After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 539 I will be the god of death in the last days

Early the next morning, when Jin Yan woke up, it was already high in the sun.

She tried hard to recall the process of falling asleep, but found that her mind was blank and she couldn't remember anything at all.

That burst of drowsiness was like a poison that blocked her throat when she saw blood. Not only did she forget how she fell asleep, but she didn't even have the slightest memory of what happened in the chaotic dream.

After waking up, Jin Yan went to the living room without taking a shower. Zhou Xia and Li Dong were not seen, and the whole house was quiet.

She went to the door of another bedroom, and was immediately amused when she saw the person sleeping on the bed stretched out.

However, Zhou Xia slept with her clothes on, most likely because she woke up and saw that she was still awake, so she went to sleep again.

Jin Yan didn't call her, but went to wash her face first.

After she finished packing and changed her clothes, she called Lou Di.

Within a few seconds, there was a knock on the door.

Lou Di and Mu Lan entered one after another, both holding something to eat.

"Did you just wake up?" Lou Di asked.

Jin Yan nodded, "I searched for posts about the end of the world before going to bed yesterday. I wanted to find out the source of the news, but fell asleep for some reason."

Lou Di immediately stared at her face, "You're not hurt, are you?"

After hearing this, Mu Lan gossiped, "Did you ever slap your face with your phone when you fell asleep?"

Jin Yan: "..."

If she didn't speak, Mu Lan understood everything.

He said: "You should be obedient and go to bed as soon as you feel a little sleepy. Don't hold on, or you will get hit by the phone, and the loss will not be worth the loss."

Jin Yan said that she knew that she had always learned a lot from a fall, so she wouldn't suffer twice in one matter.

"Is Xia Xia still asleep?" Mu Lan glanced at the bedroom.

Jin Yan: "I haven't woken up yet, I didn't call her, where is Li Dong, have you gone out to play?"

Lou Di said "Yes", he opened the breakfast and peeled an apple for Jin Yan at the same time, "She called me before going out in the morning and said she was going to meet some friends."

Jinyan ate breakfast, and said casually, "Brother Mu, where do you live now? Is the place big?"

Mu Lan took a deep look at her, as if she guessed what she wanted to say, "Now I live alone in the villa, with a lot of space and a spacious basement."

"Then let's buy some supplies, treat it as a survival training, and buy as many items as possible for survival, how about it?" Jin Yan said.

Lou Di was the first to say, "Okay, I'll pay for it."

When the words fell to the ground, Lou Di had already transferred a large amount of money to Mu Lan's account.

The phone rang suddenly, and Mu Lan looked at the transferred amount and the countless zeros behind it, and smiled helplessly, "You all come up with ideas and money, it seems that the task of purchasing can only fall on me Now, you trust me so much, I can't live up to your trust."

After speaking, he called and ordered three off-road vehicles from different places, and then ordered a lot of daily necessities from several different supermarkets, from rice, flour, grain, oil, meat, condiments, drinking water to canned instant noodles, chocolate ham, etc. I bought almost everything I could think of.

"Brother Mu, don't forget the acid rain in the Americas, the poisonous gas after the volcanic eruption, and the infectious disease after the tsunami... So, the necessary preparations include clothes for the four seasons, protective clothing, gas masks, masks, gloves And the shoes."

Jin Yan reminded him, "The most important thing is medicine, various medicines for treating trauma, various antibiotics, as much as possible that can be used in medicine."

Mu Lan's expression moved slightly, but he didn't say anything, but immediately carried out the order.

Lou Di just sent a message to his father, and then said: "Jin Yan, Uncle Huo..."

"It was my mother who called me last night, and I chatted with her about the matter here." Jin Yan said.

Lou Di was relieved when he heard it.

Their parents were more informed than they were. I am afraid that the people in Central City already knew what happened in Haicheng.

However, the reminder should be reminded, be prepared, so as not to be caught off guard.

After a while, Jin Yan finished his breakfast, and Mu Lan also finished making phone calls. He said he wanted to wake Zhou Xia up, so he called Zhou Xia up without any tenderness.

As soon as Zhou Xia opened her eyes, she shouted, "Cousin, for disturbing my dream, I will kill you!"

"What sweet dream, did you dream about Zaixu?" Jin Yan asked.

Zhou Xia just woke up, her face was still a little red, but Jin Yan could see a shy look on her face.

After she came out, she complained to Jin Yan heartbroken, "I just dreamed that Zai Xu took my hand and ran away. Oh my god, he was so handsome at that moment. He looked back at me as if he was going to say something to me. Before I could hear it clearly, I was woken up, do you think he should be killed?"

Jin Yan: "Uh... your cousin, if you want to kill him or cut him up, you decide."

The corner of Mu Lan's mouth twitched, "It's about my own life and death, I don't count if I say it, but it counts if she is a little girl?"

Jin Yan: "You two fight, anyway, I say it won't count."

Mu Lan couldn't laugh or cry immediately, but he couldn't see his cousin who was always happy crying, so he went to coax Zhou Xia again.

"Yanyan, do you want to go back to the central city?" Lou Di asked suddenly.

On this trip, both Zhou Xia and Li Dong said they wanted to see the film emperor Zai Xu, and Jin Yan was dragged by Zhou Xia to accompany her, and he came with Jin Yan.

Since the journey is unpleasant and unsafe, it is better to go home.

Jin Yan shook his head, "No need for now, Mom and Dad didn't say anything, so I should have their consideration..."

She paused for a moment, then raised her eyes to meet Lou Di's, "But, Lou Di, I have a very bad premonition."

"The end of the world?" Lou Di lowered his voice a little.

Jin Yan nodded, "I think it might not be groundless."

Lou Di pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "I see, I'll check the source of the rumors right away, if it's just talking hilariously to attract attention, that's fine, if he really knows something, then the person behind it will definitely hoard a lot of supplies , Fire cannot be wrapped in paper, and traces can always be found.”

"Well, that's all for daily necessities. If you want to buy a car or a weapon, you'll need a lot of money... Maybe you can start with the bank and get a large loan, and you can always get news." Jin Yan said.

Lou Di: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'll find someone to investigate right away."

The family may have already noticed what they could perceive, and there was no need to hide this matter, so Lou Di immediately went to find his father.

The call got through, and the person on the other side hung up after only saying a few words.

Jin Yan: "How?"

Lou Di: "They already knew about the new round of posts when they came out, and sent people to investigate, so we don't have to worry, just pay attention to safety."

It's just that he doesn't understand why several parents allow them to come out to play, knowing that there may be danger.


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