After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 575 I will be the god of death in the last days

Chapter 575 I will be the god of death in the last days (45)

Jin Yan had no impression of Fang Qian at all.

But Zhou Xia, who often walks in the front line of eating melons, is too familiar with Fang Qian.

Zhou Xia complained: "She still has the nerve to mention your birthday. She hates that day the most. Everyone is happily singing birthday songs. She is crying, as if you are the vicious female partner who replaced her life. Same, stared at you a lot, and then deliberately stepped on the rose, so the family left early."

Then she praised Ye Liting and Zaixu's behavior fiercely, "Not bad, you two, your eyes have demon mirrors, and you were not deceived by her disguise. Otherwise, if you let her stay with us, even if you don't get killed, you will Disgusted by her."

Just as he was talking, there was another knock on the door.

Mu Lan got up and went to the door, opened a small gap, saw that it was a girl, and subconsciously glanced at Zaixu and the others.

Could this girl be that Fang Qian?

"Hello, I'm looking for Huo Jinyan, my name is Fang Qian."

Mu Lan: "..."

Is Xia Xia's mouth open?
Say Fang Qian, and Fang Qian will come.

Fang Qian came up this time and said frankly: "I'm sorry to bother you, I know that I have done a lot of wrong things in the past, but I have reformed myself, and I have compensated those victims. I am really not the old me. Please, for my own sake, let me be with you."

Mu Lan said lightly: "Sorry, I can't make the decision."

Fang Qian: "I know, so I asked Huo Jinyan. Now everyone is checking for infected people. Someone on the ninth floor heard that he had strange symptoms. I am really scared by myself. I want to be with you... "

Just after finishing speaking, Zhou Xia came over, "Impossible, don't dream, get out!"

Fang Qian: "Zhou Xia, we are still classmates..."

"The classmate who pushed me into the water? Or the classmate who spread rumors that I cheated? Or the classmate who envied my popularity and made up stories to make everyone misunderstand me?" Zhou Xia asked.

Mu Lan didn't expect this to happen again, and his face turned cold when he heard the first sentence, "Miss Fang, you should be thankful that I am still a person who abides by the bottom line of law and morality, otherwise, what you did to my cousin I will also teach you a lesson that you will never forget."

Zhou Xia said impatiently: "Cousin, what are you talking about with her, close the door, I'm tired of seeing her."

Mu Lan was also obedient, and immediately closed the door.

Fang Qian was anxious to break in, but her nose hit the door panel.

After a while, someone's stomach growled, and Mu Lan said, "You guys stay in the room. I'll go to the dining room and bring breakfast back."

"No need, Xue Ling and the others will bring it when they come back." Ye Liting said.

Mu Lan looked out the window, "I don't know when the rain will stop. I'm worried that the basement of the villa will be flooded."

Ye Liting: "Don't worry, if it rains like this, you will definitely be flooded."

Mu Lan: "..."

Ye Liting: "I'm just joking."

Mu Lan: "..."

This joke is too cold.

After half an hour, Jin Yan felt drowsy again, but suddenly opened his eyes, "Here we come."

"What's coming?" Zhou Xia said.

Jin Yan: "Breakfast."

Zhou Xia asked strangely, "Where, why didn't I hear it?"

After more than a minute, Xue Ling and the others came back.

Lei Ke said: "Miss, we have sealed the samples, and the bodies of those people have been processed, but this is not a place to stay for a long time. Mr. Huo said before that if we can't contact him, let us go directly north West City, someone will meet us along the way."

Jin Yan took a bite of the steaming steamed stuffed bun, her cheeks puffed up, and she said, "I know, when the rain subsides and the water on the road clears, we'll set off right away."

"Eat first, and then we'll talk about it after we're done." Ye Liting saw how cute her bulging face was, so she couldn't help poking her with her hand.

When he wanted to make a second move, Zai Xu stopped him.

After breakfast, the rain subsided a bit, and Mu Lan said she wanted to go to the villa to have a look, but the premise was to change the waterlogging situation, otherwise the flood on the road would not be dealt with, and even if the car would turn off, it would still be impossible to get out of Haicheng.

But in such a big sea city, with so many roads, so much stagnant water, and so many clogged drains waiting to be cleaned up, he alone can't do it.

So everyone started to split up.

Ye Liting took his men and Mu Lanloudi to clear the road, leaving Jin Yan and Zhou Xia behind, and Zai Xu was responsible for protecting them.

But this plan was rejected by Zhou Xia as soon as it was put forward.

"Don't look at me as a child and think I'm useless. I can still do what you can do. Otherwise, when you encounter more dangerous situations in the future and you are too busy to get away, Do you want me to stand there like a waste and wait for everyone to protect me? I don't want to hold you back, and I want to go with you." Zhou Xia said.

Everyone else looked at Mu Lan, waiting for him, the older brother, to make a decision.

Mu Lan smiled, "Since you insist, then you take some protective equipment and join me."

Zhou Xia nodded happily, "Okay, but what about Jin Yan..."

Jin Yan: "Sister Lei Gemei and I are going to check the supplies, and we will help out nearby when we are done, and we will meet at the hotel then."

After parting, Jin Yan and Lei Ke went to the garage, while Zai Xu Ye Liting and his party left the hotel directly.

"These three cars were refitted by Mr. Huo himself, and they were transported to Haicheng by the sky the day after the eldest lady arrived in Haicheng..."

"You were in Haicheng then?" Jin Yan asked.

Reco shook his head, "The two of us were on a mission at the time."

Yu Mei also introduced the supplies in the second car and the medicines in the third car, various medicines for trauma and internal injuries, antibiotic globulin and anti-inflammatory drugs, almost everything they could think of was ready.

Sitting in the car, Jin Yan imagined how his parents would feel when they put every medicine in that position, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

From the car to the materials to the manpower, the parents have made complete preparations, so it's no wonder they let her come out with confidence.

After counting the things, the three of Jin Yan also left the hotel.

However, when they left the hotel, they ran into people who had been watching the excitement before. When they heard that they were going to deal with the garbage that blocked the drain, they all seemed to be listening to some joke.

Some people "kindly" persuaded them, "Miss Huo, how long will you guys be able to clean up such a big sea city? As for the garbage that clogs the sewer pipes, people from the slums will naturally deal with it. Grab a job? If you feel bored in the room, why not play cards with us, anyway, the rain will stop sooner or later, and the flood will recede."

Jin Yan: "Then you just wait to die."

The man's face was ugly when he heard this, and he said unconvinced: "How can you say that, we don't care, someone will take care of it, why bother to dirty your hands."

Jin Yan: "So, you deserve to die."

(End of this chapter)

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