After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 566 I will be the god of death in the last days

In the face of a catastrophe, hurting the spring and autumn is the most useless thing.

After Jinyan went out, he worked with Zaixu and Xue Ling to deal with the stagnant water in the house.

Xue Ling was afraid that she would be tired, so he stopped her from doing it.

Zai Xu was handed the mop to Jin Yan, "Use this one, it's lighter, it's easy to use."

The sound of rain cascading down like a waterfall is no longer a white noise that can calm people down, but a terrible news.

Over time, people will only become more and more irritable until they go crazy.

Jin Yan went to sweep the water in her room, Xue Ling said puzzledly: "The Best Film King, I've never seen a person like you who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade."

Zai Xu smiled, "She doesn't need others to pity her."

In his previous life, Jin Yan's lethality alone was more terrifying than his and Ye Liting's combined, so some people said that Jin Yan was the killing god in their team, and they were all bad boys.

There is nothing wrong with this statement.

When he was dying, it was Huo Biao who rescued him, and he followed Huo Biao all the time. After arriving in Xicheng, they stayed at the base that Huo Biao had built over the years, and usually Jinyan could solve it with his spiritual power. Usually, they won't let them do anything.

His little boy is worthy of his name.

Xue Ling couldn't understand Zai Xu's thoughts, so he buried his head in his work.

Zai Xu was looking for a new mop, but as soon as he arrived at the corridor, he bumped into people from other guest rooms making trouble.

A pair of elegantly dressed couples are bossing around and scolding the staff.

"I don't care about the reasons you said, what's the matter with the rain, what's the matter with the torrential rain, hasn't it rained before? Why is there a leak this time? Anyway, I'm going to put the words here, don't you hurry up and talk about the leaking problem. Solve it, I will complain to you..."

When these words came out, the other guest couldn't help laughing.

Standing opposite was a woman in a long skirt, who said directly: "I said auntie, don't just talk and do nothing, you should go and complain and see if anyone is willing to talk to you."

In this kind of horrible weather and such a terrible atmosphere, the staff are still willing to stick to their jobs and treat them as customers, which is very rare.

These two people have lived a long time, but they don't have a long brain at all, and they can't even understand what is going on now.

What a waste of time.

"What are you daring to teach me? Do you know who I am? I'm Xiangcheng..."

Before the words were finished, a red thing squirmed and flew towards the old woman, and successfully made intimate contact with the old woman's lips.

The old woman was startled, and reflexively wanted to push the thing away, but she somehow hooked the thing to her wrist. When she tried to shake it away, the thing seemed to have eyes, and it was interspersed with her fingers. In between, he wrapped her even tighter.

So there was a picture of the old woman bungee jumping on the spot, spinning all over the ground, and her screams like killing a pig spread throughout the hotel in an instant.

The woman who completed the prank clapped her hands and explained to herself: "I just picked up an earthworm when I went downstairs. I don't know why the rain has any miraculous effect. The earthworms in the water have been injected with hormones." Like medicine, the reminder looks a lot more inflated."

"Apart from earthworms, what else?" Zai Xu asked.

The woman recognized him a long time ago, but she didn't expect a celebrity to be so calm in such a situation.

She said: "That's too much. I'm not a student of biology. I can't recognize it. It's weird anyway. Many unrecognizable creatures in the water are almost all this kind of wriggling. Compared with them, earthworms are the most inhumane." It's bad."

The couple was still fighting with the earthworms, but the woman had seen enough of the show. Before she left, she asked, "Is the actor alone?"

Zai Xu paused and shook his head.

The woman said that she knew it, hesitated for a moment, and said: "I exercise all the year round, and I also love outdoor survival training. If so, call me before you leave, I won't let you down."

In such a situation, the possibility of one person going out and dying is too high. In order to reduce the risk, it is better to find a team to act together.

Zai Xu didn't expect her to say this, he didn't say yes or no, he just reminded the other party, "Don't trust anyone easily, even your former family and friends."

Such a situation will infinitely magnify the dark side of a person's heart, and only by maintaining the greatest vigilance can he survive.

"Thank you." The woman didn't insist on getting Zai Xu to agree to her request, and left after speaking.

After the woman left, Zai Xu got a new mop.

When he returned to the room, the living room was empty, with a shallow layer of water on the floor, and the three of them moved chairs and sat in front of the balcony, watching the torrential rain outside.

Zai Xu walked over slowly, stood on the right side of Jin Yan, and heard Zhou Xia say: "When will this rain go? Someone poked a hole in the sky, right? If it continues like this, I'm worried." Sea levels have to rise.”

Xue Ling said coolly, "How do you know that the sea level hasn't risen?"

"You know, have you tested it?" Zhou Xia said.

Xue Ling: "It doesn't matter? The climate is warming, glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. It's written in textbooks, let alone the torrential rain this summer, especially in the past month. Will it go up?"

Zhou Xia: "Oh, you are really smart."

Xue Ling: "..."

The two primary school students were bickering, while Jin Yan asked Zai Xu, "Have you seen Yun Hanye since you came back?"

Zai Xu nodded, "I met, but he is a bit strange, it doesn't seem like..."

"Different from us?" Jin Yan said.

Zai Xu: "Yes."

Judging from Yun Hanye's behavior of buying supplies with a loan, he knew that the end of the world was coming, and he should have been reborn, but he seemed to have lost part of his memory.

If this Yun Hanye was the same Yun Hanye from his previous life, then he would definitely remember the enmity that Jin Yan and him died together, and after rebirth, besides hoarding supplies, he would definitely seek revenge from Jin Yan.

After all, Jin Yan was the biggest obstacle on his way to becoming emperor, and the one who pulled him down from the altar.

But Yun Hanye has always been doing things related to collecting supplies, even if Jinyan is in Haicheng, Yun Hanye has never seen him do anything to Jinyan.

Here's the weirdness.

Zai Xu couldn't figure it out, but an idea flashed through Jin Yan's mind.

If the 1.0 world is the real world, then Yun Hanye's reborn 2.0 world is a new copy after the program has been changed. its purpose.

The restart of this 3.0 world is based on the premise that in the 2.0 world, she exhausted her mental power and died with Yun Hanye, but Yun Hanye lost the most critical memory.

Could it be that at the end of the 2.0 world, she had already broken the shackles set by the world consciousness, so now the plot is going to get back on track again?

Ask for tickets~()

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