After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 537 I will be the god of death in the last days

Chapter 537 I will be the god of death in the last days (7)

After Jin Yan asked the question, the girl who answered was the first, and more people answered after that.

Another girl said: "The robbery is okay. From their behavior, it can be seen that they are people who live in Xicheng or have committed crimes. The outrageous one is my neighbor. I don’t know what happened these two days. They are digging holes every day. It’s doing renovations and buying several power generation equipment, it’s just too noisy!”

"It's the same situation with my mother. Their neighbors have been building underground survival shelters, saying it is to deal with the end of the world. I really don't understand. Is the topic of the end of the world so fun? I have to play it every once in a while." .”

"The end of the world?"

"Yeah, didn't my mother move to Dongcheng with her current husband? It's the same situation over there. The neighbor is a young man who is a gamer. He often plays games at home. He doesn't go out for ten days and a half months. Usually, you can only see him when you are shopping, but recently it is said that he has been going out, just like what my sister said just now, that person buys generators, heaters, oil, and all kinds of extreme survival The equipment that can only be used, because it is too real, my mother and the others were frightened, and bought some things accordingly."

"It won't really be the end of the world, will it?"

"Ghost knows, it doesn't matter if the world is doomsday, it's not interesting to live every day!"

"Although in the past few years when the temperature has been rising, I also hope that the end of the world will come soon, but I am only 30 years old, I have not been in a relationship or married, I have not even been to Central City, I don't want to die yet. "

"Don't think about it, real disasters are always silent, and it is impossible to announce before they come!"

"Why not? The extinction of dinosaurs, the deterioration of the environment, ozone pollution, rising temperatures year after year, and rising sea levels are all closely linked. Perhaps the extinction of a species has already foretelled the future."

"You said it's the future, so don't worry about it. We won't live until that time, and we won't see the disaster at that time. Whether it will be the end or not!"

"It's true, let's seize the moment and enjoy yourself in time!"

"Long live carpe diem!"

"Long live!"

Amid cheers full of youth and vitality, Jin Yan and the others got into the car.

Maybe it was just listening to a topic about the end of the world. After getting in the car, no one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed extraordinarily quiet.

This atmosphere also infected Zhou Xia. She, who was always lively and heartless, instinctively kept quiet.

And Li Dong has been preoccupied ever since he was bullied by Lou Di.

She looked at Jin Yan calmly, as if she wanted to say something, but hesitated again.

It was so quiet in the car.

She hopes that she will always be watched by everyone like Jin Yan, and that everyone's eyes can stay on her forever.

But clearly, the timing is wrong.

When I went out, many roads were crowded with people, and when I came back, the area around the hotel was empty and very quiet.

It was so quiet, as if there were only a few of them in this hundred-mile radius.

Mu Lan parked the car, and when everyone got out of the car, he said: "It's getting late, I won't take you upstairs, you go back and eat something by yourself, even in the hotel, don't trust anyone You, be safe."

Zhou Xia: "Cousin, do you want to go home?"

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand and slapped herself, Mu Lan was amused by her action, "Slap yourself, you really become more and more stupid the older you get."

Zhou Xia: "..."

If she said something wrong, she should call her.

My cousin lost his home when he was five years old. .

At that time, my aunt passed away, and my uncle couldn't wait to welcome his mistress and illegitimate daughter back to the Mu family. In order to show their benevolence and righteousness, they held a grand funeral for my aunt.

Mom went to the funeral and was disgusted by the mistress who treated them like a hostess from the very beginning, and then mom smashed the funeral, beat the woman, and tore the two rotten pieces in front of all the guests. The real face of the person, and then decided to take the cousin to the central city, and raised him in the Zhou family.

If her cousin had been growing up in their parents, she would have been accompanied by her elder brother since she was a child. Unfortunately, after her cousin grew up, she left Central City and returned to Haicheng.

My mother said that my cousin is reluctant to bear my aunt.

Mu Lan didn't feel unhappy. He gently patted Zhou Xia's head, "Don't think about it, go back to the hotel quickly. I still have some things to do. I'll come back tomorrow morning."

"Okay, bye, cousin."

After they left, Mu Li drove away, and they also went back to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel after dinner, Jin Yan went to take a shower, Li Dong said to Zhou Xia expectantly: "Xia Xia, are you angry with me too?"

Zhou Xia: "Why am I angry with you?"

Li Dong hesitated for a while, and said: "I was just rushing to talk at that time, I really didn't mean it, and you also know that I am outspoken, and I usually point out what's wrong with you... "

Zhou Xia was still puzzled, "I know you are blunt, but what does this have to do with Jinyan's pocket money? She has a lot of pocket money, but there are so many rich and powerful people on the planet, who has no money? The number of people who have more pocket money than Jin Yan can't be counted? Your Li family, you yourself, are not poor, right?"

"You misunderstood, I really didn't mean that!" This was the first time Li Dong felt that her eloquence was not as good as she imagined.

In her understanding, Zhou Xia is careless and careless, no matter what others say about her, she will not get angry.

But now, this person who has a good temper and is the best to fool, has shown her hidden thorns for Huo Jinyan.

Zhou Xia looked straight at Li Dong, slightly mocking, "You may not mean that, but when you say that, others will feel uncomfortable."

She signaled the anxious Li Dong not to speak, "Don't be too quick to deny it, your family has a large population, and your parents value your older brothers and sisters more. You really can't compare with Jin Yan, but it's Jin Yan's fault." Is it? Uncle Huo and Aunt Liu are just a child of Jinyan, they love Jinyan like a treasure, love him more, give him more money, are they wrong? Jinyan is just favored by her own parents, in your eyes Is it wrong too?"

"not me……"

Li Dong was in a hurry to explain, but Zhou Xia didn't want to hear her explanation at the moment.

She said seriously: "You only see that Jinyan has more than you, but you can't see what she has done with the Huo family. This is wrong."

"Besides, the division between people and people, between rich and poor, and between social classes is not formed in a day or two. This problem has existed for hundreds of years, and it has long been deeply rooted. Why do you think Jinyan donated all her pocket money? Can the status quo be changed?"

 Thanks to Miss [The Other Side Aegean Sea] for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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