After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 512 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Chapter 512 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script (76)

Shen Lin had a lot of cronies and wild friends, and he said he wanted to investigate, but within a few days the results came out.

As they had guessed, after having a child out of wedlock, it was inevitable that people would gossip behind their backs. Lin Xue did indeed send Lin Simo to her parents in her hometown.

But there is an older brother in Lin Xue's family who didn't study well and got married early. The child is a few years older than Lin Simo, and he is a boy. The family loves him very much. She said that the Lin family suffered a lot of gossip for nothing, and the Lin family had a lot of complaints about her.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law of the Lin family treated Lin Simo badly. Their son often bullied Lin Simo, and Lin Xue's parents didn't care much when they saw it.

Lin Simo grew up in such an environment until she was five years old, and was picked up by Lin Xue and sent to a private school.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law of the Lin family wanted their son to go to a private school too, but Lin Xue was smart for a while and threatened the other party with the grounds that her son was abused and would sue, which made the other party temporarily dismiss the idea.

But after Lin Xue brought Lin Simo to her side, she didn't care much about him.

She sometimes went out for a few days without going home. Lin Simo was locked in the house and couldn't go out. She was hungry for a long time and often ate whatever was available. Once she ate up all the food that could be eaten. A handful of sleeping pills, if Lin Xue hadn't just returned home that day, there would have been no such person as Lin Simo in the world.

After saying this, Shen Lin said: "I've checked, and she has indeed met Bai Songmo several times in the past few months, but I think she should confiscate Bai Songmo's money, after all, she doesn't want to leave Bai Songmo a money-grubbing The impression of profit-seeking."

Yu Qingtang: "So?"

Shen Lin: "Although I can't understand it, I think most people can't understand it, but there are three rich and handsome men with rich money around Lin Xue who are pursuing her, and those who are not very rich can't count on one hand. If a little money is left out casually, and Lin Xue refrains from spending too much, Lin Simo will be fine even if she keeps studying at the private school."

The problem is that he can't figure out what kind of charm Lin Xue has that can attract so many rich and handsome people with money and leisure. There has always been another man who is willing to stay by Lin Xue's side.

"Young Master Yu, tell me, our world won't be the plot of a novel, right? The male protagonist is a fake young master Bai Songmo, and the female protagonist is Lin Xue, a rare flower who is rarely seen in a century..."

The more Shen Lin thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was justified. He also cited strong evidence, "If, I mean if, the accident your brother experienced was not particularly serious, the perpetrators died on the spot, you say..."

"My brother will be fine!" Yu Qingtang's voice was cold.

Shen Lin shivered in fright, "So what I said is that if, if something happens to your brother, then Bai Songmo's status as a fake young master will be as stable as Mount Tai, and that old bastard Xi Le is still at large. ,That……"

After staying there for a long time, he said in a displeased tone: "If that's the case, wouldn't this world become the world of outlaws? Forget it, it's not fun at all, I'm not happy, I'll look back Take a look at a few cool articles."

Yu Qingtang thought he was talking nonsense at first, but then thought of the two car accidents and the weird things that happened to those babies.

His aura suddenly became dangerous and sharp, Shen Lin noticed it, and took two steps back, "Young Master Yu, you, what are you thinking?"

Yu Qingtang's brows and eyes drooped slightly, and an undercurrent surged in his eyes, sending out a dangerous signal.

When he looked up again, all his emotions were suppressed by him, and he said to Shen Lin: "You should find a way to disclose this matter to Bai Songmo."

Shen Lin: "..."

Tell Bai Songmo what to do?
It is said that the illegitimate child gave birth to an illegitimate child, and happiness is added to happiness, double happiness?
Yu Shaoren is still weird!

Shen Lin met Yu Qingtang at the cafe in front of the university. Less than a minute after they parted, he received a transfer on his mobile phone.

1 yuan.

For Shen Lin who loves money and is short of money, the money is not too much, not as much as when he used to work for Shen Hua. He suppresses his personality.

Yu Qingtang was different.

Sometimes the young man's methods are a bit scary, but fortunately he is a decent man, and he will not cross the river and demolish the bridge without paying him after he finishes his work, nor will he think about finding someone to kill him.

Yu Qingtang didn't know Shen Lin's evaluation of him. After transferring the account, he went back to the dormitory and turned on the computer, and searched for related novels according to the keywords Shen Lin mentioned.

Through the introduction and the plot trend summarized by netizens on the Internet, he probably already understood the framework of these novels, and also knew what Shen Lin meant by "cool".

From Bai Songmo's point of view, something happened to the real young master, and as the illegitimate son of the fake young master, he became the sole heir of the wealthy family. In the eyes of his adoptive mother, he was the only one who would never leave him like a beautiful family member. He also had a genius son with a career. With the support of the conscientious master Xi in the medical field, he reached the peak, and his life can indeed be called "cool".

But the story didn't develop according to Shuangwen.

There is a twist in the story.

Everything stems from the first car accident.

Master Zhen was rescued by his daughter, and since then, the story has gone completely differently.


Shen Lin's work efficiency is surprisingly high.

A few days later, Bai Songmo was sent to the trending searches.

The title reads "Surprised! The wealthy father and son are both illegitimate children!"

Yu Qingtang opened this trending search after reading Shen Lin's news, and frowned uncomfortably when he saw the dog blood style content of the rich entertainment industry.

Are you sure Shen Lin didn't write this content by himself?

Before finishing it, Shen Lin called again, "Hey, isn't your literary talent good?"

Yu Qingtang: "..."

He asked what was going on with Hot Search, and Shen Lin immediately disregarded the relationship, "It has nothing to do with me. I would rather expose this matter and play it on a loudspeaker throughout the city than spend unreasonable money on Hot Search! Besides, I don't have that many money!"

Yu Qingtang naturally knew his virtues.

Shen Lin: "Actually, after the news that Bai Songmo had a son spread, the rich second generations who didn't deal with him made it up. They used to always be overwhelmed by Bai Songmo. They are quite embarrassed, now that Bai Songmo has lost power, they will naturally take the opportunity to step on it."

He also gloated and said: "Bai Songmo was ashamed and angry. Guess what he did? Some people saw him dragging Lin Xue, who seemed to have taken drugs, into a private villa, and he hadn't gone out for several days hehe, no Come to think of it, I'm lame, and I know how to play..."

Looking at the hung up phone, Shen Lin couldn't help but slap himself.

You can't control your mouth!

A cold and reserved person like Yu Shao would not be interested in such indescribable gossip.

 Good night, sweet dreams

(End of this chapter)

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