After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 483 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Chapter 483 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script (47)

It wasn't until very late that day that Bai Songmo left Lan Town in despair.

He apologized in front of everyone, and promised to pay compensation including the cost of inviting a Feng Shui master to see Feng Shui, repairing ponds, and worshiping ancestors.

The villagers also obeyed the agreement to help him pull the cart.

The car was not pulled out, but there were many messy scratches on it, and its original appearance could no longer be seen.

Bai Songmo suspected that someone deliberately rowed his car with help, but he had no evidence.

After all, the silt in the pond was unknown how deep it was, and the car was heavy. The helpers were all holding various crowbars. If they didn't use force, they couldn't shake the car at all.

In the end everyone was exhausted.

Uncle Liu who took the lead said: "Young Master Bai, you have also seen that everyone has tried their best, and the car is not moving at all, so there is nothing we can do about it. Why don't you come to my house to rest for a day, and we can continue tomorrow?"

Bai Songmo hesitated.

At this time one person said: "Second Uncle, there is a cemetery behind your house, isn't it appropriate for distinguished guests to live there?"

"Then your home is suitable? There are two coffins in the yard." Another person said.

Second Uncle Liu coughed, "What's the matter, Young Master Bai is not afraid of the slanting shadow, and he is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if he has not done anything wrong. I will talk to my grandfather carefully, and tell him not to come out at night, so as not to scare Young Master Bai again."

After speaking, Bai Songmo's face turned pale.

He no longer hesitated, but asked the driver to contact them, and sent them to a nearby hotel tonight, and asked a professional to tow the car tomorrow morning.

Uncle Liu said enthusiastically: "Who are you looking for? It takes a lot of time to go back and forth. In this way, I will borrow a car from the villagers. I will take you to the hotel in a while, and I promise to make you feel at home."

In this way, Bai Songmo and the driver were sent by Uncle Liu to the hotel owned by Liu Cong's uncle.

Bai Songmo was still worried about what the villagers would do, but before the village did anything, God got angry first.

After one o'clock in the morning, after bursts of lightning and thunder, the sky seemed to have opened a hole, and the torrential rain poured down, and it didn't stop for a whole night.

The next morning, as soon as Jin Yan woke up, he heard Yu Qingtang who was sleeping on the single bed outside talking on the phone.

The opposite party did not know what was said, Yu Qingtang smiled slightly mockingly, and said lightly, "Then maybe God opened his eyes, and finally there is such a thing as retribution."

288: "Host, he's talking about you."

Old Jinyan Tian: "..."

Extraordinary times use extraordinary means.

It is normal to use some unusual means to deal with extremely annoying enemies.

288: "But in this case, the insurance company will compensate, and Bai Songmo has lost nothing."

Jin Yan gave 288 a funny look, "Nothing was lost? Do you think what Bai Songmo is short of is the little money that the insurance company paid?"

288 still doesn't understand humans well enough.

Bai Songmo grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth. When was he short of money?

He deliberately drove the so-called luxury car to this remote countryside, just to show off to his father what he had after seeing his father.

Since he wants to show off, let him show off all at once.

Although Dad doesn't care.

But she couldn't stand it, she wouldn't allow others to bully her father.

288 half understood, Jin Yan didn't explain too much, Yu Qingtang came in just after she got dressed and brushed her teeth.

"Why did the baby wake up so early?" He picked up Jin Yan and put him on the chair, took the shoes, and knelt down to put Jin Yan on.

Jin Yan: "What did my uncle just say about the hail?"

Yu Qingtang paused, with a slightly strange expression on his face, "It was a bad guy whose car was struck by lightning last night, and the body was damaged by hailstones, and it's still submerged in the water."

The weather last night was really scary. After the lightning and thunder started, he was afraid that Jin Yan would be afraid, so he deliberately went in from the outside and stood by the bed. As a result, the child slept soundly and showed no signs of being disturbed at all.

Instead, he was afraid that the child would be woken up and frightened, so he sat by the bed until the thunder stopped and the lightning disappeared, and the rain faded away before going back to sleep.

Jin Yan knew the reason and asked, "So there was hailstorm last night?"

Yu Qingtang nodded, "There was hail on the Yaoshan Mountain, and it rained everywhere else, but it didn't cause any damage."

"Wow, how big is the hailstone? Is it as big as an egg?" Jin Yan said.

Yu Qingtang looked at her curious expression and said with a smile, "It's bigger than a goose egg. Brother Liu Cong and the others saw it when they went out in the morning. They even picked some up and put them in the refrigerator. I'll take you to their house to see them later."

Jin Yan hugged his arm and shook, "Uncle, then let's go and see!"

Yu Qingtang agreed, after putting Jinyan on the ground, she would take care of her to wash her face, and after washing, she went to Liu's house without even having breakfast.

Liu Cong's mother was about to go out when she saw Yu Qingtang holding Jinyan in her arms, she immediately put down the basket, and walked towards the two of them with a smile, one obedient to the other, very rare.

"Good morning, Auntie!"

Jin Yan's crisp greeting made Liu Cong's mother happy from ear to ear, "Did the baby eat in the morning? Auntie's house has a lot of delicious food. Auntie will bring you whatever you want."

"No need, Auntie, I'm here to see the goose egg." Jin Yan said.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Liu Cong's mother: "..."

Yu Qingtang looked at Jinyan helplessly and shook her head.

After realizing what a "goose egg" is, Liu Cong's mother also trembled with laughter, "Look at the 'goose egg'? Then go in with your uncle and let brother Liu Cong get it for you. What do you want to eat? Let him get it for you too."

Someone outside the door called her to go to the market together. It was not good to keep others waiting, so Liu Cong's mother had to go out first.

Not long after, Jinyan saw hailstones that were bigger than goose eggs.

Liu Cong picked up one and said to Yu Qingtang, "See, I'm not exaggerating at all. This thing is bigger than Xiao Jinyan's fist."

Liu Yue added: "And this is not the biggest one. Last night when it was raining heavily, it was past two o'clock in the morning. It was raining heavily and it was dark. No one saw the situation at that time, but the people near the pond The grass is full of hailstones, and there are many bowl-sized pits in other places, we suspect that it was caused by the hailstones!"

Liu Cong: "We have never heard such a loud and terrible thunder since we were born. When my father woke up in the middle of the night to collect his clothes, he said he had never seen such weather. He was afraid that too much rain would bring disaster. In the end, there was heavy thunder and rain. Little, the rain that actually fell was not as much as usual, but the hail piled up in the pond like a snow mountain, it seems that the rain last night was specially for the pond, you think it’s strange or not.”

Liu Yue laughed and gloated: "Maybe it's really the ancestor's spirit!"

Yu Qingtang was thoughtful.

He who had been looking at Jin Yan suddenly squatted down, gently coaxing Jin Yan to throw away the ice bumps that were slowly melting in his hands, and warmed her hands after wiping off the water stains on his palms.

Is there a possibility that the one who appeared was the little fairy?

(End of this chapter)

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