After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 529 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Chapter 529 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script (93)

Except for the absence of Yu Qingtang in the first year of Jinyan's college career, every year after that, Yu Qingtang was like a ghost on her body, inseparable from her.

The classmates in the university are not that close to her, and they are usually too embarrassed to go to her and ask her what the relationship is with Yu Qingtang.

And those who have a good relationship don't need to ask.

Whether Jin Yan is happy or not, they all see it.

As for the rest, they don't care.

Not to mention that there are a few roommates who pretend to be very indifferent on the surface, but secretly take CP secretly. Compared with announcing the world with great fanfare, they are more keen to silently guard the pure land in their hearts.

But things have two sides.

Some people find it beautiful, while others find it ugly.

Some people said behind their backs that Yu Qingtang seduced Jinyan, that Jinyan seduced Yu Qingtang, and that they had done so long ago, as if each of them was a witness and witnessed the whole process of "seduction" and "seduction" with their own eyes.

Jin Yan seldom heard such a voice, but there were a few times when someone deliberately said it to her.

It was a very important event held by the school, and many outstanding alumni like Yu Qingtang were invited.

Jin Yan was the host of the event that day, and she was very busy throughout the whole process. Later, in the middle of the event, when she was resting backstage, Yu Qingtang went to meet her backstage.

Not long after Yu Qingtang left, a woman with experience of studying abroad appeared in front of her. The other party claimed to be Yu Qingtang's crush.

Having said that, the other party didn't know what Yu Qingtang liked and disliked, and what her living habits were, but she just thought she was standing on the moral high ground, so she humiliated and criticized her as a "thief".

In that lady's opinion, it was she who tried her best to "bind" Yu Qingtang with the two omnipotent weapons of "family affection" and "kindness", forcing Yu Qingtang to regard "family affection" as "love". He couldn't get a look from Yu Qingtang.

The moment the woman appeared, Jin Yan knew that he had encountered a psychosis.

Since you have a crush on Yu Qingtang, you should go to Yu Qingtang to confess. After so many years, instead of going to Yu Qingtang to express your feelings, you come to her at this time. Isn't it sick?
What's more, the woman's convincing rhetoric also shocked her greatly.

Before that, she never thought that "Yu Qingtang is with her" could still be connected with the so-called "kindness".

This is ridiculous.

Anyone who knew Yu Qingtang would not have such crazy and ridiculous thoughts, let alone know that for her and the Yu family, this was not "repaying kindness" at all, but "repaying kindness with revenge".

After Jin Yan told the woman what he wanted, the woman had an expression of "you are sick". What a great honor it is to be liked by Yu Qingtang.
It seems that she is too ignorant to say that the sky is high and the earth is thick.

Jin Yan sincerely said that she really doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is, but she has already seen how stupid women are.

There were voices at the door, some were saying "Mr. Yu" and some were calling "Mr. Yu."

Then the door was opened, and Yu Qingtang came to Jinyan's side through the group of people who had eavesdropped on the spot and broke their expressions on the spot.

He went back and forth, holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and a cup of hot milk tea in the other.

Jin Yan didn't ask why he came back, but gave Yu Qingtang a hug helplessly when there was no one around to hug him, and took another sip of the milk tea he fed to his mouth.

"Take a couple of sips first, and I'll hold it for you. If you want to drink it later, give me a wink, and I'll bring it to you." Yu Qingtang urged.

The activities held by the school do not mean that they are safer than the activities outside, such as things out of sight, the probability of being added inside is not small.

In such an occasion, no matter who the organizer is, even if it is his own venue, he will not let Jinyan drink something that has left his sight.

After Yu Qingtang finished speaking, everyone outside the door looked at the woman, thinking that Yu Qingtang's move was a deliberate slap in the face.

The woman also thought of this, and she explained in embarrassment that she had no intention of harming others, but Yu Qingtang had already protected Jinyan and went outside.

The event lasted for a long time, and the invited guests were all entrepreneurs and industry elites. The content they talked about was very obscure and difficult to understand. But to everyone's surprise, Jin Yan, who was still a student, understood the problems they said. No less than any of them.

At the end of the event, some people who didn't know Jinyan came forward to strike up a conversation, some directly asked her for contact information, and even invited her to work in the company or hoped for some special contacts. Everyone had different purposes, but they all wanted to know Jinyan. It was Yu Sheng's daughter, and she broke into a cold sweat after knowing her relationship with Yu Qingtang.

Unspoken rules: Yu Sheng's daughter hanged herself because of the old birthday star.

To poach Yu Qingtang's corner is to seek death.

Almost, they all stepped on this red line.

But even if they stopped the car in time, some people who intended to imply Jin Yan to go to the hotel with him, promised some benefits to trick Jin Yan into accepting the so-called nurturing agreement, still paid a heavy price for it.

Just like that crush.

The fact that Jin Yan was blocked by strangers in the backstage lounge was eventually leaked by the eavesdroppers at the time. Later, the whole school knew that someone actually ran to Jin Yan's side to swear an oath of sovereignty.

Insider: "..."

This is hard to judge!

It's like someone came to your house for no reason, and then pointed to the house under your feet and said, you are such a scheming, insidious and cunning villain. You actually bought the right to use "it" with money. The price of the house, you don't deserve that house.

And the only reason why she is so confident is that she is like a voyeur, coveted that house for a long time, but can't love it.

After the roommate heard about it, they joked, "Mr. Yu's crushes are not of good quality, they are not mentally stable, unlike Jin Yan's crushes, who are emotionally stable like teachers."

The boys in the school who liked Jinyan had died down after seeing Jinyan and Yu Qingtang holding hands, and hadn't made any noise at all.

Jin Yan: "..."

She didn't tell her roommates that not all of them are emotionally stable.

And the two emotionally unstable people provoked Yu Qingtang many times, both openly and secretly.

It's just that none of them can take advantage of it.

Zhou He, who was far away in the capital, suddenly sneezed.

"Brother He, I told you not to keep flushing in cold water, but if you insist on flushing, are you catching a cold now?" said the friend.

Zhou He clicked his tongue, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I don't have a cold, it's because someone is thinking about me."

"Who is it? That young lady in Ancheng has a boyfriend..."


Zhou He suddenly became irritable, raised his foot and kicked the man's ass.

 Thank you [Fengqing Yueying] for your support~
  Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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