After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 486 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Chapter 486 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script (50)

Mrs. Bai's debut at Yu Sheng's "first" directly cut off all her escape routes.

Because Jin Yan answered the call.

The old man was decocting medicine, Mu Yu was making snacks, Yu Qingtang was giving Yu Sheng a massage and rehabilitation, Xie Jing and Jin Yan were playing Go.

Yu Sheng's cell phone was placed on the table, closest to Jin Yan. When the phone rang, Jin Yan helped Yu Sheng answer the call, and thoughtfully turned on the speakerphone.

As a result, everyone heard Mrs. Bai's bitter, indifferent and superior tone and what she said.

"I only have one son, Songmo!"

After these words, the air was silent for a few seconds.

Old man He frowned fiercely, as if he didn't want to believe that these words came from a mother.

The expressions of Mu Yu and Yu Qingtang became gloomy in an instant.

Only Jin Yan and Xie Jing seemed unable to understand what the person said on the phone.

They all have a mother who loves them very much.

But Yu Sheng stood up after being dazed for the first time, walked towards Jin Yan quickly, took the phone in one hand and hung up, while hugging Jin Yan, "It's okay baby, don't be afraid."

The biological mother called him for the first time, saying that she didn't want to recognize him and that she only had one son, an adopted son.

But what Yu Sheng was worried about was that his daughter was frightened by the other party's voice.

Jin Yan shook her head, her eyes were ignorant, she looked at Yu Sheng, "Dad, someone made a wrong call."

Seeing that his daughter was not frightened, Yu Sheng was relieved. He stroked Jin Yan's soft hair and said in a warm voice, "Well, it was a mistake."

Jin Yan hummed unhappily, "Her voice is so scary, she must be sick."

Simply very sick.

Seeing his daughter's slight frown when she was angry, Yu Sheng laughed out loud, and his expression relaxed, "Yes, the baby is right, she is indeed sick."

"Give me the phone." When Jin Yan stretched out her hand, Yu Sheng didn't know what she was going to do, but he did it anyway.

Then he saw Jin Yan deftly unlock the phone password, and then put Mrs. Bai's phone into the blacklist.

Yu Sheng: "..."

When did this child learn these operations?

After completing the blacklisting action, Jin Yan felt relieved.

She put the phone back into Yu Sheng's palm, and said to him like a little adult: "Father, let's not get in touch with psychopaths, we ignore her."

Yu Sheng had a "learned" expression, and said dotingly: "Dad, I remembered it, thank you baby for reminding me."

But just after speaking, the phone call came again.

From the corner of Jin Yan's eyes, he saw that it was still an unfamiliar number, but this time Yu Sheng didn't ask her to answer it, but made an excuse like "a lawyer's call" and went out.

Mu Yu was worried about him and followed him.

Yu Qingtang immediately came to Jinyan's side, and he was about to coax Jinyan to go out when Xie Jing's voice came from beside him, "You can't take Yanyan away, we still have to play chess."

Yu Qingtang: "Do you want to go down again?"

He asked Jin Yan.

Jin Yan shook his head, "I'm sorry little brother, I don't want to play now, let's play chess another day, okay?"

Xie Jing nodded and said yes, but his expression was a little sad.

Soon Yu Qingtang took Jinyan out to play, and he could still hear Jinyan saying "how is Brother Liu Cong" from a distance.

Xie Jing stared at the direction they left in a daze, and the old man's voice came from behind, "Xiao Jing, come and help grandpa a little bit."

He ran over immediately, and Old Man He instructed him to climb up the wooden ladder to take down the medicinal materials from a high place, and then asked him to help get some firewood and the like, anyway, he didn't let Xie Jing relax.

After all the things that could be done were done, Xie Jing was too tired to ignore his cleanliness and sat on the ground directly, and the old man laughed.

Xie Jing was puzzled, "What is Grandpa laughing at?"

The old man stopped laughing, and instead looked serious, "Xiao Jing, are you here happy?"

Xie Jing nodded without thinking, "Happy."

There is a grandfather who likes him very much, an uncle who is as gentle as jade, a beautiful and lovely sister, and many things he has liked since he was a child.

His expression was firm and sincere, and it was obvious that he was not lying.

The old man was in trouble for a while.

He always felt that his grandson was not happy enough here, except in front of Guaibao, he hardly ever saw his grandson smile.

The most important thing is that there is always an unreasonable worry in his heart, as if if Xie Jing stays here, he will no longer have a smile on his face.

But the old man couldn't say this to Xie Jing.

If daughter...

The old man was worrying when he heard Xie Jing ask, "Grandpa, can I read your photo album again?"

"Photo album?"

The old man was blessed to the heart, "Which one is the one from the good boy?"

Xie Jing nodded, his eyes seemed to light up, "That's the one."

The old man stroked his beard with a smile, and said helplessly: "The photo album is on that shelf, you can read it whenever you want."

"Thank you, Grandpa, then I'll go and see the photos first."

Looking at the back of Xie Jing trotting away, the old man smiled, and he sighed again after thinking of something.


Mrs. Bai called Yu Sheng aggressively, her original intention was to warn Yu Sheng, let him see the reality clearly, and stop thinking about things that don't belong to him, whether it's her mother or everything in the Bai family.

But she never expected that Yu Sheng hung up the phone before she finished speaking and blocked her.

"Hanging up" and "blocking" seemed to be carried out quietly, but there was a loud noise.

Madam Bai's face instantly turned red.

It seemed that someone had been beaten over and over again.

In desperation, she changed a new number, but was hung up three times in a row. Just when Mrs. Bai ordered the nanny to ask the driver to prepare the car, the call was connected.

But she still didn't learn how to be smart. When she came up to the phone, she was full of accusations and insults. She was almost dry with scolding, but she didn't know that the person answering the phone was kneading his wife's fingers with great interest, and kept uttering extremely ugly words His mobile phone was thrown between the two of them like a decoration, and no one cared about it.

After Mrs. Bai's dry mouth stopped, Yu Sheng picked up the phone with one hand, "You're right, I did know about my life experience at a very young age, but what does it matter?"

Yu Sheng's indifferent attitude made Madam Bai very uncomfortable.

It seems that she has said so much, the identity of the young master of the Bai family, the assets of the Bai family, and the company's shares are nothing in Yu Sheng's eyes
It is even possible that even her mother is nothing.

This recognition made Madam Bai very annoyed, "It doesn't matter, you..."

She wanted to refute, saying that you are my son and you are the young master of the Bai family, but she couldn't say it out, which was completely contrary to her original intention of making this call.

Her original intention was to hope that Yu Sheng could have some self-knowledge, not to try to fantasize about things that did not belong to her, let alone fight, and not to disturb their peaceful life now.

But the reality is, Yu Sheng doesn't care.

He wants nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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