After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 562 I will be the god of death in the last days

After the "sound of rain", Lou Di was silent for a moment, then walked out without a sound.

Zhou Xia figured out Ye Liting's "identity" and didn't continue to doubt anything, but after all, she had been with Lou Di for a long time and had a good relationship, so she snorted at Ye Liting and ran out to comfort Lou Di.

And Mu Lan asked: "So you showed up at Professor Huo's training camp not to receive training, but to meet Jinyan?"

Ye Liting smiled bitterly, "At that time, my memory was often confused. I saw her the day before, but when I woke up, I would forget everything. I had to write down what I did every day and write it down. Use photos and videos, find bystanders and witnesses, find everyone who can prove that I know her..."

"If I remember correctly, Jin Yan is in the same situation as you," Mu Lan said.

He was taken to Central City by his aunt after his mother died, and then sent him to study with Professor Huo based on his relationship with Professor Huo.

Jinyan was often ill when she was a child, and she had to stay in the laboratory every now and then, but as soon as she recovered a little and left the laboratory, he and a few other children would go to talk with her, and it was at that time that he found Jinyan There seems to be something wrong with the memory.

He was afraid that something would happen to Jinyan, so he told Professor Huo about his discovery.

Later, Professor Huo also said that this is a very important matter, and he cannot tell outsiders. He knew that Professor Huo and the others had actually discovered this problem a long time ago, so since then he pretended that nothing happened, and never mentioned it again. over this.

Ye Liting did not deny it.

He said, "Yes."

It's just that none of them knew what happened to them at that time, and why their memories kept making mistakes.

But slowly he understood.

The extra memory is also his personal experience.

Mu Lan nodded to show that she understood, "I'm done asking my questions, you guys talk, don't fight, I'm going out first."

He left space for Ye Liting and Zai Xu, and closed the door behind him.

After walking two steps, I felt something blocking my feet. I looked down and saw that it was Xue Ling whose nose was blue and face was swollen and his face was swollen into dough.

Mu Lan sighed, squatted down, and kindly checked Xue Ling's injury, "Do you need to deal with it? I'll help you find the medicine box."

Xue Ling: "Thank you! Brother Mu is still good. Those two who just left were so angry that they couldn't see me."

Mu Lan grabbed his arm and dragged him to a spacious place, like dragging a dead dog.

But Xue Ling didn't refute anything.

Mu Li found the medicine box, and while disinfecting it for him, she said, "You don't need to thank me, I just think you're too ugly like this, it's really unsightly."

Xue Ling: "..."

Who said that getting along with Young Master Mu is like a spring breeze?

You should really wash your eyes!
You should also download an anti-fraud center App!

On the other side, Zai Xu looked at Ye Liting, who had already regarded himself as the "protagonist", and asked, "When did you wake up?"

Ye Liting: "The night before yesterday, how about you?"

Zai Xu: "Two days earlier than you."

Ye Liting chuckled, "That's really a pity."

Zai Xu: "Yeah, what a pity, I was reborn earlier than you and walked to Jinyan's side earlier, but I still seem to be a lifetime late."

Ye Liting corrected him, "Wrong, I was earlier than you."

As early as when he was ignorant and ignorant, and couldn't even tell what the two different memories in his mind were, that him already existed.

He added: "You are not a lifetime late, you are two lifetimes late."

These words were enough to pierce my heart, but Zai Xu seemed to be unresponsive, with a calm expression, "How do you know that you will still win in this life?"

"We have a marriage contract." Ye Liting said.

Zai Xu: "The marriage contract cannot bind Jin Yan, she is not bound by anyone or anything."

Ye Liting: "But she loves me."

Zai Xu was silent for a moment, "If it wasn't for you, she would still fall in love with me."

Ye Liting sneered, "But you don't dare to let her know that you like her, you only dare to hide behind Uncle Huo and watch her secretly, don't you?"

Zai Xu: "That happened a long time ago, I don't confess, I just don't want her to have any burden, I hope she can be happy."

Ye Liting: "Then please maintain this fine character, and it is best not to open your mouth in this life."

Zai Xu: "Sorry, I may not be able to do it."

It took him two lifetimes to really walk in front of Jin Yan, and he hasn't done anything yet, so why should he give up?
Ye Liting: "It's too early to say these things, wait for Yan Yan to wake up, she will tell you how to choose."

Zai Xu: "I thought so too."

Outside the door, Zhou Xia pressed her ear tightly against the crack of the door, trying to hear what was being said clearly, but Mu Lan grabbed her ear and took her away.

Zhou Xia quickly saved her ears, "What are you doing, cousin?"

Mu Lan, "Didn't you go to find Lou Di?"

Zhou Xia sighed, "He said he was fine, he came up after going down to get some air, and he didn't need me to accompany him. When I came up, Xue Ling went down, and he said he was the best at enlightening people."

But she felt that with Xue Ling's broken mouth, asking him to enlighten Lou Di was undoubtedly stabbing Lou Di in the heart.

Zhou Xia wanted to eavesdrop again, but was still held back by Mu Lan.

"I'll just listen to it, and I don't do anything. The two of them are in a state of arrogance and sparks when they meet. I'm afraid they will fight for a while and then make Jinyan rest." Zhou Xia said.

Mu Lan ruthlessly exposed her true face, "If you want to hear gossip, just tell it, don't make excuses."

Zhou Xia: "Then I'll listen to gossip, okay?"

Mu Lan: "No."

Zhou Xia: "..."

She doesn't want this cousin anymore, whoever wants to give it to whomever she likes!

At this time, the door of the room opened.

Zai Xu and Ye Liting came out one after the other. What is rare is that they seem to be calm on the surface, and there is even a very harmonious feeling between them.

Zhou Xia murmured, "This must be my illusion."

She thought the two would fight.

As a result, this is it?
As if Mu Lan had guessed this development, he poured a glass of red wine for the two, "What's next?"

Ye Liting shook the red wine glass in his hand, and said slowly: "Pack up supplies, go north."

Zai Xu didn't speak.

In his previous life, he was splashed with strong acid by Yun Hanye at the road show, and his body was severely burned in several places. He spent a lot of time in the hospital for treatment. When the apocalypse happened, he was still in the hospital.

Later, Haicheng was flooded, and the epidemic and corpses broke out at the same time. When he was leaving, he met Yun Hanye and his party. Yun Hanye, who had already activated his supernatural power, almost killed him. Professor Huo who came to look for his daughter rescued him. He, he has been following Professor Huo ever since.

This is the reason why he came to Jin Yan after his rebirth.

No matter what happens, this time he will stay by Jinyan's side and protect her from any harm until she is safely handed over to Professor Huo and his wife.

The fly in the ointment is that Ye Liting was also reborn.

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