After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 521 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Beloved · Beloved
After her birthday, Jin Yan went back to university.

Most of the classmates around me are intensively preparing for the next miserable exam month, but Jinyan is just the opposite.

Learning has always been the easiest thing for her.

Last year, she was admitted to the University of Ontario as the No. [-] student in science. She usually helps out at her family's company when she has time, but in the final exam, she still ranked first in all aspects.

In the dormitory, Jinyan was tidying up the desk, and the girl on the opposite bed looked at her and sighed, "Jinyan, tell me the truth, you are actually an alien, aren't you?"

Otherwise, how could anyone be so perfect.

She has a good family background, good looks, good figure, good grades, good popularity, and most importantly, she is very capable and can do everything with ease, as if nothing can hinder her.

After the girl asked, the other two in the same dormitory and the two in the next dormitory who just came in not long ago all nodded frantically in agreement.

Jin Yan has answered this question hundreds of times.

But she still said, "Yeah."

In a certain sense, she is indeed similar to aliens to the people here, after all, they are all outsiders.

288's voice came from his mind, "Host, she won't believe it."

Sure enough, the roommate said sadly: "You should say no, there are perfect people like you in the world, and aliens can't compare to you!"

Jin Yan: "..."

A short-haired girl in the dormitory next door said, "Aren't you all going to the study room today? Oh~ Except for Jin Yan, where the master studies, whether you study or not will not affect your grades."

The girl opposite Jinyan said angrily: "No, I studied in the study room all day yesterday. A couple in the front seat ate snacks and squeaked, gave each other water, and engaged in various small movements. I was upset, and my eyes were so polluted that I couldn't read the book... Of course, this is not the point. The point is that my butt hurts from sitting for too long. I went to the supermarket to buy an ice cream. It took less than 10 minutes to go back to the classroom. They actually took my place when I was there, I was so mad!"

Jin Yan and the others all looked at her.

"Don't they have a place?"

"Yes, but that location happened to be in the sun, and the man said his girlfriend was allergic to the sun, so they threw my things in the front row without permission, and even smashed one of my earphones on the ground. Without saying anything, the girl just kept apologizing, saying that she was not good, that she was not healthy enough, everyone looked at me, and I was going to die of anger!"

"Occupy a seat, occupy a seat, it is so fresh and refined."

"It's hard to comment, let us all sincerely wish them to be faithful and live forever!"

"Everyone sees that you may be sympathizing with you, not accusing you."

"I was so angry at the time that I didn't notice it."

"Then is his girlfriend allergic to air? Is she allergic to water? Could it be that her eyes can change into seven different colors according to her emotions?"


"It's fierce, the Mary Sue novels that have been dead in my memory for many years have begun to attack my brain again!"

"What about the earphones, did they compensate you for the earphones?"

"I want to eat farts! I didn't think too much about occupying a seat. I talked too much and disturbed others reading, but I only mentioned two earphones. You all know that my earphones are the cabbage tofu I ate for a week. Soy bean sprouts were bought at a low cost, and they were gone, but the young couple told me not to be morally kidnapped..."


"Who is morally kidnapping?"

"Anyway, what they mean is that I may have accidentally dropped the earphones, so I framed them and wanted to extort money. Later, the woman started crying again, saying that it was her fault, and I was so annoyed. I took the book and ran away."

"No wonder you come back so early at night."

"I can't help it. The sky is about to send a great mission to the people. I have to work hard and starve my body first. For the next week, I have to continue with cabbage, tofu, and bean sprouts!"


"I'm sorry, I know you're miserable, but your smile just shifted to my face hahahaha so unlucky!"

While the few people were chatting and laughing, Jin Yan had already tidied up the desk.

She took out a box from the bookshelf and handed it to the opposite side, "I have been using this earphone since I bought it, you can listen to it first."

"Ah" on the other side, the first reaction was to refuse.

Jin Yan has always been like this. If there is something, he says he wants them to use it first, but he will never remember to go back later.

And she also has a cleanliness habit. If someone else has used it, she won't want it again.

What she said to let other people "use" is a "gift" in disguise. She just said to use it first because she was afraid that they would not accept it.

But Jinyan's things are not cheap.

Even the headbands on the hair and the ribbons that tie the hair are embroidered with exquisite patterns, and many clothes and skirts have "signature" and the word "Jinyan" written in thin gold script, just because they are too young and too beautiful. It's exquisite, and you won't notice it if you don't pay attention.

It is precisely because it is too expensive and too exquisite that it cannot be accepted.

"Even if you don't eat cabbage, tofu, and bean sprouts, even if you go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, it will take time, right? Don't you listen to your ears during this period? Don't you study?" Jin Yan said.

I don't know who burst into laughter again.

"I don't think so, let her dig wild vegetables!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, take it quickly, let us hold such a beautiful hand in the air for such a long time, isn't she tired?"

"Don't forget, at the beginning of this semester, all of our skin care products are given by Jin Yan, good friends, don't be so alien, why don't you treat the master to drink milk tea for a month!"

As soon as the word "Okay" came out on the opposite side, Jin Yan immediately refused Sanlian, "No need, I'm afraid of getting fat, thank you!"

"It's unreasonable. The person with the best figure management said that he is afraid of getting fat."

"No, I remember that you never considered calories when you ate food before. It's just that you don't get fat. To be honest, you suddenly started to pay attention to your body. Is there something wrong with you?"

Everyone's eyes were as big as a cow's, and they all looked at Jin Yan.

Jin Yan raised his eyes, his eyes were clear and innocent.

She didn't even have to open her mouth to explain anything, and everyone couldn't bear to press her.

"Okay, okay, you don't, you only want to study, we all know."

"Yes, yes, don't you want to go out? The sun is not very bright at the moment, so go early, or you won't be able to stand the heat."

"If you come back at night, send a message in advance."

Jin Yan smiled, "Then I'll go first."

After she went out, the girl in front of her beat her heart in annoyance, "Why can't I bear that tender heart, every time she shows an innocent expression, I feel soft-hearted, so soft-hearted!"

"It could be your true voice deep inside."

"To be honest, if my boyfriend looked at me like Jin Yan, I would have punched me, but Jin Yan, I just want to hug and hold me high!"

"Anda's lilies are blooming~"

"No, I'm not worthy!"

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