After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 510 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Jin Yan came out half an hour later.

At this time, Yu Qingtang had already listened to the noble ladies around him talking about Mrs. Bai's current tragedy.

The adopted son limped one leg after the car accident, and his whole personality became dark and extreme. He was very irritable all day long, throwing things and swearing at people at every turn. Madam Bai looked helpless, but she could only wash her face with tears.

He also said that Mrs. Bai was carved up and eaten by other colleagues. It’s okay for Mrs. Bai and Bai Songmo to get nothing, and they also owed a debt that can’t be paid off in this life. They sincerely suggested that Mrs. Bai buy lottery tickets. If you hit a few small goals, you can pay off all your debts and be debt-free.

Afterwards, she felt envious. Mrs. Bai didn't know fish eyes and pearls. Although Bai Songmo was also outstanding among her peers, she was still far behind Yu Sheng.

At the beginning, Mrs. Bai's reckless maintenance of her adopted son made her own son cold, but now she just wants to restore the family relationship, and she probably has no chance.

As they talked, the school gate opened.

Jin Yan came out first, and she saw the tall and handsome uncle in the crowd at a glance, and waved the pencil case in her hand to show that she saw it.

The moment she came out, a smile appeared on Yu Qingtang's face, and he walked towards Jinyan, bypassing the crowd.

In an instant, everyone who realized his identity fell silent as if they had been strangled by the neck.


As soon as Jin Yan left the school gate, he rushed towards Yu Qingtang, who also subconsciously picked her up and held her schoolbag with one hand.

"The exam is over, are you tired?" After Yu Qingtang finished speaking, he saw a little boy standing not far away from the corner of his eye.

The boy was thin and small, with yellow hair, he seemed to be malnourished, and looked younger than Jin Yan.

But when he picked Jin Yan up, she kept staring at him, as if asking why you could behave like this.

Yu Qingtang didn't know the other party, so he didn't think much about it. He was about to take Jinyan away when the child chased him.

The person came to him, and seemed to want to say something, but his mouth moved, but no sound came out.

Yu Qingtang looked at the boy calmly. Being able to go to school here shows that the family situation should not be too bad, but this is contrary to his clothes and the old or new scars on his body.

If it is a respectable family, even if they treat their children harshly, for the sake of their own face, they will not let outsiders discover their behavior.

When he was thinking, Jin Yan sighed, "Lin Simo, what are you doing?"

Lin Simo?

Yu Qingtang ran through the famous "Lin" surnames in Ancheng in his mind, but he couldn't find any one that could match this child.

Lin Simo glanced at Jin Yan, then quickly lowered his head, but soon he looked at Jin Yan again, and then stretched out his hand, spreading out his palm, with a piece of green eraser on it, which looked like a little dinosaur, very cute .

Probably because he seldom speaks, his voice is a little hoarse when he speaks, and he has no confidence, "Your eraser."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment, then added, with a slightly stronger tone, "I picked it up."

The focus is also on the word "pick up".

Jin Yan was a little surprised when he saw it, "I thought I couldn't find it."

Yu Qingtang smiled, "If you're so confused, who did you use in the exam?"

"It's useless for me, the exam is easy, there's no need to rewrite it." Jin Yan said.

After Yu Qingtang listened, a smile overflowed from his eyes, and his face was filled with pride, "Why are you so smart?"

Jin Yan: "That is!"

Thinking that Lin Simo was still here, she said: "Your eraser was not damaged by those people, this one is new, let it be used by you, I still have it."

Lin Simo hesitated, but after Jin Yan said, "Throw it away if you don't want it", he grabbed the eraser again.

Jin Yan glanced at him, "We're leaving, you should hurry home too."

When she and Yu Qingtang left, a sharp female voice sounded behind her, "Lin Simo, I don't know how to go home after school. Mom has been looking for you for a long time. Why are you so ignorant and make mom worry all day long?"

Jinyan stopped, and Yu Qingtang also stopped.

The two turned their heads and saw a stylishly dressed woman in a white coat and long hair standing beside Lin Simo. She was twisting Lin Simo's ears with her hands, chattering endlessly about the pain of giving birth to her child. , She said how difficult it was for her hard work to support Lin Simo.

Seeing this scene, many people fell silent.

In all fairness, pregnancy and childbirth are indeed a very painful process for women, and raising a child also requires a lot of energy and effort.

But everyone present was not blind, they all saw the dirty and old school uniform and scars on Lin Simo's body.

On the other hand, a mother is glamorous from head to toe. A bag costs tens of thousands, and she is also well maintained. She doesn't look like someone who can take care of children at all.

On the contrary, Lin Simo had a lot of burn marks on her hands, very similar to the scars of people who are always busy in the kitchen.

"Is this the stepmother?" Someone asked.

The insider shook his head, "No, dear, it's just very selfish. She said that she raised the child, but in fact, this child raised her. It is said that this child does the laundry and cooking. You didn't look at her hands. They are more like ours. All delicate."

"This woman is out of her mind. I don't know who this child is, but she has several suitors who often send her money and things, and even chased her to the school gate a few times, but she gave her away after receiving the money. I gave it to the old man who picked up the cartons, and told the old man to have a good rest and not to do those things. In fact, the old man’s family is rich, and he picked up the cartons just for exercise.”

"I've received benefits from others, why not buy some good clothes for my son? She is really kind-hearted to give away other people's money."

"Holy Mother, Mrs. Wang's mistress chased here to provoke Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wang exposed her and Mrs. Wang's scandal in public. At that time, this woman had been accusing Mrs. Wang of being too lenient. Forgive others and forgive others, let Mrs. Wang accept Xiaosan."

"It's not a brain disease, it's a lack of brain."

"Then she is also someone's mistress, right?"

"It's not certain, someone must have helped her to send the child here."

"I think let's stop watching the excitement. When we get the child, we should quickly question the family members when we get home, and stop eating melons on our own heads."

Everyone fell silent again.

Lin Simo was dragged away by his mother, like dragging a dog with a broken leg.

Dignity and personality are all bullshit.

It turned out that Lin Simo faced such a person every day, no wonder he didn't say a word no matter how bullied he was at school.

For him, maybe the school is a safe haven.

There was a sudden "baby" in my ear.

Jin Yan suddenly came back to his senses, "Uncle?"

Yu Qingtang touched her little head and said, "Don't look, we are going home."

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