After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 51 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 51 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (51)

Jinyan looked at Gu Jinhe strangely.

They were talking well, why did my brother suddenly stand in front of him?
Gu Jinhe was a little sad by her eyes.

The grown-up younger sister, the younger sister who values ​​sex over brother, suddenly isn't so cute anymore!

Gu Jinhe explained: "Your Majesty ordered me to assist His Highness the Seventh Highness in investigating the case. I happened to have something to leave the city, so I came together."

Jin Yan glanced at the sky: "Now?"

Gu Jinhe nodded and said apologetically, "Brother broke his promise, I can't accompany you home today, let the guards escort you back first."

"I'm fine, but it's getting dark, where are you going? Can you come back at night?" Jin Yan worried.

Gu Jinhe said: "There is an inn near the place where the case is being investigated. If it is too late to make it back, we will rest there."

Jin Yan: "Then you all pay attention to safety."

Xie Yan solemnly assured: "Princess, don't worry, with me here, Brother Ling will be fine."


After sending Jin Yan away, Gu Jinhe, Xie Yan and his party started galloping again.

I don't know how long it took before they could see Mantian Xingzi when they looked up, and they stopped in front of a deserted village.

There was no trace of starlight in the whole village, as if no one lived at all.

Gu Jinhe listened intently for a while, but there was still no movement, only the sound of their breathing and the restless kicking of the horse's hooves remained.

"Your Highness, are you sure it's here?" Gu Jinhe asked suspiciously.

Xie Yan said that the information was written here, and ordered He Jin, "Send someone to check it out, and report to me immediately if there is anything unusual."

Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, startling the crow who didn't know where it was hiding.

Several shrill voices sounded, frightening several young guards in the team to shiver.

Gu Jinhe was also a little nervous.

After a while, the guard came to report, "Your Highness, nothing was found."

Xie Yan frowned, "Have you checked every house?"

Guard: "..."

The two vanguards looked at each other, and the latter said: "Your Highness, we entered two houses, and there was nothing, only a skeleton."

He was so scared that he almost peed on the spot.

Another person said: "That place is too gloomy, my subordinate, I have been afraid of ghosts since I was a child, so I dare not go in, Your Highness, please punish this subordinate!"

Gu Jinhe let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he wasn't the only one who was afraid.

But Xie Yan didn't seem to be affected at all, he let the two get up, and then rode away.

He Jin called "Your Highness" and followed immediately.

Gu Jinhe hesitated, and followed Xie Yan's pace.

Prime Minister's House.

After dinner, Jin Yan followed Gu Yong to the study.

"Daddy, what case is His Highness the Seventh Prince working on?"

Gu Yong was writing something, and he didn't raise his head when he heard the words: "The third prince said that the prince joined hands with the folk woman to build an arsenal with the help of a wealthy writer, and also took out new knives. His Majesty was furious and ordered the Seventh Prince to conduct a thorough investigation."

Jin Yan was stunned for a few seconds before opening his mouth, "Does the prince really dislike living that much?"

Gu Yong was amused by Jin Yan's words.

He stroked Jinyan's hair and said, "It has nothing to do with whether the prince wants to live or not. Now he can't choose."

Emperor Jianping was a tolerant and kind father, but he was also an autocratic and uncompromising emperor.

The emperor was getting old day by day, but the crown prince joined forces with the rich to make weapons privately. It didn't matter to the emperor whether he had the intention of treason or not, or what he did was to strengthen the army.

There is only one end waiting for the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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