After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 547 I will be the god of death in the last days

Lou Di thought about the past.

Zhou Xia saw that he was in a daze, and repeated the question again, "Do you remember where Uncle Huo was at that time? Why do I remember that I really want to go to Australia for investigation."

"Australia?" Lou Di thought for a while, "Isn't it Latin America?"

Zhou Xia shook her head, "I remember Australia, maybe I misremembered the time, forget it, it's not important anyway, don't worry about this problem, my brain hurts."


Lou Di still had them in his mind when he was a child, and he didn't have the heart to think about other things.

Jin Yan, on the other hand, searched the Internet for a long time and found the news about Huo Biao's inspection trip to Australia and Latin America, but the timeline didn't match up at all.

Thinking of her narcolepsy, and the inexplicably familiar figure that flashed in her mind, she also started to have a headache.

Noticing that her expression was wrong, Mu Lan asked concerned: "What's the matter, did you fall asleep again?"

Jin Yan shook his head, "Suddenly I feel a little bored, I want to go to the bathroom."

Zhou Xia got up immediately, took her arm and said, "I'm going too, I'll be with you!"

Knowing that she was worried that she would fall asleep in the bathroom, Jin Yan didn't refuse. The two of them just went out, and before they even got to the bathroom, they saw a figure blocked by someone at the corner.

Zhou Xia recognized the other party at a glance, "It's Zai Xu."

It is still dressed in full armor, that is to say, most of the fans have left Haicheng now, otherwise the restaurant will be completely surrounded today.

Jin Yan also recognized the other party, but Zai Xu was being entangled by fans at this time, so getting close at this time would definitely be a disaster.

So she reminded Zhou Xia that if she wanted to say hello to the actor, wait, at least wait until those fans left.

Although Zhou Xia's eyes were still on Zai Xu's body, his mouth was firm, "I don't want to say hello to him, let's go quickly."

The two walked past Zaixu. A few fans gathered around Zaixu to sign an autograph and take a group photo. The moment Jin Yan and Zhou Xia passed by, their eyes uncontrollably followed the two girls and ran away.

Seeing this scene, Zai Xu smiled slightly.

"Zai Xu! You laughed!" a fan said excitedly.

Another: "Are you laughing at us being fickle? It's not enough for you to have a handsome man, you also need to look at a little beauty."

The youngest of them was twenty years old, and the two girls who had just passed by looked like the oldest was only 17 years old. To them, they were little sisters.

Nature is also a little beauty.

Zai Xu said no, "Everyone has a love for beauty. I won't think that you have betrayed me just because you like another good-looking and excellent person, because I am the same as you. When I see beautiful things, I can't help but stop and take a second look."

Thinking of something, he looked at the few people with more tender eyes, "So, while you are young and the time is just right, you should take a look at the beautiful scenery, blow the morning wind, drink a cup of warm milk tea, and spend more time with your relatives, loved ones and friends. Even if you stand in line for an hour to eat your favorite food, it is more meaningful and valuable than spending time with me."

Fans were warmed up by this answer.

But soon they argued, "But for us, you are also our friend, relative, and someone worthy of our waiting and liking. This does not conflict with the other beautiful things you said at all."

Having debuted for many years, he has already seen too much darkness, filth and human nature, and Zaixu, who has already had a hard heart, is still inevitably moved by the pure love of fans.

He sighed, his tone suddenly heavy, "Since you regard me as a relative and friend, will you listen to me?"

"We've always listened to you," the fan said.

Zai Xu: "Then, right now, go home, buy as many survival supplies as possible, and protect yourself."

As soon as these words came out, several fans fell silent.

Zai Xu looked at their expressions and saw that they seemed to know something, but he didn't ask too much, he just told them, "Don't trust anyone easily, and don't give charity easily, be strong, and live."

The fans were completely silent.

Fans from other places have basically left, and the ones who can still stay in Haicheng to chase Zaixu are naturally from Haicheng.

There are many and varied news on the Internet. In reality, while people are having fun in real time, they are desperately purchasing materials to strengthen their houses.

They saw all these changes and took some countermeasures, but emotionally speaking, no one wanted to believe what might happen next, so they used to paralyze themselves to escape reality.

They never expected Zai Xu to say these words to them.

As a public figure and a star with over [-] million fans, Zai Xu has always been very cautious in his actions and never left any clues to outsiders.

But now he rashly trusts them, he is not afraid of their recording, he is not afraid that they will send what he just said to the media for hype, and he is not afraid that his reputation will be damaged because of this incident, and he will even face a more dangerous and troublesome situation.

The most likely reason why all this is irrelevant is that "survival" is facing great challenges, even the danger of destruction.

Originally, they could still deceive themselves and others, but now that Zai Xu has said so, it's no longer possible to pretend to be crazy.

After a moment of silence, a girl said: "We all know that no matter what happens, we will stay with our family and protect ourselves, Zaixu, you should go home too."

After finishing speaking, the clothes were ripped by another girl, and the girl remembered that the two old people who raised Zai Xu had passed away for many years.

Zaixu has no family.

They were afraid that Zaixu would feel uncomfortable, and just as they wanted to comfort him, Zaixu smiled, "I'm fine, I'll go home, you guys should leave quickly, remember, don't trust anyone."

A few fans retreated reluctantly, leaving Zai Xu's sight step by step.

When Jin Yan and Zhou Xia came over, they could still hear the fans shouting "We will love you forever", and she suddenly felt guilty, "I am not a qualified fan at all, and my liking for Zai Xu is limited to watching his movies and buying a few magazines."

"When you say 'only', do you mean that you bought thousands of movies and gave away hundreds of thousands of movie tickets to buy a whole house?" Jin Yan said expressionlessly.

Zhou Xia: "..."

Is that much?

Zai Xu's voice sounded next to him, "So you are my rich wife fan that fans have been talking about. We meet again. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Zhou Xia became vigilant, "The fans are gone, why are you still here? You are not waiting for us on purpose, are you?"

Zai Xu nodded, "To be exact, I'm waiting for her."

His eyes fell on Jin Yan's face, as if looking at an old friend, and his tone was familiar, "Miss Huo, long time no see."

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