After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 495 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Seeing Jin Yan, Madam Bai seemed to see a savior, and her panicked expression instantly calmed down.

She tried her best to wave so that Jin Yan could notice her.

As she wished, Jin Yan really looked at her.

Mrs. Bai was unwilling to admit that Yu Sheng was her own son, but when she looked at Jin Yan, an inexplicable sense of familiarity rose in her heart.

The child has not opened yet, but the facial features are very delicate and beautiful, but the eyebrows and eyes are neither like her husband nor her, I don't know who it is.

After staring at her for a while, Mrs. Bai shouted, "Son, I'm your grandma!"

Everyone in the village frowned. Obviously, everyone didn't want Jinyan to recognize this so-called grandmother, but Jinyan was so young and knew nothing about the sinister human heart, so they couldn't say it directly in front of a five-year-old child. The person standing in front of you is not a person, but a "ghost".

Seeing that the people in the village were no longer as strong as before, Mrs. Bai's arrogance suddenly became arrogant again.

She smiled, pushed away the people surrounding her, and walked towards Jinyan step by step.

"Stop, if you have anything to say, just say it there."

After Yu Qingtang finished speaking, Mrs. Bai looked at him dissatisfied, and her scrutinizing eyes swept from the top of Yu Qingtang's head to the bottom of his feet, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

But Mrs. Bai didn't think that she always looked at people with lower status than her in this way.

She asked knowingly, "Who are you?"

Before Yu Qingtang could speak, Jin Yan said unhappily, "Who are you?"

Madam Bai's expression "relaxed" a bit, revealing a self-conceited loving and kind expression, "I'm your grandma!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Jin Yan suddenly turned her head, her small head almost hitting Yu Qingtang's chest, but Yu Qingtang quickly covered her head with his hands.

Yu Qingtang rua couldn't put it down because of the furry touch.

Another one.

Jin Yan looked up at him, uncle, what are you doing?
Yu Qingtang looked gentle and continued to rua.

Jin Yan: "..."

The child sighed helplessly, and accused loudly as if he had discovered a new world, "Uncle, she is a bad person, she curses!"

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Mrs. Bai: "..."

other people:"……"


Where did this start?

Before everyone could react, Yu Qingtang laughed lightly, "Baby is right, she speaks foul language, she is not a good person."

In a TV series broadcast the day before yesterday, there was a very funny character who would provocatively say "I am your grandma" every time he was in a fight, and then he would be beaten up violently.

Mrs. Bai didn't understand, but she didn't like Yu Qingtang, so she scolded directly, "What do you mean? You are an outsider, what right do you have to instigate someone else's daughter like this? Does Yu Sheng know that you are such a person?"

As soon as the words fell, a sharp and cold gaze fell on Mrs. Bai like a knife, "After investigating my brother for so long, you don't know if I am an outsider?"

Of course Mrs. Bai knew.

It is precisely because of the clarity that I am a little annoyed.

She is Yu Sheng's biological mother, but Yu Sheng, who knew his own background, never thought of recognizing her. On the contrary, this kid from a bad family background was really regarded as his family by Yu Sheng.

"I want to talk to my granddaughter. You're an outsider, so it's better not to interfere!" Mrs. Bai said.

Just as Yu Qingtang was about to speak, he felt his clothes being ripped. He looked down and saw that Jin Yan was giving him winks.

Knowing what the child wanted to say, Yu Qingtang stopped talking.

Mrs. Bai thought she had taken the top position, so she became even more proud, and looked at Jin Yan with a smile on her face, "Your name is Jin Yan, right? I'm your grandma. If you call grandma, grandma will take you home and give you Buy a lot of beautiful clothes, okay?"

The people in the village were a little anxious. Their expressions and tone were like walking human traffickers.

Jin Yan also shrank into Yu Qingtang's arms as if she was scared, but what she said was very annoying, "Then you are a ghost?"

Yu Qingtang smiled.

Madam Bai's face froze, "What the hell! Who taught you to speak like this? It's very impolite, you know?"

Jin Yan "huh" for a moment, "But I have never seen my grandma since I was a child. It was said on TV, if you don't have it, you are dead, but if you die, how can you come back to life?"

Her expression was ignorant and innocent, she didn't look like she was deliberately annoying people at all, and no one would think that she, a five-year-old child, had any malice in saying this.

But Mrs. Bai was so angry that her face turned red, "What is it that you have been talking since you were young? Who taught you to speak like this? What does it mean to die? You child, what do you mean?" If you don’t learn the good ones, learn the bad ones, how do they teach you..."

"How we teach, it's not up to you, an outsider, to comment." Yu Qingtang said coldly.

Jin Yan squeezed Yu Qingtang's thumb to calm his emotions and told him not to be angry, and said, "Nobody taught me, it's always played like this on TV, if you come uninvited, you are a ghost, if you have a bad intention, you are a ghost, just don't like it." Know what the hell you are."

Mrs. Bai: "..."

What came uninvited, what kind of evil intentions?
What the hell is that!

How do adults teach you to say such things at such a young age?

Sure enough, it was the right choice for her not to recognize Yu Sheng, otherwise, if outsiders knew that she had such a biological son, she would lose all face!
Mrs. Bai was so angry that she couldn't speak, Liu Cong and others had already agreed, saying that she was a ghost with a double appearance, a ghost hiding a traitor inside, a ghost with bad intentions, a ghost with a human face and a beast's heart, and said that she would ask a master to exorcise the ghost. .

Now Mrs. Bai was even angrier.

Naturally, she could hear what these people meant.

This is not called referring to Sang and scolding Huai, it is simply pointing at her nose and scolding her for being inhuman!

Seeing that Mrs. Bai was about to lose control of her emotions again, Ye Tao got out of the car immediately.

The younger sister is too stupid, she doesn't want to help, but this little girl has the blood of their Ye family, and is the only blood of the Ye family in the world now, so she can't ignore it.

She is much smarter than Mrs. Bai, and she didn't talk about blood relationship from the beginning, but spread the relationship between Yu Sheng and the Bai family, and explained the benefits of Yu Sheng's return to the Bai family.

She doesn't know if Jin Yan can understand these words, but Yu Qingtang and the villagers must understand that if even these outsiders don't believe that they sincerely accept Yu Sheng, then Yu Sheng himself won't believe it.

It's a pity that all the words she said were dry, Yu Qingtang and the villagers were indifferent, and no one was tempted by the material conditions she said.

But Jinyan's face was innocent and innocent, but her eyes were pure and penetrating. She said to the point, "Why do you want to go back? Don't you have your own family?"

Ye Tao was speechless.

Jin Yan: "But my father's home is here. We already have the best family and the best love. We don't need extra love."

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