After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 545 I will be the god of death in the last days

After visiting the basement, Jin Yan proposed to tidy up all the things, and Zhou Xia was immediately dumbfounded.

Zhou Xia's eyes widened, and he asked word by word: "There are so many, a house full of things, with the four of us, is it neat?"

Jin Yan: "If the apocalypse really happens, so many things may not be enough at all, or they may be taken away by others. At that time, what you have to do is not only to find food for yourself, but also how to survive the cruel reality."

This topic is a bit heavy, but it has to be mentioned.

"No one knows what will happen in the future, but for now, Lou Di and I are two men, and it's not your turn to compete for work, so let's take a rest and adjust our mentality."

Just as Mu Lan finished speaking, someone stepped on her foot.

Zhou Xia, who was depressed at first, seemed to have been beaten with blood, "What do you mean we don't have to compete for work with you, and look down on us? Don't forget that I also learned karate, and I was also the first person!"

The excitement is on the rise, Zhou Xia can do many things by himself without anyone's encouragement and supervision.

On the contrary, Jinyan, because of the "sleeping gene" hidden in her body that does not know when it will attack, everyone is afraid that she will fall asleep again if she is tired, so they have been persuading her to work less and rest more.

The four of them cleaned up for the whole afternoon, and by seven o'clock in the evening, they had only emptied half of the basement, and put those small items and food that were easy to move on the shelves, and there were still many, many things left.

"In one afternoon, we actually sorted out so many things, and we still have a sense of accomplishment. After two or three more afternoons like this, I think it will be a perfect ending!" Zhou Xia said.

Mu Li turned on the phone and showed the screen in front of her. Zhou Xia was dumbfounded by the orders "delivering" on the screen.

"There are so many more?" Zhou Xia was a little suspicious of life.

Jin Yan: "You'd better pray that those things will be delivered smoothly when it gets dark."

Hearing this, Zhou Xia became frightened again, "I remembered, the man we met on the beach also said that it was going to be dark, and he seemed to tell us not to believe what he said. You already know what he's talking about."

Jin Yan: "Yes."

She originally came from the last days, how could she be unfamiliar with the last days.

After waking up from this, the familiar and uneasy feeling in her heart has been guiding her. The intersection of online information and reality also made her firm in her guess.

Under such circumstances, she would choose to plan ahead anyway, just in case.

"Then do you want to tell Uncle Huo and the others?" Zhou Xia said.

Mu Lan tapped her on the head, "Do you think they have little information?"

Zhou Xia shook her head, thought for a while, and then said, "Anyway, there is food here, or we can just make do with something and move later?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of Jin Yan cast their surprised eyes on her.

"What's wrong? Do you think I'm too active, not like me?" Zhou Xia asked tentatively.

Mu Lan shook her head, "You are very active sometimes."

Lou Di: "I just didn't expect you to have the potential to be a capitalist."

Jin Yan reminded her, "Everything we have at our fingertips now, whether it's clothes, shoes, bags or a delicious meal, the pancakes we all loved outside school when we were in school, our favorite drinks, or the trees and tufts of grass on the road, may only appear in our memories in the future."

Zhou Xia listened with an expression on the verge of tears.

Jin Yan: "So, do you still want to stay here to eat milk, bread and snacks?"

"No, I want to eat, I want to eat steaming rice! I want to drink a big cup of milk tea! I want to eat a hundred skewers of barbecue! I also want..."

Jin Yan took her hand, "Then let's go, come back and continue moving after eating."

Zhou Xia: "..."

Is she hallucinating?

Seeing that Zhou Xia was intimidated again, Mu Lan couldn't help laughing and said, "You can't tell the truth from the fake, little fool, don't think about it, I'll take you back to the hotel after dinner to rest, and I'll find someone to do the rest."

Zhou Xia: "Will that be unsafe? What if the news is leaked?"

Mu Lan's eyes looked more like she was looking at something, "Bingxue is smart for a while, and stupid for a headache, don't think about this kind of problem, let's go, eat."

Zhou Xia couldn't hear the word "stupid", so he chased Mu Lan and started fighting.

Jin Yan smiled and shook her head. Just as she was about to leave the villa, her cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Huo Biao, she immediately picked it up, "Dad."

"Where is the baby? The warehouse?" Huo Biao looked at the background behind her.

Jinyan switched the camera, showed Huo Biao the items all over the floor, and then pointed the camera at himself, "This is Brother Mu's villa. I bought some things yesterday, and we came here this afternoon to clean them up."

Huo Biao's expression was as usual, and he didn't ask why they bought things, but said: "You?"

Jin Yan: "There are four of us."

"That daughter of the Li family is gone?" Huo Biao asked.

Jin Yan nodded, "I let her go."

Huo Biao showed a gratified smile on his face, "Your mother was worried that you would be hurt by that girl, but I said my precious daughter is very smart, and she has a good eye for people. She knows what to do when."

For Huo Biao's behavior of praising his daughter all the time, Lou Di has heard it too many times, and has become accustomed to it.

But every time I hear it, I always feel admiration from the bottom of my heart.

He didn't think he would be able to do what Huo Biao did when he became a father in the future.

The two walked out of the villa, Lou Di went to close the door, Jin Yan talked to Huo Biao, "Father, when will it get dark?"

Huo Biao looked at her tenderly, "It will always be dark, will my baby be afraid?"

Jin Yan shook his head.

The sky will be dark, but the darkness will not always cover the sky. On the second day, the sun will still rise as usual.

Huo Biao smiled, and there was deep love and some vague anxiety in his eyes, "Yes, that's it, baby, don't be afraid of anything, Mom and Dad will always be with you and protect you."

"I know." Jin Yan said.

Huo Biao raised his hand, as if he wanted to stroke Jinyan's hair, but his fingers hit a wall on the screen.

He curled up his fingers regretfully, and said slowly: "I've seen the photo your mother sent me. I was in a meeting at that time, so I didn't call you immediately."

Jin Yan told him to rest and take care of his body, Huo Biao said he remembered.

The subject changed, and he said: "The next few days may be busy, and you can't contact your parents. Don't be afraid. The people arranged by your father will come to you soon. You can trust them, and they will protect you. At the same time, you have to pick up everything that your parents taught you since you were a child. Take your belongings, protect yourself, and wait for your parents to come to you."

Ask for a ticket~Show cute

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