After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 568 I will be the god of death in the last days

As Xue Ling said, the dinner prepared by the hotel today is indeed very simple. At first glance, it makes people feel like they have returned to the school cafeteria.

Some people lost their temper at the staff when they saw that the dishes were simple and there was no seafood feast they wanted.

A young man beside him said: "Brother Li, don't scold me. In the current situation, the rain does not know how long it will take. Even if it stops at night, the road conditions will not return to normal in a while, and the hotel has limited food. For long-term planning, it must be simpler, at this time, everyone should be considerate."

Unexpectedly, "Brother Li" was furious, "I have already paid for the hotel before booking, and they should give me the best service, but now they are fooling me with these pig food, why?"

After a pause, he suddenly turned his head to look at Jin Yan, "Miss Huo, you were raised by Huo Dong in his palm, can you bear this grievance?"

Jin Yan raised his head and glanced at him, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Just as Xue Ling was about to get up, Zai Xu grabbed him.

It was not Xue Ling's turn to make a move.

At this time, a pair of good-looking men and women walked in at the door.

The woman was wearing tights, and the curves of her whole body were fully exposed under the wrapping of the tights. Her big wavy curly hair added a bit of intellectual beauty to her.

Many men present stared at her when they saw her, and the women also showed expressions of amazement or envy.

But the woman completely ignored the eyes around her. She walked straight up to the man with a soft and charming tone, but said mercilessly, "Pig food? I'm going to lose my life, so why don't you want to eat it? Are you willing to give it to me at this time?" It’s good for you to cook, if you don’t want to eat, just get out, don’t disturb other people’s meals.”

"What did you say? You bitch—"

"You know what the last guy who pointed the finger at me like that and called me a slut is doing now?"

She asked and answered, "I chopped that man into more than 30 pieces and fed them to the sharks."

The man was taken aback for a moment, and just as he was about to continue cursing, his wrist was grabbed.

The next second, the man shouted.


No one saw clearly what the woman did, but as the man screamed, everyone saw that his wrist had been seriously twisted.

Apparently, his wrist was broken.

The man's face was pale from the pain, his head was sweating profusely, and he couldn't even speak, but the woman clapped her hands in distaste, turned around and said to the staff: "Bring some of each dish, and put the soup on top of the rice." Pour."

The person in charge of cooking directly ordered the largest portion of each dish for her.

Some people in the restaurant saw it and felt unbalanced, but the example of severed hands was right in front of them, and they didn't dare to provoke women.

After the woman walked by, the man standing behind her stepped forward and punched the man in pain again.

This punch hit the man's face, but after the fist left, the man spat out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the bloodstains on the floor, the man frowned, gave a "tsk" in disgust, and asked the staff where the mop was.

The staff had already gone to get the mop, so the man picked up the man's collar, threw it out of the restaurant, and mopped the floor clean.

After this incident, all the people who had great opinions on the dinner were too frightened to show any expressions of dissatisfaction, for fear that they would be the next one to be beaten.

Just when everyone was guessing where the two would sit, they walked straight to Jinyan's table.

"Do these two people think that they are invincible because of their skills, and even dare to provoke Miss Huo? Huo Biao knows that and can tear them to pieces."

"Is it possible that they are Huo Biao's people?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he saw the two people put their dinner plates on the empty seats at Jin Yan's table.

Everyone: "..."

So, are these two ruthless characters really from the Huo family?

The person they were afraid of stood in front of Jin Yan respectfully.


"Brother Lei, Sister Mei, long time no see."

After simply saying hello, Jin Yan didn't ask why they showed up so late, and hurriedly asked them to eat now.

Lei Ke let out a "hmm", sat down and began to eat.

Yu Mei coughed, and there was no longer any trace of coldness on her face, but rather naive, "Miss, I'm actually not very hungry."

"Stand still for a few seconds, you glanced at your meal three times." Jin Yan said.

Yu Mei: "..."

She coughed again, "Actually, it's just that I haven't eaten all day. Speaking of which, I'm still a little hungry, so I won't be polite. I'll eat first."

After saying this, she sat down, and within a few dozen seconds, her plate was almost empty, which showed that she was very hungry.

Her astonishing eating speed stunned Zhou Xia and many others.

When Yu Mei put down her chopsticks, many people still hadn't recovered.

It was just that she looked over with one look, and her strong desire to survive forced those people to look away.

"Sister Mei, are you full? Let's have some more." Jin Yan said.

Yu Mei shook her head, "I eat faster, but I don't eat much, not at all."

Looking at her already empty dinner plate, and thinking about the towering meal she brought over, everyone fell silent.

Yu Mei didn't seem to notice the other people's hesitant expressions, she stared at Jin Yan intently, "Miss, eat more, you look thin, and Professor Liu will feel distressed when he sees it."

Lei Ke also put down his chopsticks at this time. He was very elegant. After wiping his mouth, he put the dinner plate back to its original place, returned to his seat, and said, "Mr. Huo feels even more distressed."

other people:"……"

Dong Huo and his wife are famous for their love for their daughter, but is there any comparison between them?
What Yu Mei said next proved their guess.

"The child is a piece of meat that falls out of the mother's stomach. The mother is worried about the child who travels a long way. Of course, Professor Liu is more distressed." Yu Mei said.

Lei Ke: "Mr. Huo is a father, and his father's love is like a mountain. Mr. Huo is the one who loves me the most."

Some people around watched them bickering, as if they had seen a ghost, as if they were saying that such a murderous and ruthless character had such a childish side.

Zhou Xia lightly poked Jin Yan's arm, "Your cold and glamorous bodyguards don't have such personalities in private, do they?"

Jin Yan: "Don't you think they are cute?"

Zhou Xia: "Cute."

Who doesn't like cute contrasts!

Soon Jinyan and the others finished their meal, and just as they were about to leave, there was a loud noise in the dining room.

Those floor-to-ceiling glass turned into a pile of glass slag under the impact of the strong wind.

Strong winds of more than ten levels mixed with heavy rain poured down. The huge rain curtain blocked people's sight, and only some tables, chairs and people could be vaguely seen, like napkins without weight, being slammed into all directions by the wind and rain. His head was bleeding and his body was covered in cuts and bruises.

In the blink of an eye, the restaurant changed into what it looked like after the typhoon passed through.

@Everyone lovely reader little angel: There are still many planes that have not been written, and the story is still long~
good night

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