics for him.

As for the car accident, Yu Sheng didn't introduce too much, but Xie Jing seemed to have seen the car accident, and the wheelchair and the girl who was acting like a baby in his father's arms appeared in his mind last night.

He didn't use honorifics anymore, just said: "Someone in my family had an eye injury. For treatment, I saw the world's top ophthalmologists. If I need help, I can contact them."

Yu Sheng paused and thanked him solemnly.

When he was about to reach the restaurant, Yu Sheng asked him to sit down first, and he went to find his daughter.

Xie Jing said, "I'll go too."

Yu Sheng was puzzled.

What are you going to do?
Xie Jing said: "I like her very much, I want to see her."

After meeting him once, the child came to him in his dream, so it can be seen that the child also wanted to see him.

Yu Sheng: "..."

Do not!
You do not want!

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