After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 523 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

In this new house, Yu Qingtang felt at a loss for a long time.

The last time he was sitting on pins and needles like this was when he first arrived at He's house. He was allowed by the old man to live in the same yard as his brother.

He has never had a full stomach since he was a child, and what he saw was an antique courtyard, where everything he saw was exquisite and luxurious.

As for himself, he was wearing cloth shoes that had been mended countless times but still had three toes sticking out. His jacket and trousers were already dirty and starched. His brother had scrubbed his body for medicine when he rescued him, but It can be easily rubbed off with a little sweat.

The moment he stepped into the yard, his feet didn't know where to land.

The self-esteem and shame that he had forgotten for a long time in order to survive desperately exploded in his mind at that moment.


The explosion made him dizzy and his body was cold, and what followed was something he couldn't bear more than the whip and pepper water that fell on him.

He felt he didn't deserve to be there.

But my brother didn't give him a chance to escape, but threw him into a big bathtub and acted as his personal bather.

What was washed away that day was not only the dirt and dust on his body, but also all the memories of him being abused like a beast.

From then on, he became Yu Qingtang.

A wild boy born in a dusty countryside, he has been working hard to avoid being beaten and survive since he can remember. This thing alone has exhausted all his energy. He doesn't know what a cleanliness is.

His obsession with cleanliness, his love of cleanliness, is just a habit he has developed since that day.

He just wants to be like his brother, always clean, and wants to live a clean life.

Jinyan took off his sunscreen coat, washed his hands and came out, and what he saw was Yu Qingtang standing at the door in a daze.

He looked painful and fragile, and he didn't even notice her approaching.

Jin Yan waved his hand in front of his eyes, and poked his shoulder again, Yu Qingtang suddenly came back to his senses, seeing Jin Yan who was close at hand, he froze for a moment before recalling what he was doing just now.

"What's wrong with you?" Jin Yan asked.

Yu Qingtang shook her head, "I think of some past events."

Jin Yan said "Oh", "Change your shoes first, it's hot when you look at them, there are slippers in the shoe cabinet, they are Dad's shoe size, you should be able to wear them."

Yu Qingtang obediently opened the shoe cabinet, and sure enough, there were several pairs of spare slippers inside.

He changed his shoes and asked where the bathroom was.

Jin Yan pointed it at him.

When Yu Qingtang came out of the bathroom, Jinyan was no longer in the living room. He was afraid that Jinyan had returned to the bedroom, so he didn't look at it much.

After a few seconds, he heard the sound of cutting things from the kitchen, his face changed, and he strode towards the kitchen in an instant.

Jin Yan was cutting fruit when a voice came from behind her. She glanced back, and the fruit knife almost fell into her hand.

And Yu Qingtang seemed to be able to teleport, and in the blink of an eye, he had come to her side and grabbed the knife in her hand.

She was the one who was almost cut off, but Yu Qingtang was the one who blamed himself and felt distressed.

If he hadn't left, Jin Yan wouldn't have had the chance to touch the fruit knife, and naturally he wouldn't have been injured.

Yu Qingtang skillfully cut up the fruit that Jinyan brought out, and set up a familiar fruit plate, "Take this to the living room first, and I'll wash a few more grapes."

Jin Yan took the fruit plate, but stood there without moving, just quietly watching his silhouette.

Yu Qingtang had no choice but to let her go.

After he finished washing, before he could speak, Jin Yan turned around and left.

A thought suddenly popped up in Yu Qingtang's mind.

Jin Yan didn't leave because he wanted to look at him more?

In the living room, Jinyan huddled in the corner of the sofa like a kitten. Yu Qingtang noticed her posture and couldn't help saying, "Sitting like this will hurt your spine."

Jin Yan had just eaten a grape, and she said, "Sitting like this makes me feel safe." As soon as the words fell, the water in the grape splashed out and moistened Yu Qingtang's face.


Jinyan was silent for a while, then hurriedly threw away the pillow on her body, got up to get the tissue paper, looked at her, Yu Qingtang sighed.


Jin Yan paused.

Yu Qingtang approached, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and let her look at herself, "Why are you so upset? You know I won't be angry with you, let alone a grape, you just put these two plates of fruit together Beat it into mud and put it all on my face, and I won't be angry with you."

Jin Yan raised his eyes, looked at the pain in his eyes, and also clearly felt the pain in his heart, "It was you who left without saying goodbye, you were the one who broke up with me first."

Yu Qingtang was stunned for a moment, realizing the deep meaning of this sentence, he reluctantly said: "It's me, it's my fault, I'm afraid I'll be jealous, lose control, can't help myself, and hurt you, I want to protect you..."

"You won't." Jin Yan said.

If he would have done something to hurt her, he would not have kept silent about planning to disappear after discovering his feelings at that time.

He is too rational.

Together with others, he was giving her gifts to celebrate her birthday, and said her best wishes, but he was constantly doubting and denying himself in his heart, and was enduring endless punishment and suffering.

No one knew how he spent the few hours before he disappeared, and how he made up his mind to stay away from her and not give him a chance to hurt her.

But time never lies.

His melancholy, his white hair, his hesitation, and his bewilderment are the best proofs.

Yu Qingtang seemed to have had a beautiful dream, he couldn't believe it, "Baby, do you understand what I mean?"

Jin Yan: "You love me, don't you?"

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Jin Yan uttered the three words that he buried deep in his heart and didn't dare to say easily?

Jin Yan: "Or there are other people..."

"No, no one else, only you, only you." Yu Qingtang hurriedly explained.

Even though the reality was before his eyes, he still couldn't believe that Jin Yan would be so calm and rational.

It was even worse than he was at the time.

Jin Yan: "Then what are you afraid of?"

Yu Qingtang looked at her, her eyes and tone were so gentle, "Baby, it's true that I love you, but everyone loses control at times, and I can't be sure when I will act too much. If you know it and you are not yet an adult, it is a crime, do you understand?"

Jin Yan: "But I'm an adult now, I understand everything now, I understand you too, you won't lose control, you'll just find excuses not to see me, make me wonder if you hate me, let me take the initiative to stay away from you , so the purpose of keeping a distance is achieved, isn't it?"

Yu Qingtang shook his head, and he raised his hand to stroke Jinyan's cheek, "No, how could I hate you, and I can't bear to treat you that way. You don't understand anything, and the fault is on me alone, and the consequences should naturally be on my own bear."

But now he knows that all the "injuries" suffered by Jin Yan originated from him.

All her unhappiness is also because of him.

Ask for a ticket~

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