After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 514 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Chapter 514 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script (78)

Bai Songmo and Lin Xue were treated in the same hospital, so when the topics of "murder" and "death" appeared on the hot search, everyone realized the connection between the two.

Bai Songmo actually killed Lin Xue!
This wave of development directly confused the well-informed netizens.

"If I remember correctly, what everyone said to get them offline quickly is to get them off the Internet, not to let them die."

"It's going to rain, no one can stop it."

"Judging from the personalities of the two, it is indeed a matter of time."

"But I still haven't realized it. Do they have any special attachment to 'murderer'? Why are both of them going to jail?"

"It's too much stimulation."

"It's not that the egg was cracked."


"This must not be a man."

"If it were me, I would be crazy too."

"Two lunatics."

"Don't forget how many times Lin Xue stabbed herself in order to die for love. She had already stabbed her internal organs and lost too much blood. She was dying. How could she bear Bai Songmo's revenge at this time!"

"Just because of a man, I don't even want my son, don't care."

"Thank you, those who know, she has never cared about her son for a day! Of course, Bai Songmo is not a good person. He knows that Lin Simo is his child, but he only cares about revenge on Lin Xue, and doesn't think about the future of the child. .”

"These two are really a good match!"

"It's not that a family can sleep in the same bed if they don't enter the same door. They are more or less the same people."

"Now Bai Song Mo Tie is finished, his body is like this, even if he goes to jail, there will be no good fruit to eat."

"But Bai Songmo is not seriously injured, can he apply for medical parole?"

"If it was the previous Bai family, there is a high probability that it can be resolved privately, but now, let's see how much they are in debt. The Bai family has assets, but after the liquidation, I am afraid there will not be much left."

"What's the matter, it's fine if Bai Songmo becomes mentally ill!"


Every time something happened to Bai Songmo, strange calls would appear on Yu Sheng's cell phone.

Sure enough, within half a day, Mrs. Bai called again.

She will always be a rhetoric. It is Yu Sheng's extermination that caused all this now. Bai Songmo's tragedy was caused by Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng should be responsible.

Yu Sheng hung up the phone after hearing this sentence.

This number is now used exclusively for work contact, Mrs. Bai will not know the private number, and they will not have any connection with the Bai family in the future.

After a few days, the incident between Bai Songmo and Lin Xue was gradually covered up by other entertainment news. Netizens who eat melons changed one melon field after another, and still enjoyed eating melons.

Occasionally when I think of this matter, apart from asking whether Bai Songmo is in jail or in a mental hospital, I can't arouse other interests.

Jin Yan was not interested in these things, she just wanted to know where Lin Simo had gone.

Later, Yu Qingtang returned home after the final exam and said that Lin Simo had been sent to the Bai family, with Mrs. Bai acting as his guardian.

Madam Bai hated Lin Xue very much, so naturally she also hated Lin Simo.

But Lin Simo is Bai Songmo's only son.

She didn't want to raise her, and she was afraid that her adopted son would be old and no one would take care of her. At the same time, in order to restore the reputation of the Bai family, she could only bite the bullet and recognize this grandson.

But it's one thing to recognize it, but it's another thing to take good care of it.

Lin Simo's luck was really not very good. She was abused in the Lin family, abused by her mother when she left the Lin family, and went to the Bai family after leaving her mother. No one knows what life will be like in the future.

No one told Jin Yan about Bai Songmo and Lin Xue's follow-up, but Lin Simo and Jin Yan were in the same class, and if they didn't tell, Jin Yan would also hear rumors from other children.

So Yu Qingtang told Jin Yan about Lin Simo's return to the Bai family, if Yu Sheng allowed it.

It was also at this time that Yu Qingtang discovered that Yu Sheng already knew what he asked Shen Lin to do, and Yu Sheng also prepared a plan, but he did not expect that Bai Songmo and Lin Xue would eliminate themselves internally, and his plan was useless at all. The land of martial arts.

In fact, after Lin Xue's death, Shen Lin also approached him, saying that even if they did not reveal Lin Xue's news to Bai Songmo, the ending of Lin Xue and Bai Songmo would not change much.

Because Lin Xue had followed Bai Songmo for a long time at that time, and she sent her son to a private school in order to take the opportunity to hurt Jin Yan in order to get revenge on Yu Sheng. She avenged Bai Songmo, and with Bai Songmo, she was her own.

Furthermore, Bai Songmo couldn't see her existence when he was at the top, but later he fell down and became like her. She thought that there was no reason for such a Bai Songmo not to love her.

She paranoidly thought that Bai Songmo must belong to her.

Even the bones and bones are hers.

If the entanglement continues like that, anyway, in the end, either Lin Xue will kill Bai Songmo, or Bai Songmo will kill Lin Xue.

Or, the two perish together, and both die for love.

Yu Qingtang knew that Shen Lin had good intentions, but he still asked, "Why do you think I feel guilty or uneasy because of her death? I didn't kill people."

Shen Lin was speechless.

Indeed, since he knew Yu Qingtang, Yu Qingtang has been too calm, he doesn't care about everything except the people around him.


Near the end of the year, Zhou Yun packed his son Zhou He and sent him to Lan Town.

Originally, Zhou He was going to come to Lan Town after the winter vacation, but Zhou Yun sent Fa to the winter camp for training for a month. After finally waiting for the end, he couldn't hold back his son and begged him over and over again. He could only fulfill his son's wish.

Only then did Zhou Yun truly understand what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

Although his son still bears his surname, it seems that his son has become someone else's son, Zhou He's elder brother.

A few days later, after finishing all the work, Xie Jing boarded his own private plane and started the journey back to Lan Town.

But this time he was not alone, his parents were by his side.

The He family, which had been quiet all winter, became lively again.

The old man's missing daughter is back.

Jinyan's playmate is also back.

The old man's face was full of joy, and his face was full of red every day, which made a group of old men in the village envious.

There are two more handsome young men escorting Jinyan. On the surface, they are brothers and sisters, respectful and polite, but in private, they often have disputes over the word "children".

At an age when I don't understand anything, I already have a lot of possessiveness.

But what's the use?
In front of Yu Qingtang, there is no difference between seven and ten years old, they are both little kids.

The little boy Zhou He stayed in Lan Town until the New Year's Eve. Zhou's grandparents missed their grandson, and his parents also missed their son. Zhou He was taken back to the capital by Zhou Yun.

And Xie Jing's family stayed with the old man after the Spring Festival before leaving.

Winter goes and spring comes, time flies.

In the encounters and partings again and again, year after year, Jin Yan has also grown into an adult.

Adults have adult worries.

On the night before her birthday, she was sitting on the roof with the wind blowing, watching the geese flying past in the distant sky, and thinking about the man who ran away without a trace without saying goodbye.

disappeared for two years.

Even a pig should know that escaping is useless!

 @someone, it’s time for a pig to come back

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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