After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 552 I will be the god of death in the last days

Xia Xia, why are you getting smaller?
It's not enough for Jin Yan to mutter, she still needs to pinch it, but she probably forgot that she had done too much work today, her arm was so weak that she couldn't lift it up after a while.

She was very honest, she was too tired, so she simply continued to sleep on her stomach to save energy.

It's rare to see Jin Yan in this state, Zhou Xia thought it was funny, she breathed a sigh of relief, "I was scared to death just now, I thought something was wrong, but I just fell asleep, I got confused from too much sleep, and said I have become smaller."

She called Jin Yan again, and when she wanted to tease her, Lou Di stopped her, "Let her take a rest."

Zhou Xia curled her lips, smiled and closed her hands.

Lou Di whispered in Jinyan's ear: "Yanyan, don't fall asleep, you can go back to the hotel right away, go back and eat something before going to bed."

Jin Yan's ears moved, she turned her head slightly, her expression was blurred and tired, but she looked at him in a strange way, as if she didn't know Lou Di anymore.

"Look, I said I was sleepy." Zhou Xia said casually.

Lou Di just felt distressed, "I'm too tired, you sit with her for a while, we'll be fine soon..."

"Don't worry about it, I'll clean it up here tonight. Let's go back to the hotel now. Jin Yan and Xia Xia are very tired. We won't go out for dinner today. We'll go back to the hotel to eat some, so we can rest earlier." Mu Lan said.

Lou Di: "That's exactly what I mean."

He and Zhou Xia helped Jin Yan into the car and sat down, then went back to find Zai Xu.

Zhou Xia fastened Jin Yan's seat belt, and suddenly, Jin Yan called out to Brother Mu.

The voice was still familiar to them all, but the tone was completely different from usual, instead it seemed very surprised.

Mu Lan looked back at Jin Yan, "What's wrong?"

Jin Yan also looked at him, but his expression was somewhat thought-provoking, as if he was looking at someone through him.

A few seconds later, she confirmed, "It's great that you're fine."

Mu Lan was slightly startled, and a look of confusion flashed in her eyes.

When did something happen to him?
But Jin Yan didn't answer his doubts. She might be really too tired, and fell asleep leaning on the chair in the blink of an eye.

Mu Lan was still frowning, thinking about the meaning of that sentence, and Zhou Xia, who was used to it, had already taken out her mobile phone and edited the news.

"Are you sending a message to Professor Liu?" Mu Lan asked.

Zhou Xia nodded while typing, "Yeah, sometimes Jin Yan would say some incomprehensible words, I have encountered them twice, maybe seeing that we played well, Uncle Huo, Aunt Liu and the others trusted me, so let me tell them the original words and Jin Yan's status after hearing strange words."

Mu Lan: "When did this start?"

Zhou Xia glanced at him, "I've only known Jin Yan for a few years, and I only discovered this problem two years ago, and I only reported the news to Aunt Liu twice."

After a pause, she warned Mu Lan, "Don't tell Jinyan about this, she doesn't seem to know that she has this kind of situation, I'm afraid I'll scare her if I tell her. In addition, my behavior of secretly sending messages to Uncle Huo and Aunt Liu is not a betrayal of Jinyan, let alone our friendship. I did it to protect Jinyan!"

Mu Lan couldn't laugh or cry when she heard that, "You little sisters are stronger than Jin Jian, who doesn't know? Don't worry, I just want to know about Jin Yan's situation, so what did she say the previous two times?"

Zhou Xia suddenly became vigilant, she smiled politely, and the cousin in front of her instantly became more suspicious than Zaixu in her eyes.

Zhou Xia: "Cousin, it's not that I won't tell you, but I can't."

Mu Lan: "You really can't tell?"

Zhou Xia nodded, "It's better than gold, I promised Uncle Huo and the others, I won't break my promise!"

Mu Lan was just curious, and didn't want to know now.

Seeing that Zhou Xia was so determined, she stopped asking.

After a while, Zaixu and Lou Di came out, and after locking the door, the group left the villa.

As soon as the car arrived outside the hotel, a person rushed out in front of him. In desperation, Mu Lan hurriedly turned the steering wheel.

When the car stopped, the drowsy Zhou Xia and Lou Di woke up, except Jin Yan who was in a deep sleep and didn't move at all.

"Cousin, why did you drive the car, Jin Yan's head hit the window!" Zhou Xia complained, and quickly got up to check Jin Yan's situation.

Seeing a hand in front of Jin Yan's side face, she froze for a moment, then turned to look for the owner of the hand.

Shirt, dark green, isn't this Zaixu's clothes?

She thought it was Lou Di!

Prime Minister?

Zhou Xia spit out these two words silently. The latter was expressionless, and withdrew his hand after making sure that the car had stopped.

As for whether his hand was hurt by the impact just now, he obviously didn't care.

"How is Jin Yan? Where is the injury?" Mu Lan asked.

Zhou Xia: "It's okay, why are you making a sudden turn."

Mu Lan breathed a sigh of relief, then turned cold again, "Look out by yourself."

Zhou Xia was puzzled. Just as she was about to lower the car window, she saw a familiar figure. She was shocked and said, "Li Dong?"

The next second, Zhou Xia was furious, she opened the car door and got out.

Looking at Li Dong who looked so cute and pitiful a few steps away, Zhou Xia cursed angrily, "Li Dong, is there something wrong with you? If you come out to stop a car at night, who will be to blame if you hit you to death?"

She said that her cousin was so good at driving, why did he suddenly turn a corner, it turned out that there was a roadblock.

"Xia Xia, listen to my explanation, I didn't mean to stop the car..."

Zhou Xia listened with sarcasm, "What do you want to say, you didn't do it on purpose, you have difficulties, your ID was robbed, you are penniless, you can't go back to Central City, you don't want us both, are these reasons enough?"

Li Dong: "..."

Zhou Xia continued to output at a high intensity, while Mu Lan stepped on the accelerator and drove directly past Li Dong into the hotel.

Li Dong was still defending himself, but when he saw the car passing by, he was stunned.

Mu Lan, what are you doing?
Does he ignore Zhou Xia?
"What are you looking at? You stopped the car because you wanted to talk to me. Tell me, while I'm still a little patient, hurry up and finish talking at once." Zhou Xia said.

The car has gone away, but she can't get in the hotel, Li Dong is not reconciled, but can only look away, "Xia Xia, Jin Yan..."

Zhou Xia's face darkened, and he said impatiently, "I asked you to talk, but I didn't ask you to mention Jinyan. If you don't tell me, I'll leave."

Just as Li Dong was about to speak, there were hurried footsteps behind her, and before she could react, she was slapped heavily on the face.

Lou Di put down his hands, looked at her with a cold expression, and said coldly, "Don't you know the word 'get out'? I told you to get out, which means that you should never show up again. Is this sentence so difficult to understand?"

His sudden attack shocked even Zhou Xia, let alone Li Dong who was slapped.

And Lou Di took another step forward, grabbing Li Dong's neck.

He said: "I don't care what you are planning, but if you try to get close to her again, I will kill you."

Ask for a ticket ~ good night

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