After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 533 I will be the god of death in the last days

"Zai, Zai—"

When Jin Yan wondered why the strange man would stop in front of her, Zhou Xia, who was paralyzed into a lump of big characters and seemed to be dying, suddenly stood up straight, and said these two words as if his tongue was tied.



That is... Zai Xu?
As soon as Jin Yan came to his senses, Zhou Xia grabbed his arm. The latter was so excited that his expression became distorted, "It's Zaixu, I said that I can recognize him even if he turns into ashes. Look, I Didn't lie to you!"

The man on the opposite side was wearing sunglasses and a mask, so he couldn't see his expression clearly, but Lou Di reacted very quickly, and immediately came over after seeing Zhou Xia grabbing Jin Yan, and grabbed Zhou Xia's wrist.

Realizing what he had done, Zhou Xia was also taken aback, and apologized belatedly, "I'm sorry, Jinyan, I was too excited just now, how is your arm, did it hurt you?"

As she said that, she lifted up Jinyan's sleeve, Lou Di didn't have time to stop it, and the red marks on Jinyan's forearm that had been strangled with great force appeared before everyone's eyes.

"It's so serious, it must be very painful, right? Jin Yan, you beat me up, beat me to the brain!" Zhou Xia said guiltily and distressed.

Li Dong said angrily: "You say that every time, but you don't know how to change it. Look at how serious it is now."

Zhou Xia felt even more guilty.

Jin Yan said: "Don't blame Xia Xia, my body is just like this, and it's easy to leave marks when I touch it, but it's actually okay, it doesn't hurt that much."

At least, she didn't feel any pain.

Zhou Xia frowned, wishing to apologize with death, "You must be lying to me, you always do this, you just don't want me to feel guilty, it's so red, the place where my nails were pinched is so bruised, how could it not pain?"

"Okay, Yanyan said it doesn't hurt, don't blame yourself too much, get up first." Lou Di said.

Lou Di's breath was a little low, and Zhou Xia was a little afraid of him when he was usually like this, so he got up obediently and stood aside.

At this time, the man who had been silent all this time said, "It looks like there is some blood congestion, it would be better to apply a cold compress."

Jin Yan: "Thank you."

The man still couldn't see any expression, but Jin Yan noticed that his breath seemed not as tense as before.

Zhou Xia seemed to have just remembered that her Mr. Film King was still here. She looked at the man and pursed her lips, but the enthusiasm and joy before was gone from her face.

Lou Di glanced at the man coldly, his eyes were full of vigilance and defense, if this man hadn't suddenly appeared beside them, Zhou Xia would still be lying dead on the ground, and Jin Yan would not have been injured.

He looked away and asked Jin Yan if he wanted to go back to the hotel and see a doctor. Jin Yan chuckled, "What kind of doctor are you looking for? Did you forget that we are also half doctors?"

Lou Di was taken aback, and when he thought of something, he also laughed.

Others don't know so, what are they laughing at?
"What kind of riddle are you two playing?" Zhou Xia approached with a small round face.

Li Dong seemed to have thought of something, "Is it possible that your mothers were all doctors, and you have learned a lot from childhood, so you can count as half a doctor?"

Lou Di smiled lightly and said nothing, Zhou Xia said "oh", "So that's the case, I thought there was some secret."

She asked Jin Yan what she was doing now, and Jin Yan said, "How did you arrange it before, just go according to your plan."

"Before, I wanted to meet Zai Xu at the food stall, but now..."

Zhou Xia paused, she turned her head and looked aside, the man who was standing there disappeared at some point.

She curled her lips, "Don't watch the movie king anymore, let's go play, but let's make it clear in advance that you must touch and not touch the things that Aunt Liu said you can't eat!"

Jin Yan: "Okay, okay, let's go."

After the four people left according to the route, another person appeared beside the flower bed in front of the hotel, who was the one who had left before.

He frowned, looked worriedly at the direction in which they were leaving, and then made another call. The familiar mechanical voice came from the opposite side, and Zai Xu hung up the phone without saying a word.

In Central City, in the information department of an organization, a man put his legs up on the table, and the screen in front of him kept showing new calls, but he ignored them as if he didn't see them.

A colleague walked by with coffee, glanced at it casually, and said casually, "The number you specially marked is for Professor Huo again?"

There was a look of contempt and disdain in the man's eyes, and he said sarcastically: "These people are too whimsical, what they daydream is earth-shattering, he actually said that he knows Professor Huo, since he knows, why don't you contact Professor Huo directly, why not How about calling Professor Huo's insider? So I'm sure, he must be a liar!"

At the same time, there is the same expression on his face, "This liar probably doesn't know how many followers Professor Huo has around the world, if he knew that we receive no less than 1 calls looking for Professor Huo every day, he wouldn't use such a clumsy lie gone."

The man took it for granted, "Let me tell you, this man is simply..."

Before he finished speaking, the computer notified that a new call had come in again.

"I'll show you this psychopath."

As the man spoke, he clicked on the connection, only to hear a hoarse and deep voice say: "Hi, I'm Zaixu, this is my real name, and the last four digits of my ID number are... can you contact Huo now?" Professor Biaohuo?"

When the voice fell, everything seemed to stand still.

Three seconds later, the man and his colleague looked at each other, and then they joined other colleagues, who burst into loud laughter.

The man laughed so hard that his stomach ached, and he laughed and said, "See, he's just a psychopath. After a while, he said that he knew Professor Huo, and I asked him to provide his real identity. He refused at first, but now he can't lie to me. Saying that he is Zai Xu is ridiculous, although Zai Xu is a popular actor, but no matter how good the actor is, he is just a star, how could he have the opportunity to know Professor Huo!"

"It's really outrageous. If he is Zaixu, then I will be Huo Biao!"

"Hurry up and post this news on Xingwang. If you don't guarantee it, you can gain a lot of fans!"

"What celebrities like most is popularity. If you post it on the Internet, they will definitely make use of it when they see it. Then they will gain a wave of fans. They don't need money, so why give them popularity?"

"Then I won't post it, I can't get used to those celebrities who look like dogs!"

The phone cuts off at this point.

Zai Xu stood in front of the French windows of the hotel, looking out with a heavy expression.

Failed again.

He knew very well that the best way to contact Huo Biao was to mention Huo Biao's daughter "Huo Jinyan", but he had already revealed his real name before, and those people had already regarded him as a psychopath. He then said that he knew Huo Jinyan, that he knew that Huo Jinyan would be in danger in the future, and I'm afraid those people would just treat him as a lunatic.

Even if he uses his account to post news on the star network, it will only be regarded as he wants to use this to create hype, which will only make things more troublesome.

Thank you [Fengqing Yueying] for your support~

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